High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Good point, i forgot about the Mnt People. I mean this doesn’t make him any less human than you or I. People even are afflicted with life long diseases (either no cure or one to yet be invented) But that doesn’t make them less human than anyone else. Theres nothing that points to a DNA sequence and says… yup you are now a Non-Human. You are a falgetthi being.

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Personally, I am going to keep hoping we’ll get our high elves. I am choosing to be an optimist about it, and I’ll keep discussing what I want for them as well as drawing them (as I have time).


Voicing my support for playable Alliance High Elves once more. We’ve seen them repeatedly take part in events since Wrath. There is no lore reason why they can’t be playable.


is that a void elf cosplay. i cant believe thats real i have to look this up

It’s very real. Minority group in the mountains. Appalachian i want to say.

That guy isn’t connected to any of that, he was somewhat well known as he was active in Libertarian politics and was from California and passed away in Washington state. His case it was from over use of colloidal silver for its supposed health benefits.


it’s literally a slightly different version of blood elves, why would they add this to the game


Yanno, while I think I’d pretty much be happy with playable High Elves, I do think that personally what I would really appreciate is darker skin tones being available; and while I wish that for pretty much every race, several of my High Elf OC’s are dark skinned so I’d like to choose that in game.


Void Elves exist, Light forged Draenei exist, Highmountain Tauren exist, Dark Iron, Brown Orcs, greener trolls, etc etc etc.

Your argument is kind of invalid.

Not to mention High Elves AS SHOWN IN THIS THREAD are VERY different from Blood Elves. Look at the comparisons for christ’s sake. People have made custom models that give High Elves a completely different posture, skin tone, eye color and even accessories (Tattoos) but you’re going to complain they’re “too similar” when we have Pandaren on both sides and void elves that are a color inversion of blood elves with the same model?


To be fair, that’s exactly what void elves are: blueberry blood elves.


I would love dark skintones as well! I want all the options pretty much!

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God damn OP, that wall of text made it almost impossible to reply! The simple answer is that no, we don’t need another elf race…

What Azeroth really needs is more different types of orcs!

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No. We need more Fishmen, Bear-Men, Mechagnomes and other cool races.

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You guys should really make threads for what you want then.



Cool Races

Okay mr fun police I’m going to have to ask you to do a sobriety test.


I’m sorry you can’t grasp the glory of the Omnissiah.

I really don’t understand why people come to the high elf thread to request other allied races.


Thread derailment possibly. That or trolling.

But I am sure a thread with 13k+ replies is the perfect place to put in random requests that have nothing to do with the thread in question, as opposed to opening a new thread or doing the discussion in any threads that might be open that actually pertain to what they want.


Because they can’t be open about their toxic hatred of elves so they need a scapegoat argument to use to shut down the idea of more elves being in the game.