High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Why is no justifiable differences a problem?

Blizzard can just make differences. Or not. Pandaren exist so…

What’s your point? I offered a solution to the butt hurt people. Never said blizzard had to include them.

Your argument is so disingenuous.


If you think my pointing out that your design solutions are not solutions because a) lore and the game don’t support them and b) you don’t get to implement them is disingenuous then I’m forced to conclude that you’re using a word you don’t understand.

I think the design conversations are fine, by the way, but they are simply headcanon and wishlists. There is no in-game or lore justification for any of them and if that doesn’t matter to you then it’s another person saying “Lore and the game support High Elves being playable.” while at the same time saying "Lore and the game don’t matter, we can get what we want by simply ignoring both. Which, by the way, is disingenuous.


You did it once I think and didn’t try to derail the discussion to something entirely different(like another race and delving into deep discussion about it to derail the thread), from what I recall, which is what gets my goat the most when people do it :stuck_out_tongue: (and I appreciate that you didn’t!)

Beyond the “no more elves” thing which I personally disagree with (matter of preference and opinion at that point) but is a reason bring up nonetheless, I just really hate it when the thread is shifted to something unrelated, which is what that fellow was trying to do here (and did in mine).

Anyway I’m gonna head out though, I didn’t want to get involved in the discussion and was just nodding to the fact that yeah, that dude did such things in mine too (which was frustrating)


“Everyone I don’t like is a shill”

You even tossed in the /spit.

Real mature. Real HMP post here.


I invite you to check his post history. I have nothing nice to say to “Murgatroyd” because he CONSTANTLY plays devil’s advocate from the safety of his sock puppet alt.

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There are no in-game or lore justifications for Void Elves until they “needed” to exist.

Lore is so flimsy and weak now. They literally invented alternate universe time travel for an expansion and an allied race.

At this point lore being an argument against something has lost all meaning. So… Who cares.

We could argue that “oh but the lore says this” and “but this random interview says this” all day. And we’d both have good arguments, there is lore for and against High Elves being a race but honestly.

Who cares. The lore changes to fit what the audience and writers want. Right now there’s enough lore to justify High Elves being a playable race. I can’t think of a single piece of lore that outright states “Playable High Elves is impossible.”

Population doesn’t matter. Models don’t matter. Politics don’t even matter.

If they get a new model then sure, but not having a separate model now doesn’t exclude their inclusion.

It doesn’t matter. Blizz do what blizz do. Nothin going to stop them. So why not ask for High Elves if we want em?


Is this one better? Or is there an iLvl requirement to post here? Because if there is you’re going to lose a whole lot of Helf supporters from the thread. So what’s the limit? 375, 400, 410, 440? Let’s see it.

Murgatroyd is my T3 forum main, and that’s no secret. I don’t have a single Blood Elf character with the exception of a L58 Belf DK created and played to the leaving point and then parked.

Now, if you really want to make this personal then do so.


Murg-alt confirmed.

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I invite you all to check it too! :slight_smile:

Oh, and when it comes to you saying nice things about me:



Flag on the play. Offsides, Human Male Paladin. Calling out alts and low geared alts when the For side does the same thing. Still first down.


How can you call someone else’s argument disingenuous right after ignoring the fact that pandaren were designed to be neutral and available to both factions and they didn’t make the Hoijin join the Horde to later, over 10 years later, have the Tushiu join the Alliance?

Imo, is a discussion about High elves, if the feedback is simply “no more elves”, it’s still valid feedback. I personally don’t care for that, but I don’t think it’s more derailment than trying to use false equivalencies.

And I see we’ve gone full circle and back to “if you don’t support this, you’re not a real Alliance player.”.


Well yes, but I meant more of “let’s talk about this unrelated topic and stick to it”.

Because Blood Elves are only a Horde Race because you had trouble getting a good population of players. So the design decision wasn’t made for any kind of higher reaching design philosophy it was just “the horde needs a pretty race, we just finished High Elves let’s give them to the Horde to boost their player base.”

Regarding the rest of what you said. Who cares. Pandaren were designed to be neutral doesn’t mean we can’t get High elves anyway.

Design philosophy changes.


And somehow that makes them less valid? Despite the fact that they simply developed their story from where it left off in Warcraft 3 so they would explain why they joined? And again, how does that compare to Pandaren?

You’re just assuming this, and I’m guessing you’re still using that Staats quote that even he considered so nebulous that he didn’t include it in the book.

But you’re being disingenuous by erasing the context of pandaren, ignoring both side options were included at the same time, for the benefit of what you want.


Nope, only part of the reason that happened.



why can’t we have High Elves?

Like give me the physical reason Blizzard is unable to code a High Elf or Half-Elf race for the alliance?


The one we’ve been telling you over and over but you won’t accept?


That being?


We really don’t need the /spit emote used towards anyone. Pro or anti.

So I’d suggest checking it at the door


Certain themes that infringe on the blood elves visual identity.