High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

no. /10char


Obviously, and thank you; it was the response I expected but briefer than I expected you to be about it…so props for that.

And the majority of them are already playable.

THe SC is, and they’re not free to act on their own. Highvale has never shown any sign of animosity towards blood elves, and there’s still high elven pilgrims that visit the sunwell… so much for “mortal enemies”.

So yeah, you simply ignored all it’s been said or simply dismissed it because it’s not convenient to consider it.

I’d say I was surprised, but honestly, in this topic, it’s not something new.

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I considered what you said. I just find it to not be true. Without evidence one way or the other it comes down to a matter of opinion.


making them playable because of an adjective is irrelevant. theres only a few actually aligned and doing things for the alliance. high elves are blood elves. blood elves shouldnt have to lose their uniqueness because you refuse to play the horde. thats why they gave you a high elf variant. its why the horde has no right to playable humans despite the fact a faction of them, not a few individuals, are actually fighting for them in the faction war(now defunct)


But your position, that also has no evidence other than you thinking that it won’t cheapen it… it’s somehow more valid…

You don’t see the irony here, I know.

methinks you are fighting to keep the wrong uniqueness. You care too much about appearances.

You also believe we are not allowed to alter the appearance of high elves. Therefore you are unwilling to compromise and thus have no footing in this debate.


you believe yours is more valid as well. It comes down to a matter of opinion. If it is ironic quite frankly I don’t give a damn.


thats literally what void elves are

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those are blood elves though. You keep ignoring the group we quite clearly outline that we want.


yes an exact duplicate of blood elves with a different adjective

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Don’t project please. I never said mine was more valid. But if your opinion should be heard and considered, so should mine.

they are an exact duplicate because you refuse to acknowledge our suggestions to change them.



intresting. Classic has a lot of high elves.


they also happen to be the classic version of our suggested model changes.

See them? they don’t break lore. The model suggestion is completely lore friendly.


Are we conveniently ignoring the fact that the blood elves that existed in classic also had the exact same model too?


High Elves were always meant to be a powerful faction in the Alliance even during WOTLK. The horde pride part of the player base though wanted the entire high elf identity for themselves even though it was the Alliance that fixed the sunwell, it was the alliance that saved blood elves from slave gladiator pits and it was the Alliance that used High Elven seige weapons in the newest patch.


they were representatives of the kirin tor. the same context they always appear in

nope. There is nothing stopping blizzard from changing high elves back to this model however. It wouldn’t break lore.

They would be the same race. On a genetic level nothing would be different. Their difference of appearance would be entirely because of lifestyle choices. The bigger muscles and different posture would be because of how they live.


It would break with consistency (so lore?), and I’d have a hard time imagining you all really wanting that. That compromise seems fishy to me.

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