High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And Blood Elves would still be part of the Horde… playable Alliance High Elves would not change that.

The Alliance high Elves are already there as NPC’s. Why would making them playable be such a big deal?


Why is going to the Horde to play a high elf such a big deal to you?

It’s been 12 years, maybe it’s time to let that one go? Not trolling you, I’m serious; it’s been 12 years since Blood Elves launched, they are the most played race in the game (followed by humans and night elves), they are a defining race of the Horde as we’ve known it for over a decade now, and their story is the story of 90% of the living non-GMO Thalassian elves.

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High elves physically do not take anything from blood elves nor their playerbase. Players would not be forced to role one and they wouldn’t lose anything from blood elves by them being added.

Now if emotionally they make you feel bad well good. They are supposed to make blood elves feel butthurt. They don’t like each other. They kill each other.

It’s a really big deal actually. First and foremost, I can’t play a High Elf on the Horde… only a Blood Elf. Secondly, I don’t enjoy the Horde aesthetics and questlines. I also don’t particularly care for how Blood Elves are presented personality/story-wise so its even more difficult for me to enjoy them while I could enjoy Alliance High Elves far more.

But answering my question with a question isn’t actually answering my question. I answered yours, feel free to return the favor.


because it isn’t the fantasy I wish to play? Blood elves are incapable of fulfilling the high elf fantasy. The group fantasy not the racial fantasy. Blood elves do fulfill the generic high elf fantasy trope but since WoW was released that hasn’t been the fantasy of the group that calls themselves high elves.

You really need to separate the group from the race. They mean 2 different things.


It’s been 12 years… just because me getting what I want is unlikely is no reason to give up and not try. If I give up I am guaranteed to get nothing. If I keep voicing my desires, there’s a chance (if an infinitesimally small one) that I could get what I want.

It’s really simple logic to me. Kind like playing the lottery. You can’t win if you don’t play… but you’re not likely to win even if you do.

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You know this is a really really bad argument, right? This is a video game, NOTHING in it is physical for anyone. You don’t lose anything physical by having to go to horde to play a high elf. All I can figure is you know this and are using it to try and make other people look unreasonable for not giving in to your demands.

Reverse it. Blood Elf players had to make the choice to play horde, they’ve become part of that story and that story has become part of the horde. With comments about the personality and story of blood elves being a problem, the alliance getting the flanderized elves that so many people seem to want will change the blood elves into something more villainous than they are (and blizz does not have a good track record here.) They are part of the Horde and make the Horde better for the addition, I’m sorry you don’t like that but it’s who they are.

Well, sucks to be you in that case? Your emotional issues with Blood elves and desire to further genericize the Alliance don’t sound like good ideas to me and could harm the quality of the game for no good reason.


I don’t agree that making Alliance High Elves playable, will in any way change Blood Elves. Blood Elves have their own narrative and portrayals fairly established. I don’t think it’s reasonable to think Blizzard would suddenly change them just because Alliance High Elves, which have constantly been used as a foil to Horde Blood Elves in the game, became playable.

If anything I would expect Blizzard to simply play up that rivalry more… but that isn’t actually changing anything about Blood Elves.

So it is a matter of opinion. Therefore I do not recognize your side as legitimate. You have made your case and I do not care.

I will continue to request the addition of high elves as a playable alliance race. Good day to you, tauren.


And I rest my case.


What’s funny is that void elves make blood elves look downright hypocritical, and makes Lor’themar in particular look bad. They were exiled and then somehow called traitors because they joined Alleria who saved their collective butts from the void?

But high elves will supposedly take from blood elves and make them look like the bad guys?


To be fair, some of the antis were vehemently against void elves being on the Alliance for precisely those reasons. There’s a fair number of people who feel void elves should have either been Horde or not added at all.

Dang this is still going on. My blessings to those pushing for this, you have wills of iron. May it bear fruit.

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I do, and I have said this before in these threads, respect the perseverance you and others are showing. I mean that, in the face of Blizzard stonewalls and the half-answers they give (and will continue to give because there will never be a good reason in their minds to unequivocally say “no” and even if they did it would be answered by “well they could always change their minds”) a group of supporters continue to press on.


A lot of them now seem to enjoy pushing them as a compromise.

The little bit of the story they have though, has them taking what was actually interesting about blood elves and taking it up a few notches. Blood elves were the elves who would do just about anything for the survival of their people and Quel’thalas, but then the void elves got kicked out for wanting to do the same.

And now belves are all holier than thou and supposedly embracing the light while actively taking part in wars that kill draenei, the very people who helped them get the sunwell back.


Avarie, Aleria’s visit to the Well more than adequately explains and validates the concerns of Blood Elf leadership that the Void is antithetical to the Light. They got booted for doing unauthorized/forbidden research into Void energy.

I appreciate your post. Basic decency is always welcome even when on opposing sides of an issue.


They were booted before her visit though. Rommath just didn’t approve of the void and exiled them for studying it. He had no real idea what would happen. And anyway, Alleria was right next to the well when it reacted. The solution didn’t have to be tossing them all out on the street since they’d have to be pretty close to the sunwell to cause a reaction.

At any rate, all they had done was research when they were thrown out.


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