High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

If the faction war is over then what’s the point of recruiting new races at all? Whether the Alliance is fighting the Horde or they team up to combat a different threat, the Alliance could use more soldiers

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We do? I can count on one hand, with fingers left over, the number of threads I’ve seen of fellow NE players complaining about being stepped on here. They are far enough apart, with a detailed canonical story that explicitly shows why they are no longer Highborne Night Elves explaining why they do not look the same.

And let’s be clear here - they are visually distinct from each other.

They use the same frame, because it makes sense in the same way using the Belf frame makes sense for the Velfs. There are easily identifiable differences that, again, are lore-backed. There is no current canonical reference to non-GMO Thalassian elves being physically differentiated.

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Well a lot of Night Elf players do feel stepped on, it’s just not the Nightborne that’s the problem lol

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You do realize how absurd you and others look to others right? You are saying that it is impossible to have muscle differentiation and it is impossible to stand differently just because they are the same race.

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It’s a simple simple concept; BE/VE and NE/NB differentiations are clearly explained in existing lore/game and there is no such canonical reference for differentiating BE/HE beyond green eyes that have dev-citable commentary stating it will fade over time. That’s simply a fact. It’s not speculation or supposition.

I’m starting to get tired of your BS personal attacks, Rreifren. If you want the same in return you’ll have to look elsewhere because from here on out if I see your name on a post I’m simply skipping past it. There are enough people on the pro side of this debate who don’t engage like that to be able to easily avoid people like you.

If anyone is saying “nuh-uh” here it’s you with this post. if you have an objective argument, then make it.


Do you not understand how illogical what you are saying is though? If you believe what you do then please explain why we humans in real life come in different shapes even if we are closely related to one another.

Also explain why kul tirans have 3 distinct body shapes in WoW. Why is it so impossible for high elves to have a differently shaped body?

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I’ve made it, it’s long to type out and I don’t feel like making it again. Especially when you seem to think going “Nope, your concerns/issues/whatever are invalid because I said they are” actually means something.

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We say they are because we don’t see them as valid from a logical standpoint. Your emotional viewpoints are not a concern of ours. We personally don’t care how you feel about high elves being added.

We know your side doesn’t care about us as well. Emotional arguments hold no bearing here. If you can provide logical reason as to why high elves shouldn’t be added we will gladly debate them until it is proven they hold up or that they don’t hold up. We have done this in the past and your side refuses to acknowledge those points as being debunked.

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Its not because “I say they are”.

It’s because they HAVE been countered.

The fact that High Elves may be biologically the same race is indeed not relevant precisely because Pandaren exist. Pandaren are biologically the same race and exist on both factions. High Elves already exist on the Alliance faction as NPC’s. There’s no reason to say they can’t be playable because the same biological race exists on the other faction when Pandaren do just that AND Pandaren have no visual distinctions based on faction.

I can break down the others more thoroughly if you desire.

If you can come up with a logical justification why Alliance High Elves shouldn’t be playable then feel free to share it.

As for the High Elf story…

All this time since the split, isn’t it unreasonable to think that the High Elves in the Alliance haven’t been dealing with their own issues and struggles? You gonna tell me that the devs couldn’t tell that story? Tell us what they’ve been doing since the split? How they’ve been adapting to living in human civilizations? What their goals are NOW?

  • High Elves are part of the Alliance, have been part of the Alliance in WoW since before TBC and Blood Elves ever joined the Horde, and continue to play a role in Alliance content to this day.

  • There’s a whole story we haven’t been told about the High Elves since their split with their brethren in Silvermoon. We want to see that story and get to play as those High Elves.


You know, that line about emotional viewpoints works great here.

I have NEVER seen one of these posts “debunking” concerns that did more than say in a very wordy way “These are debunked because I say they are debunked” Just a pat little dismissal of whatever is brought up with no thought put towards presenting an actual debunking rather than a declaration of what you feel is right.

“We’re concerned that, especially with the current writing, that Blizz will throw the blood elves under the bus” gets countered with “You don’t know that, DEBUNKED!” and so on. So forgive me for not taking your declarations of rationality and level headedness as anything other than hilarious jokes.


All very good questions! Now if they had been in any way addressed or noted as issues in the game it would logically follow that there was some rationale for using them in arguments supporting playable High Elves - in much the same way that Suramar paved the way for the Nightborne by giving us all of that.

So it seems to me like what you’re asking for is not playable High Elves based on the existing story’s references to those things, but rather an expansion that that is in part based on those questions which would be used to pave the way for playable HEs.

And all you’re saying here is “they aren’t debunked because I say they aren’t”

Yet I broke down exactly WHY High Elves being biologically the same isn’t a relevant argument. In case you didn’t get it, its because the High Elf/Blood Elf situation mirrors the Tushui/Houjin Pandaren. If it’s ok for one to exist on both factions, it should be ok for the other too no? If not… then please explain your reasoning why one race should be held to a different set of rules than another.

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If you want to simplify it to that sure. However we point out that it has no standing logically. There is nothing to suggest it would happen. Can it happen? sure.

The likely scenario is that both factions and blood elves would benefit from high elves being playable. AT the very least the status quo remains as the only story development that the high elves would require is the unification of all the various groups. After that their story can be considered done in warcraft. They would be like the draenei are now. They show up to aid the alliance and that is it. Their primary story points have reached they conclusion. They wouldn’t need any more story that focuses around them directly.

Tarrok I’m done with even responding to him anymore. There are people here willing to have differences of opinion and viewpoints without being insulting - and I’m just not going to deal with him anymore. It’s like that old adage:

Never mud wrestle with a pig; you get filthy, you can’t win, and the pig likes it.


No I am not asking for an expansion to lay all that out. The Nightborne didn’t exist till Legion came out and set up their story… but Alliance High Elves have been in the game since launch with many references. An entire expansion is not necessary to lay out their backstory. That work has already been done. What’s needed is to tell us what they’ve been doing recently, how they’ve coped with integrating into human society and what their goals for the future are. A whole expansion isn’t necessary for that.

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But that’s just desperate grabbing that’s ignoring other side issues where the Pandaren were implemented in game as neutral, and the Blood Elves have been a core horde race for over a decade, with much of that time making up the plurality of the horde. So that’s an irrelevant comparison that ignores important context to make a connection that isn’t there.

Eh, I’m bored and waiting for the people coming to do the test of the fire alarms/sprinklers.


Why does the Pandaren being neutral or how many players play Blood Elves have anything to do with playable Alliance High Elves? Those Alliance High Elves existed as NPC’s long before the Horde ever got Blood Elves.

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So have horde aligned High Elves.
Once BC hit and the race joined the horde things changed.