High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You say that like Void Elves will not likely suffer the same fate. Blueberry as they might be, they are still elves put on a traditional fantasy hero faction.

I don’t know, it’s one of those “I’ll see it to believe it”. It’s kind of a massive shame that their backstory leaves them with so little to get into that the bulk of their discussion comes from Blood Elf fanatics getting in a huff about them threatening the Sunwell.

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Because the Void Elves had a very invasive ritual done on them that literally infused and mutated them with the void. Have you not seen their tentacle hair?

And no. Blood Elves were the High Elves, they renamed themselves in honor of the thousands that Arthas slew. They tried to slake their mana-addiction, at the risk of dying, and the High Elves were the ones that went. “How dare you try and not die!”, and then ran off and became traitors to their people. Spitting in the face of all that died.


Blizzard had the freedom to change a group Blood Elves to allow them to be playable in the Alliance, but taking those High Elves who are in the faction for all of the lifetime of the game and modifying their looks to suit them as a playable faction is not ok according to some people.

There are things you can’t explain about human nature.


They at least have the “oddball” look going for those that don’t really care about the lore (which is really the majority), so visually, at least they stand out enough.

I don’t know, the other day I had the epiphany that, at the very least, Void elves were there for their people in their hour of need unlike high elves so, while I still think that their introduction could have used some extra (or actual) build up, that added another good point for them in my book.

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Blue fingernails and toenails for the ladies. And make high elf quest giver NPCs finally say things when you accept their quests. Everything else, others have pretty much covered already.


I’m more inclined to see the good or sympathetic points in their intentions, though it would get drowned out more by the negative of otherd, I don’t know if Blizzard can ever change perceptions like that.

Still have more of them than other elves since “spooky sorcerer elf” is my favorite flavor of elf, though.

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being big isn’t due to genetics. If it were then you wouldn’t have thin and normal sized kul tirans.

Blizzard decided to make kul tirans more varied and I am hoping they will at some point spread the new human models to the other human kingdoms. All they need to do is swap the kul tiran voice for the normal human voice.


Because they are cop-op try to satisfy The Playable Alliance Quel’dorei Community which was a miserable failure. Not much work or effort was put into them. Yes there will be some peeps that like emo elfs, but most of the Pro Playable Alliance Quel’dorei peeps see it for what it was.


Bro, your mentality is so backwards wrong that I honestly can’t take believe you’re being serious. So instead, you must be trolling. Literally the only viable excuse for your comment.


I actually believe blizzard doesn’t expect nor made void elves to fill the high elf role for alliance players.

If they did then why did they decide to not use the existing high elven population to make them? Alleria literally has her own group from outland that they could have written as following in her footsteps. Instead blizzard takes a group of blood elves to make void elves and as it stands currently void elves have no way to make more of themselves. That of course can change just like was said in that interview.


I’m sorry but reading this reminded me…

You can keep calling them a “failure” because it didn’t satisfy what you wanted, but the fact is that they still are the most played AR.

Honestly I think it’s better if their good intentions get overshadowed, more zealotry and edge would be more interesting than “we simply did it because we believed it was right cries”.


Then the Ren’dorei should have been released after the Playable Alliance Quel’dorei since their story in more in tuned with the Alliance and more of a history with the Alliance then the Ren’dorei.


Dont make it personal, its was unfair to a Part of the Community that was asking for them. I was fine with/without Ren’dorei they were unnecessary for the Alliance Story, but I do see like most Pro people, that certain Biasism with it come to Playable Alliance Queldorei and the Horde and the DEVs.


Oh, there’s that too. :slight_smile:

New voice lines always come when Blizzard make existing races playable.


What does that have to do with anything? I never said that this wasn’t possible either, it was him that said it wasn’t possible because it wouldn’t be reflected in old zones which makes zero sense because no new content is reflected in old zones as they’re all time-locked anyway. Hence why this comment seemed so random, as it the conversation had nothing to do with other possibilities, but why he felt it was impossible for the one I suggested.

But thanks for agreeing with me I guess?

Void Elves are a success as an allied race. There’s no denying that.

Void Elves are a failure as a answer to those who wish to play Alliance High Elves. There’s no denying that either.

Being a success at the first does not negate being a failure at the second.

But you knew that.


They did though.

When Ion was asked why they added Void elves over high elves, he said he wanted to give them a “flavor” of high elves, but felt that High elves themselves were too similar visually to give to the alliance so certain visual themes had to be addressed and changed in order to maintain a clear disparity between them.

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Thats funny. I don’t remember him ever saying that.

And it also doesn’t explain why void elves are blood elves instead of high elves.

We ask for high elves and antis say we can’t have blood elves. Blizzard makes void elves and inadvertently gives us literal blood elves and antis don’t bat an eye.


high elves are blood elves now. therefore void elves WERE realeased after the high elf race became playable with blood elves. the term ‘high’ elf refers to individuals who cling to an adjective to show political dissent. not an AR candidate because they are already a playable core race

you are politically a ‘high’ elf if you leave the kingdom of quel’thalas and ESPECIALLY if you join up with the alliance like the 2 decorative ones in SW and the portal keeper in BFA. by default ALL VOID ELVES, whether they have been blood elves for the past 6 years or not, are now high elves politically because they have left silvermoon as exiles

by default all void elves are politically ‘high’ elves. while void elves are no longer biologically a high/blood elf, ‘high’ elf is the political affiliation. it doesnt matter if you were blood elf for the last 10 years, or from the start of the rebranding, or you joined much later. void elves rejoined the alliance and are now politically a ‘high’ elf

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To much data out there I have to disagree with you.