High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Or you two could catch on the point that blood elves in the alliance would be boring because it would be the exact same trope in every other fantasy franchise and thus boring, while blood elves in the Horde it’s a twist of it.

And yet they are far more interesting than high elves.

The alliance want boring. Deal with it.


Now that Lor’themar and the Blood Elves sided with the good Horde, and the Horde as a whole seemingly returned to their more honorable state, the chances of Blood Elves returning to their dark origins are getting smaller and smaller.

Or, make Lightforged Blood Elves by making a story on how the Light in the Sunwell is becoming more and more dominant over the arcane, get them to side with the Yrel and her Lightbund from Draenor by establishing a connection between the two realities via a portal empowered with the Light of the Sunwell, just like those Lightforged portals the Army of the Light use, and get them to go full crusade, not Dark Elves in a literal sense, but still Dark. Other Light devoted races like Humans might feel compelled to join too, making a new enemy of Azeroth that isn’t edgy and generic, and is totally understandable and reasonable, as they believe the world must be ridden from the forces of death and shadow.


Good thing warcraft was always about taking old existing tropes and adding flavor to them, which is why we have honorable orcs, sentient zombies, british warewolves, space goats and ancient elves alligned with the “bad guys”.

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Playable Alliance Quel’dorei should of been done already!! Make it happen DEVs!


You just took everything that is wrong with the Community and even the Antis as a whole when they even heard about a original theme color skin elven race on the Alliance. Sometimes I even wonder if people within the Wow Community now in days don’t even respect the Alliance Faction or the Alliance RTS Faction as a whole since the Faction Identity on the Alliance is still broken.


This is so ironic coming from a Kul’Tiran.


That’s the same ideas just as I had but a lot more detail into the wish list that is. Through It would be nice if there were Thalassian Alliance Elf Shamans, Druids and Paladins. I mean there has never been a Alliance Elf Paladin at all in the Faction besides of human, 2 draeneis, and 2 dwarves paladins.



I hope you didn’t think that Blood Elves joining the Horde made sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

And hilariously, this is even more High Elves, and even pre-Fel Blood Elves, that were Alliance characters in Classic than I knew existed.


If the identity of the Alliance hinges on a single race, let alone a race that didn’t found it… then that’s not a good thing or you’re giving the High elves too much credit, specially since you’re playing the race that is truly the pillar of the Alliance.
Also, things have been changing even since Warcraft 3 which a RTS game, which is why blood elves exist. Warcraft 2 is no longer a thing, it’s long gone and the third game was a proof of this.



Alliance gets called the boring faction regardless of any of that.

And it’s not like Blizzard utilizes these subverted tropes to effective measure. Not with the writing quality they employ in their staff. It all just resembles wasted potential.

And yes, I would say I preferred the Blood Elves had stayed Alliance and still kept to their theme of being edgy sorcerers driven to darkness by the fall of their homeland instead of the holy light knight elves in the Horde. Granted we got that anyway with Void Elves, even if they lack proper build-up and good backstory, but it’s still a good way to subvert fantasy tropes and give the Alliance a “bad guy” theme of its own.


They’re more interesting than "Ohoho, I’m a Blood Elf, but I need to be treated special and be given things that should belong to Blood Elves, while not giving them to said Blood Elves.

You’ve had 13 years. Get. Over. It.


Are we forgetting all that it’s been exploited of these “spiced up” tropes already with past writing teams?

I can promise you that no matter how edgy they could have tried to keep them, it would still be viewed as the same trope overused by every other fantasy setting.

And yes, Void elves add some extra flavor to the Alliance, and yes, it’s possible that the current writing team will not exploit it, but again, there’s far more to explore there than having high elves exploring struggles they never truly had to deal with since they were waiting for everyone else to solve their issues for them.

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But their entire fantasy revolves around playing a ‘pretty’ snowflake elf.

Actually… The first foundations of the Alliance began 3,200 years before the first war, and was between Humans and High Elves. And even though that’s not exactly the same Alliance that we have now, the friendship and union between the Quel’dorei and Humanity would last thousands of years. Hence why when the Alliance was reformed, the Quel’dorei were an active member.

Think of the Alliance as less of an active “alliance”, and more as a military organization that is put into service during times of need. Outside of said times of need, the races and factions of the Alliance are active allies and friends.


I can take this logic and say that fat customization options should’ve belong to Stormwind Humans and Kul’Tirans shouldn’t received special treatment with their own race spot despite not being a new race and 2 classes that Regular Humans don’t have access to.

But i think Kul’Tirans are fine, i just think it’s unfair that both human races aren’t allowed to share their models. With different customization options it could’ve been done.


They live on their own island and have had hundreds of years of seperation, genetics and culture.

High Elves just split a decade ago, and even then, they don’t have a microbial reproduction and lifespan do they?

But i think Kul’Tirans are fine

But i think Kul’Tirans are fine


And yet Void Elves just split from Blood Elves like what, a year ago? And are somehow considered their own playable race? But High Elves can’t be? Explain your logic.

Besides, Blood Elves split from High Elves. Not the other way around. High Elves were the base. Blood Elves were the traitors who started doing their own thing.

Blood Elves are to High Elves, as Void Elves are to Blood Elves.


No, you’re conflating the Alliance with just the kingdom of Arator joining forces with the High elves to fight trolls. That was not the Alliance or anything close to it, since the real alliance was formed with 7 kingdoms, the dwarves, and the high elves.

I’m not going to say this is the case for everyone (even if some do clearly use the past as a way to excuse this), I just think that saying that the Alliance identity it’s broken just because High elves are not a thing in the Alliance it’s a major, major stretch.