High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Sadly, that’s likely…but it’s going to be seriously disappointing.

You know, with the lack of resolution for Night Elves, I might be very naive but it feels like there’s a lot of possibility for 9.0. We have known for a while that Blizz has considered their BfA story more or less resolved, but obviously there hasn’t been a conclusion to their whole ordeal, which would be perfect as material for a new expansion.

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Anduin talking about Tyrande being consumed by vengeance is what has me worried about them turning her into a villain, and all because she wants the people who murdered everyone on Teldrassil to be held accountable for it.

They are good at doing this sort of thing to alliance characters. Like Jaina being portrayed as unreasonable when she had finally been back stabbed too many times and put her foot down. I had hope because of her warbringers video but then she became all about peace again.

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Except there would be no measure of how many are left and we can still point out the specific groups that would likely never become Void Elves.

Realistically how many would want to have Voices in their head for no good reason? The wouldn’t consume mana warms or use fel so why would they just go to Void?

It just doesn’t work on paper and all it is is an attempt to shut High Elf fans up, not make them happy.

I doubt they would do that much effort for spite.

The most they will do is say Void Elves are recruiting some from Void Elves and Blood Elves so they never have to touch on any numbers from any group again.

And TBH recruiting only select individuals willing to learn makes more sense when your entire thing is not going insane.

Aside from a Void Apocalypse in Silvermoon/The Sunwell.


Yeah, that would be bad enough that it wouldn’t even surprise me.

…did you not understand a single word I typed?

Honestly we are overdue with an Alliance leader not agreeing with Anduin; and I’m glad Tyrande has every reason for it. Like do I fear they will just make her evil? yeah, this is Blizzard! But there are just so many possibilities for this being a renaissance for Night Elves under their own terms.

I’m literally referring to the notion of MOST HE’s becoming VE’s. That’s the point. Again, i’m talking about the possibility of Blizz using the opportunity to end the HE discussion. They can literally go “now the remaining HE’s are barely a hundred” They can literally just say that.

If it’s framed as a selfless act to help save Azeroth lead by Alleria and Vereesa? It could be most, or a lot.

Well, yeah it would be for that, maybe with a slight bone thrown. And given they already made VE’s, I doubt they’d consider actually making something with the High Elves spite.

This just brings up the whole idea of Void Elves being poorly planed; So it really seems possible for Blizzard to start downplaying the negative effects of it all, or to make it safer to simply explain WHY more elves would be okay with going through it.

Like the only way to make VE’s a viable population is making easier for elves to become so.

Or yeah, another mass cathastrophe.

Void Elves are a narrative mess.


True, it could be a way for night elves to get back to their roots and become savage again. This character is ready for that.

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Can you not understand what I was saying? I’m sorry shall I dumb it down for you? Blood Elves are High Elves.

First off High Elves “who didn’t leave the Alliance” don’t exist. High Elves never joined the Alliance. They cooperated with them when it suited them. Uh oh. High Elves that didn’t change their name to Blood Elves are so few, you could never justify it. Over 90% of the High Elves changed their names to Blood Elves.

What does this mean little dense Human? Even if you did justify 10% of the High Elves joining the Alliance (an alliance that often is racist against High Elves) you would have all the same racials and abilities. Because:

Blood Elves are High Elves.

perhaps if they made multiple factions, based on their predominate qualities. for example, a faction composed of undead races, then san’layn would qualify as the prettier side of the undead.

undead races - undead, dark rangers?, san’layn?

nature races - tauren, elves, trolls, vulpera?

tech races - gnomes, goblins, draenei, mechagnomes?

home and hearth races - humans, orcs, dwarves, pandarens, kul’tirans

cursed races - worgen, naga? (these guys would, by necessity, be the enemies of the undead faction), any other ideas?

theoretically, the curse concept could work for blood cursed races that weren’t cured, though naga could be employed as somewhat decursed, and similar to worgen, only temp shift into naga form if in combat.

since elves would generally fall under the heading of nature based races, that would include high elves. that’d be one popular faction.

Except there’s no realistic way that could ever happen.

Why would Shopkeepers and Venders and Parents with Children want to be Voided.

Not to mention Blizzard doesn’t do hard numbers, made an “Elite Crack Squad” a race, and made a “Brink of Extinction” race in Vanilla. And listed Draenei in the Hundreds.

If say, ever group save the High Vale became Void Elves, we would ask for Highvale. They can just make them any amount left they want and they would still be potential to become a race.

It wouldn’t end anything.

Which is another bad thing. Watering down Void Elves to make High Elf fans happy and telling VE fans their race needs to be less like their key features.

How did that work for Night Elves? lol


everyone knows this.
the argument isnt about the race of high elves.
but the group of high elves who still call themselves high elves. blood elves no longer call themselves high elves. this should be a macro’ed comment.


There are actually a significant number of High Elves that are allied with Alliance factions and are against the Horde and their Blood Elven kin. To say they do not exist is a lie. Compared to some of the other allied races on both Alliance and Horde, the High Elves have larger numbers, more so than some. Level as an Alliance, do all the quests, and explore all the zones. We have seen Alliance High Elves and their territories across Azeroth. Friendly with the Alliance and hostile with the Horde. Like an allied race, there can be a quest where we gather all the separate groups of High Elves, have them combine their forces, and officially join the Alliance, like the Dark Irons that have been a part of the Alliance for a few years and have been given an official recognition.


It’s likely that if High elves DO get “voided” it’s going to be something like when Alleria almost corrupted the Sunwell. It will be beyond the void elves control as the void will use them as vessels to channel, and corrupt their surroundings, and the most susceptible to magic corruption are elves.

The nearby high elves will be consumed by the void in a very similar fashion that the blood elves were when Alleria intervened, and it will likely lead to the void elves doing the same to save the high elves from being completely destroyed by the void. The high elves that were consumed would likely be thankful for being saved, and much like the forsaken learn to cope with the whispers, and what it means to be a void elf.

Yes, we all know the “argument” is “Give us High elves (more) because we want them”


correct. :sunglasses:


not interested. already have void elves and blood elves. more, is just more. i want playable high elves, or just traditional, non-drow elves. slender, graceful, musical, yes, that is what i want…

/looks off dreamily

flips blonde hair

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been there, done that. :grin:
(shh, dont tell anyone but you’re drow)

blinks golden eyes

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