High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Time is the one resource I possess in abundance.


Yeah, I try to direct it back to high elves, plus I genuinely enjoy seeing what everyone else wants for them.


High Elves are going to remain unplayable until Blizzard decides to make them playable, when this happens all the naysaying and the wall of no would be for nothing, a complete waste, and the requesting would bear fruit. The only thing we have to lose is a bit of our time.


You want me to find the exact line in a multi-hundred page book for you, right now? Lol.

It was the line Vereesa said, or thought, about her Blood Elf cousin, Zendarin. I don’t remember the exact quote though.

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If you’re going to make a claim that is not mentioned, nor supported in any other official source than it’s not a claim you should be making, as its not something you can back up. Otherwise anyone can make up any argument and when asked to cite it say something along the lines of “Oh someone said it somewhere, you’ll just have to take my word for it!” That’s not how discussion works.

Honestly not trying to be rude, or insensitive, but if you’re going to make such a bold claim, it’s better to have the citation and evidence to back it up.


It means that your argument about High Elves and Blood Elves currently sharing aesthetics is completely irrelevant, considering that is subject to change, like it happened with Kul Tirans.

Excuse me? Humans are playable since Vanilla. Kul Tirans are nothing else than a faction of Humans, they’re not a different race (just like you guys love to remind us with High Elves vs Blood Elves).

They were made aesthetically unique despite not being added to the Horde. Making a future playable faction of a race aesthetically unique does not depend on the faction they’re joining - it solely depends on whether devs like the idea or not. The rest is jibber jabber.


I don’t mean to get all reflective on you, but we really dont. You and I, we have 80 years give or take depending on how we treat our bodies. That’s barring any genetic diseases our families carry ofc. We have 80 good years and When you are young you dont feel it. It’s at most a mosquito bite every year. As you get older it starts to become more accute.

Body starts deteriorating. Mind goes. Life is… absurd to put it nicely. You are born with a ticking clock, a set # of minutes and hours and it only goes down. Every action we take has meaning. So at the end of your life are you gonna be proud that you spent 15 odd years trying to get a fictional character in a game that you might have to abandon in a few years as life picks up? After death there really is nothing, it;s just a black void, devoid of existence, meaning…

To be honest i spend way to much energy acting certain ways or doing stupid things when i should be making the most of this short blip on the universal scale of existence.

If you could. It seems to contradict other commentary, and though we don’t think you’re being dishonest, our desires can effect how we interpret things. Additionally I’m more than happy to modify my understanding of the lore if presented with evidence which contradicts my prior understanding.

Keep on talking Folks. I’m going to take a break. See ya Later High Elf Fans. XD


Blood Elves are as i understand it and this eprtains to High Elves too a magical… sponge. They absorb magic and can squeeze themselves of it and are ‘dry’. The evidence points to the Blood Elves having green eyes from fel, changing to gold after the Light. It stands to reason whatever source of magic an elf is feeding off of primarily, it will change the eyes. So being that it can adapt and adjust each time points to it not changing anything about them at all. It’s always been a feature.

kul tirans have a different geographical origin and ethnic background. high/blood elves are the exact same people/generation

theyre a different flavor. a variant on the same faction. they fit the criteria for an AR

‘high’ elves will never be an AR because its just a political term used to show dissent, its not an AR


When someone says they are “currently” aesthetically different, and I say they aren’t, that does not make my argument irrelevant just because they have the potential to be changed. Please read the conversation before you bud in and attempt correcting me on an argument that wasn’t even being made.

Okay, and that “Faction” was not playable, thus no efforts to make them different were ever made. Unless you’re suggesting they added an identical human race as an allied race to the alliance and just call them “Kul’tiran” humans with the exact same model.

Yes but they weren’t made aesthetically unique for the same reasons Void elves were made unique. They did not need to worry about which “Visual” themes needed to be changed to make them playable on the Alliance, as humans have always been playable on the alliance, while thalassian elves have not. Which is why void elves were changed in ways they felt would infringe too closely on blood elves.

The point has never been are they different, but what is different.


This would stand to reason, but Fel has some sort of special properties where being around it just makes stuff green.

That’s from the Warcraft encyclopedia.

Though much of Warcraft’s lore is left to interpretation and what you’re saying may very well be more true. The eye color is almost certainly superficial.


If I happen to leave this mortal coil before getting what I want, that’s ok. I don’t regret the time I’ve spent trying to achieve a goal, even if I don’t succeed. I think I’d regret giving up though, so I won’t be doing that.

I’ll continue asking for what I want until i get it or the game shuts down. It’s the only course of action open to me that has even a tiny hope of success. Giving up gets me nothing.


Ok, now im thinking fel as a disease. So a real world example would be… Hecatone gets a skin infection(fel radiation). It’s treated with Anti-biotics (light magic). You are free from the infection/fel. Has this changed you from being human to less or more than human? Rather would your friends and family or even outsiders say that you are corrupted now and that they are the pure versions. Because if we take what you quoted all high elves, be it alliance or belf have been exposed to fel radiation. Simply from the war with the LK. When Quelthlas was sacked he perverted the well with fel, bringing Kel’thuzad back right? Any High Elves in the area that left would still have fel corruption.

This is the key part. It’s not permanent. If it can wear off.

Magic corruption is sort of it’s own thing with varying degrees. Nightborne are severely arcane corrupted. Blood Elf eye green or gold eyes is really only slight corruption or something else entirely.

Oh yeah, a dev even said so in an interview.

A lot of people advocate for Blood Elves moving forward by getting their natural eye color back - but get shouted down and accused of trolling.

Being neutral on the HE matter. Logically they should be getting a more natural color anyways. For lore reasons.

There’s actually a thread going on about it now.

It has unfortunately been flag bombed.


Well the way I see it is, if two blood elves who’ve been “purified” by the light had a blood elf child, that child would have natural “pure” eyes as they would not have been exposed to fel radiation like the generation before them, they would also not have golden eyes as that more reflects a strong faith, and devotion to the light and not exposure to light magic itself.


And now I’m reminded of my favorite side effect of alternative medicine. Argyria, where basically if you ingest enough silver (some people think that because silver has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that it must help you do those things if you eat it) you basically permanently dye your whole body inside and out a kinda blue-grey color.
