High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

“Borne” is an adjective too.

“Nightborne are literally the same race as Night Elves.”

“Kul Tirans are literally the same race as Humans.”

“Mag’har are literally the same race as Orcs.”


This is your logic.

And thus, by your own logic, High Elves should, and will, be playable.


Exactly what, specifically, is he wrong about? Void Elves and playable High Elves are apples and oranges because void elves are demonstrably genetically different than their parent stock. They were almost turned into ethereal-like bodiless beings and the transformation was only halted by us and Alleria. They are GMO Thalassians.

High Elves and Blood Elves are non-GMO Thalassians.

Blood Elves did rename themselves to honor their fallen.

They turned to an alternative energy source when the well was trashed.

High Elves did turn their backs on their leader, their fallen, and the struggle of the survivors to forge a new life.

So exactly what, specifically, was he mentally backwards about?


High Elves aren’t different from Blood Elves. By that logic the Horde should get Syndicate humans, who look exactly like the Stormwind humans except they dyed their hair orange.

Because that’s the amount of difference between Belves and Helves. They share everything except for eye-color.

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alterac humans are not defined as gingers and yes I actually support playable alterac humans so this example is moot.

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Careful, you’re now going to get “That’s fine with me, let the Horde have Syndicate humans as long as we get playable High Elves.”



Nothing wrong with giving people more options.


And I support exiled high elves for the Horde.

Slap an update on them and they’d be a perfect and consistent allied race addition.


nightborne are aesthetically and thematically different from night elves

nightborne have also had physical changes meaning they are something new and distinct from true night elves. they dont even worship elune

the others you listed are variants on the same faction

they already are. its no accident it says high elves are now known as blood elves in the character creator


okay. I don’t believe there is a thread up on the forums for that. Would you care to go make one and advocate for your cause?

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This is that thread.

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The hypocrisy here reached astronomical levels.


Hey now.

Elves can backstab as much as they want but nobody touches my humans!


Stop this idiocy. They are not, and the ingame dialogue completely supports that difference. Go read it.

10,000 years under a moonless, sunless dome - cut off from all but the Nightwell. As Thalyssra says, and I quote. “It changed us”

PS: I am not calling you an idiot, I am saying this contention of yours is idiotic.


Blood Elves are aesthetically and thematically different from High Elves.

Blood Elves have also had physical changes meaning they are something new and distinct from true High Elves.


Now you’re just trolling.


Oh, how different would they be? We already have two flavors of human, so no thank you.

Let them state it, it will show how ridiculous their argument is. They just want blue eyed blood elves on the Alliance, and can’t get over a decision made 13 years ago. All because they want to have a special elven OC, or stare at some elf cheeks from behind.

How am I trolling? I disagree with you, but that’s it. Get some Omega-3’s in your diet my man.


this has already been refuted by development. the given distinction is ideological. that is not nearly distinct enough


Though, like brown and green orcs or light forged and ordinary dreanai, they could be a good fit for the Horde. They’re too similar to cross the faction line as a player race.


well no because this thread explicitly outlines it as a request for alliance high elves.

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Yeah. Orcs should be on the Alliance because Saurfang and a few others worked with them, same with Draenei. Velen tolerated the Horde on the ship, so they should be playable on the Horde!