High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And yet if a high elf fan were to say they can’t wait to see antis cry when high elves were announced they’d jump on those people.


Except that the factions are not balanced. Or else LFG wouldn’t be entire dead on Alliance side. Or it wouldn’t take weeks, to a literal month or more, before an Alliance guild completes a Mythic raid, after the Horde have already completed it.

It was never even possible for players to queue for Mythic CoS in LFG because Alliance never got to 100 guilds to have completed it, lol.

We wouldn’t have a 25% Warmode bonus if the factions were balanced.

We wouldn’t have an enlistment bonus if the factions were balanced.

Alliance is dead. You must not play Alliance at all if you think otherwise.

They did. Playing Classic I’ve ran into several different High Elves, and even a major High Elf group, that were all friendly to the Alliance.

Lol, and hilariously, the Horde has quests to kill some of them. Go figure.

Do Blood Elves still commonly have green eyes? Yup. So it’s still canon. There are very few that have golden eyes, canonically.

The Silver Covenant prove my point, yes. :slight_smile:

Well, when using a certain magic source has been proven to completely alter your character, and is actually affiliated with evil, then yes. Lol. I don’t see your point. If eating meat IRL actually turned me into an evil, mass murdering, genocidal monster, I wouldn’t eat it. And thus it would be logically, and reasonably, outlawed.

Sorry that I’m right and you can’t come up with a counter argument? I’ve actually read the books and have done the research.

What I say is canon. What you have been saying is headcanon fan-fiction at best.

I also bet you’re gonna tell me how you believe Nightborne are completely different from Night Elves, and deserve their own unique race, yet High Elves don’t. Go figure that one out.


corruption isn’t mutation. Corruption is corruption. We have seen this throughout WoW all across azeroth. Those plagued animals in the wilderness are corrupted but not a different race or mutation. Those treants are corrupted but not a different race or mutation.


There is a difference between not caring if others feel bad something happens and taking enjoyment out of watching it happen.


Kul Tirans weren’t in a playable state until 8.1.5. Ankoan use an existing skeleton, and only have a broad head to design around. Otherwise they’re as easy to make playable as the Zandalari

I dont even play Horde. I just think Helves are dreadfully uninspired.

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I fixed it because it was an honest mistake.

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Where is this major group at? And the several individual’s locations?


“High Elves are boring and uninteresting! …but of course don’t make them happen like this Blizzard, they would be better than Blood Elves that way.”

“High Elves are boring and uninteresting! … but do give Blood Elves blue eyes and tattoos just like those High Elf concepts!”

“High Elves don’t work as an Allied Race! … but only in the Alliance, gimme me Horde them Blizzard?”

23:59: “High Elves are boring!”. 24:00: “Blood Elves are High Elves!”


Epl in quel Lithian lodge and quel’danil in the hinterlands

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Oh the exiled lodge elves…I thought there was something new.

Yet, they have major changes and in those cases, they look majorly different: Fel orcs corrupted by fel, Void elves corrupted (or infused), fel blood elves are actually corrupted by fel, and look how different they look.

Like those that I’ve seen saying they want high elves to " show it to the hordies"?

You have currently on US realms 1,941,421 characters at max level, 46,5% of the playerbase. You guys are not lacking numbers, you’re lacking people willing to get stuff done.

Again, you’re still ignoring the gap between the time when the High elves hid behind the humans the the time the rest of the high elves joined the Horde, but this is conveniant for you so of course you’d do that.

Except that the lore explicitly says that there were no changes.

Ah yes, the ones sitting at a magical city where magic lingers prove that they got over their addiction…

Ah I see, you’re still thinking that the consumed fel. Again, you may not like it, but this as been retconned.

No, your lore it’s (perhaps purposely) outdated.

And then the good old “10,000 of different magic influence and isolation didn’t change them”.

Sure HMP.

Was it though? I think it’s pretty in line with what the request really is in general.

The wretched?


How can vanilla provide something new?


Yeah, in fairness I just look at it as code for “Blood Elves are boring after the Sunwell came back, bring TFT Blood Elves back Blizz ;_;”

Even though Void Elves are pretty much that now.


I laughed at this.


My wish list if we were to get playable Alliance High Elves, would be the following:

-A modified model similar to Talendrion’s mockup with a unique idle stance.

-Some unique hairstyles with others shared from Void Elves and Humans.

-A broad range of skin tones and hair colors like Humans have.

-An option for shorter ears to showcase diluted Bloodlines.

-Non-glowing eyes

-Classes: Warrior, Mage, Priest, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue ( I would not oppose others but those are the classes I’d absolutely want before any others.)

-A focus on the story of what those who remained loyal to the Alliance have been doing and the struggles they’ve endured by leaving behind their kin and assimilating into other cultures while trying to preserve some of their own or create something new.


How awful. Sounds like humans 2.0

You are entitled to your own opinions of course.


I mean fat humans were a bad idea and here we are


You don’t think high elves are interesting. We get it. You want something you find interesting. Go talk about it in the threads requesting what you find interesting then. Complaining about high elves and arguing here isn’t going to help you get the race you want added.

Sure your threads don’t have much activity on them but that is something you have to change. They don’t become active if you don’t talk in them. You have to keep them going even if you are the only person there. eventually others will come and maybe one day you will be as big as the high elf topic.