High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Let’s see how datamining goes. I don’t think Blizzard is encrypting things now, so in the coming hours we may get some story tidbits.

I’d still prefer if they all just become referred to as just plain “elves”, with the choice of ren’dorei, sin’dorei, or quel’dorei skins.

“Don’t lose hope”.

I still think some new customization options may be added to reflect high elves converting, if that indeed happens.

What racial would fit every elf?

Forget about High Elves, there’s a new market in collecting mechagnome salt! We need those Lithium Salts for batteries!


If the faction barriers do come down, and Quel’thalas is considered a neutral state, it would open up some interesting possibilities.

Earlier I suggested that if the void elves somehow “void” the high elves, that some might flee back to Quel’thalas now that it’s no longer a Horde capital, and settle back in their homeland, allowing players to choose whether or not their “Thalassian” elf is a Blood, or high elf.

I don’t think that will ever happen. Truce, diplomacy and such? Yes. But breaking faction barriers entirely would require too much effort system-wise.

Why do people keep talking about Blood Elves like they aren’t High Elves? Their eyes changed color due to, first fel corruption, and second, Golden due to the Sunwell’s influence. The name Blood Elves is what nearly all High Elves decided to call themselves to honor their fallen brethren. To have playable High Elves on Alliance for whatever reason, they would be exactly the same as Blood Elves. There is zero disputing that.

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Hey, I like dramas.

Well the fact is there are so many groups there will still be High Elves and people will still want them.

Highvale are Light Worshipers. SC are from Dalaran and they dislike Void.

All the leaves is Allerian Stronghold and portions of Stormwind.

So the best case for this happening is Alleria’s old group. Which would make the most sense of any voluntary conversion. Not that there is any reason to become a Void Elf anyway.

The one that makes the most sense for involuntary conversion is the old gods going after the Sunwell and Voiding a Chunk of Silvermoon with it. The Void Elves rush in and help them maintain their sanity enough to be Void Elves.

I would rather not water down both groups and give either nothing of what they want or just part as well.

Hoping for 4 more preorder races.

My vote would be High Elves, Wildhammer/San’layn Ogres.

With Broken/Forest Trolls close behind.


Because current high elves are the ones who didn’t leave the Alliance after the second war, weren’t present at Quel’thalas when it was invaded, and didn’t become blood elves. How hard is that to understand?

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I do have hope.

For me the customization would have to be pretty extreme to get me to play one. The bright blue they turn in combat sometimes legit makes my head hurt and looks gaudy. I’d want to have the options that would allow me to not look like a void elf at all, and it’s doubtful they’d do that.

I also would love to see the high elf groups reunite and form their own kingdom, they wouldn’t need to be voided for that. Helf shamans would be a nice plus as well.

While I don’t think the faction-conflict will ever truly end, I do believe it’s going to come more down to player-agency, and whether or not they want to actively participate in it or not. It seems to be be the running narrative of this expansion, those who want to protect Azeroth, and those who want to harm it/wage war.

It was also interesting to hear Lor’themar talking about returning to Quel’thalas to spread good word about the Alliance deeds to his citizens.

But what I’m saying is that this could be Blizz way to resolve the HE issue and be done with it; if they make most of the remaining High Elves go void willingly to help save the world, that would make the remaining unvoided HE’s the fraction of a fraction.

Not saying this is my desired outcome, just that they could do it that way, specially if the idea of adding more human like skin tones comes with it.

As a night elf player, I’ll riot if the factions merge. Sylvanas was not solely responsible for Teldrassil. And after Teldrassil every group continued to follow her and commit further atrocities.

It’s already annoying seeing devs say we got our revenge and then seeing the high king of the alliance mourning the guy who organized the attack on Teldrassil in the first place.


I could not agree with you two more - I can’t fathom a better opportunity presenting itself to bring some much needed life to them.

And that ultimately would solve nothing as it would just be making more Void Elves lore wise and people will still want High Elves no matter how many are left.

And we would lose out on any potential High Elf themes like Dark Skin/Tattoos/Half Elves/New Heritage Armor.

I don’t see it as a viable solution at all.

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I think we should all adopt the Night Army aesthetic until we have our vengeance…as you did. As you see, I have followed suit. :slight_smile:


Well TBH even if I have Void Elves you can see how mcuh I care for the Void themes heheh.

It has been fun to come up with full body concealing mogs!

Again, making the high elves actually an extinct race WOULD be a resolution, even if not one any of us would particularly like.

If the Lore makes most HE’s go Void to the point of let’s say, making the SC and the Allerian groups, as well even the Kirin Tor, Void Elf groups, it would make the High Elves non viable as a playable race finally.

Again, I’m not speaking of this as a desired outcome, but as Blizzard addressing a conclusion for the High Elf possibility simply by making them twice extinct to the point VE’s (and maybe Half Elves) are the continuations of the HE narratives and storylines.

It’s completely a viable solution; you have so separate what Blizzard would do and what you want.

But to be honest Blizzard actually taking the time to flesh out Void Elves and resolve the High Elves already feels like more than they care to do bhaha. Most likely nothing will happen.

I’m just saying It’s an opportunity for a resolution, not that’s one I’d particularly like personally.

So you’re saying you do want blue eye’d blood elves?

I want to be the one who ends Nathanos and Sylvanas, but I am still expecting a crappy redemption arc followed by them hitting Tyrande with the villain bat because she is justifiably ticked off about what happened.