High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Says the Kul Tiran.

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No. Only Blood Elves and Nightborne went.

I could easily go into the many reasons why it wouldnā€™t make sense for the Horde to go, such as how itā€™s a Draenei hosted voyage, or how Turalyon only learned of the Forsaken, and accepted them, after he came back to Azeroth, etc.

But instead, Iā€™ll just leave it at: Go ahead and find a non Blood Elf or Nightborne Horde race NPC on Argus.

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Is it explicitly state or did Blizzard leave it up to interpretation?

I think i need to include more people on my ignore list. There are some with more trolling capabilities than Fyre, but they are good at hiding it. But iā€™ve been here long enough to notice when people are masquerading trolling and derailment attempts.

Too bad i canā€™t flag troll posts anymore because the system it might lock the thread again :frowning:

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(citation needed)


Oh yeah, itā€™s a big loop.

I guess a little of both?

I think technically the latter for the most part. But Turalyon not knowing about the Forsaken until after coming to Azeroth essentially proves such.

I think he may have known about Sylvanas, if Alleria told him after Vereesa told her. But itā€™s never stated anywhere that she tells him soā€¦? It wasnā€™t really an important matter until after they dealt with Sargeras. Vereesa only told Alleria because ya know, Sylvanas is their sister and all.


Itā€™s disappointing that whenever someone disagrees with a perspective another person holds, they resort to calling them ā€œtrollsā€ as to avoid actually acknowledging their point, and having to refute it. It just feelsā€¦ so disingenuous.


did it occur to you they can only fit so many on the ship? its not like the legion army already on azeroth takes a break while velen heads off with his crew to argus

Yeah, itā€™s pretty ridiculous. Iā€™d prefer to just discuss high elves and what we want for them.

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I feel that the writing team needs to have a clearer focus and better define their philosophy for exposition. With BFA, I have no idea whatā€™s going on.

You started today by asking what people wanted for High Elves, but as usual, the derailment team arrived.


If you only want people who agree with you to voice their opinions, there are two high elf Discords.


Prior to BFA, there was absolutely no difference between Humans and Kul Tirans in terms of ā€œaestheticā€ theme.


Well yeah. Thatā€™s potentially another excuse as to why the Horde didnā€™t go to Argus. I mean it makes sense. The ship was only so big, so why would they take their mortal enemies along with?

The Blood Elves were an exception, due to them having some good relations and history with the Draenei, and even the Alliance as a whole. And the Nightborne werenā€™t apart of the Horde at the time.

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Iā€™ll just keep asking for playable Alliance High Elves until we get them or the game shuts down. I mean, thereā€™s nothing the naysayers can do to stop me so why not? Itā€™s not like I have anything to lose by continuing to ask.


And? They were neither playable, nor being added to the Horde so there was no real point to making them ā€œaestheticallyā€ unique. Additionally they did not need to worry about addressing certain visual themes they felt were crucial in defining the humans in WoW when modifying them, as they were being added as an Alliance allied race and not a horde one.

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Time? Time is pretty important.

Again, can you please provide a citation for this.


I would still like to see your communityā€™s artists produce images of light-forged high elves.