High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

In TBC Blizzard decided that based on what they set up with WC3 campaign, the way they liked the spin they put on things that gave them Night Elves, population and lore of the expansion the High Elves that we first saw in WC2 joined the Horde. We quibble here about numbers all the time, but that’s what happened with a few abstainers for various reasons.

There’s no physical reason for it. It’s all just how the story is set up. Now frankly, I’ll admit, while right now it’s just a contextless mystery, with the way the writers have been treating the factions, I wouldn’t be surprised if the self-driving ballista was a sign they were caving to Alliance complaints at the cost of the horde yet again.


This is revisionist history. Blizzard only gave Blood Elves to the Horde because there was a demand, particularly from the Asian market, to put a conventionally attractive race with the Horde.


How’s that stopping them?

Just do it anyway. Void elves already have gold earrings with the blood elf symbol, are blood elves, use some of their themes and etc.

High elves can be made distinct in their themes and it’s not like “matching themes” has stopped blizzard before, or IS stopping blizzard.

Just do it anyway. The excuses and reasoning for some of the other crap like void elves is so convoluted, stupid, and half-baked who cares.

I mean, the story set up changes to accommodate people all the time. So you’re probably right on the money with that last sentence right there.

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With the last two expansion I’ve felt that Cdev has started from the point “Now, how can we screw the Horde over this time?”

Thanks Ely - but really, he’s just showing everyone who he really is and when someone shows you who they are, believe them.

I’m good, he’s a jerk and they just simply exist. We’ve had great discussions - as I have with more than a few members of the pro-High Elf side of the debate - and I’m not going to let some posterior fedora wander by and bother me with cheap shots. :slight_smile:

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You can keep trying to invalidate blood elves all you want using a quote that was so flimsy the person that said it, himself, didn’t include it in the book he was writing.

Fact says that their story evolved from the end of warcraft 3, you simply don’t like how it evolved and because of this, you want to think it’s invalid… even after over 10 years.

I’ll add to it that they not only infringe on the blood elven identity, they also could possibly cheapen their story as well.

EDIT: wait, I messed the quotes, let me fix them…


It’s funny how much they love the horde but are so bad at their jobs they look like they hate the horde.

You poor guys, being the favorites of awful writers must SUCK.


Is that REALLY a concern for the Blood Elves and the Horde in general after BFA?

Your guy’s story couldn’t be cheaper.


I will make this compromise: High Elves should be an Alliance Allied Race, if and only if San’layn are on Horde! ((There! SIX types of Elves now!))


So we should be ok with it getting worse?

Or we should be ok with them cheapening a well established backstory?


Any argument that is justified with “Just do it anyway” is a poor one.

The devs explicitly expressed in what ways they changed the void elves to avoid infringing on those very specific themes, and why they didn’t want to “Just do it anyway” as they felt they were too important in maintaining the blood elf identity. You want high elves, those are the changes that need to be made.

You asked, I’m telling you.


As our game slowly devolves into this:


Nah, we’re not the favorites, they just enjoy writing us. Like an author might enjoy writing the villain that’s being set up for the hero to take down, they just don’t have the common courtesy to at least make it a story the Alliance enjoys either.

this is something highly liked as an alternative. Even in our own discord community there is a large split between those that are okay or even want model changes and those that don’t want model changes. It seems the majority are okay with it though.


The Horde is more eclectic, more interesting. The Alliance is a little bland, something Alliance high elves would only contribute to.


I don’t understand how it even lessens their identity or cheapens their story. What we are asking for already exists whether it is playable or not. They are mortal enemies of the blood elves. Making them playable can only improve the story for both of them.


If you chose to ignore what has been said multiple times, of course you won’t understand it.

Keep ignoring the pilgrims…

And that’s your opinion, not a fact.


You do realize after high elves and san’layn/darkfallen that there are no more elves left to add right?

They are the last 2 left to add. No more exist in the lore. Unless blizzard wants to take that idea from half a year ago about playable naga essentially having a 2 forms ability where they swap into a modified nightborne model. TBH it did actually look cool but at this point I don’t see naga ever being playable. Nothing is stopping them from a gameplay standpoint. It is a story standpoint. The naga are not allies. They are an evil race to the core. Even the ones that followed illidan and are still part of the illidari originally did that because they were following orders from azshara.


What you say doesn’t make sense. They exist. they are direct enemies of each other. IF they somehow cheapen or lessen the identity of blood elves I am sorry to inform you that happens regardless of their playable state because they exist whether or not they are playable.


Oh for the love of…take a joke, Rreifren.