High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yea. That’s what happened to the Megathread. Plus my Posts/Threads didn’t last very long so atleast we’re bit lucky its opened again.

Exactly, people really get confused over semantics.

The SUBGROUP of still self-proclaiming High Elves, no the High Elf race.


Asking for customizations that could perfectly work for blood elves. Asking for class options not available for them and even…

This right here, it’s very telling.

Welp, that’s a major slip up if I’ve ever seen one.

EDIT: I see you went back to edit your post, but this is what you originally said.

Oh, the rest won’t be happy with this.


This is Alliance’s Arena LFG. Across all of the NA servers, including OCE, I think, and SA. As we constantly get paired with them both.


Alliance is completely dead.

Imagine this scenario, while your Prince is trying to find your race’s salvation in another world, you join your race’s mortal enemies, go alongside them after your Prince, and then proceed to assassinate him. Everything Kael’thas did was for his people. And they killed him for it. Go figure. Lor’themar’s a traitor.


Idk how it’s a slip up, it’s been mentioned in lore that blood elves can regain their blue eyes over time, they would still remain from separate groups. So no slip up or gotcha.

The customization we are asking for have particularly been known to belong to the group we are asking for… if blizz wanted the blood elves to have this customization, then they should have done that with them from their day 1 intro in tbc, but they didnt, they changed them.


And you think that possibly unbalancing the currently actually balanced population will change anything? You really thin every single person that would play a High elf would be suddenly interested in getting content done?

Alliance has the population to be competitive and yet they don’t do it, a single race won’t fix that.

Oh so you’re purposely ignoring that the High elves have several year to return and make themselves useful before the rest considered joining the horde? Ok.


The fact that you said “the blood elves could gain from alliance having blood elves”. You do want alliance blood elves… but un-voided ones.

And the exact same people the blood elves are too because they are still High elves.

They didn’t “change them”, they simply didn’t give them to the blood elves. Why a playable race should be denied of possible valid options because it threatens the fragile identity of a handful of NPCs?


The difference between High Elves and Blood Elves isn’t their eye color. It’s an entire difference in culture and belief. As well as fel corruption.

High Elves kept their integrity and overcame their addiction.

Blood Elves fed their addiction, and seeked alternate, darker means, to obtain power.

They are also now biologicially different. Haven’t you ever noticed that Blood Elves are always depicted as wrinkled and older? That’s because the fel magic they consumed changed them and aged them.

Check any High Elf depictions, they will almost always look younger, by comparison.

Seriously, look it up.


Why should a playable race be denied from being made playable because it threatens the fragile minds of a handful of players falsely believing it detracts from their race?

Seriously any blood elf in universe would look at you all with disgust when you compare high elves and blood elves to being the same.


You can keep pretending this is still canon all you want, but updated lore will continue to prove you wrong.

Yes, those sending you to steal artifacts and the wrtetched at Quel’lithien prove this…

Yeah I’m aware you guys think magic veganism it’s “morally better”.

Canon lore will continue to prove you wrong no matter how much you dislike it.

I bet the cherry picked art you’ve seen does. And yet, the lore says the opposite.

So let me get this straight.

Suspecting they won’t have any negative effect it’s valid. Suspecting they will have a negative effect is not valid.

Oh boy, another one.

And somehow, that is comparable with opposing additons to a race that has been playable for over 10 years…

Good thing they are fictional, huh?


Exactly. Plus last time I checked. Void Elves and Blood Elves didn’t have half elf children in their society but mostly blood elves because of their hate of humans and the alliance in general.

Plus Blood Elves completely abandon their Quel’dorei legacy leaving the other Quel’dorei High Elves who isn’t Horde to die or left within the care of the Alliance. Plus Blood Elves don’t have Alleria like Warcraft 2 Tattoos. So there’s that as well.


They were corrupted by the fel. This is canon. Not directly feeding on it does not mean the fell didn’t corrupt them. Just like with the majority of the orcs the fel corrupted them by simply being near it. Fel radiation is a thing.

I made the point they would look at you with disgust because many on your side have claimed to oppose high elves to “protect the sanctity of the blood elves”

Simply put you and other antis keep claiming they are the same when blood elves themselves don’t consider themselves the same.


No, those fel blood elves at the Sunwell raid are corrupted by fel. That’s what corruption does to them.

And it is canon that they were not consuming it.


Did you not read what I posted? Fel radiation is what corrupted them. The degree of corruption is based on how much they consume directly or indirectly as well as how long they do so.

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High elves belong on the horde as an allied race, I’m super excited to see it happen.


I’m just waiting for the wailing and gnashing of teeth following the Mechagnome and Ankoan announcement

“yes, I enjoy seeing others suffer”

Personally I am not opposed to mechagnomes and ankoan. Mechagnomes are happening and while I want ankoan I know they are not as for some reason despite them being introduced in BFA the expansion bring in the allied race system they designed them without them being player friendly in mind.

Ankoan are not in a playable state. It is frustrating but it is the reason they will not be happening in BFA.


It wasn’t corruption thought, since it didn’t mutate them. Eye color changing it’s not enough, if so, then Valeera, for an instant was a whole different kind of elf since she was affected enough by magic to have her eyes turn purple.

I don’t know, I think that the fact I’m trying to keep those that betrayed them from being independent enough to venture out in the world as if they had earned that atuonomy, might be something they like.

But you keep trying to have people comply by trying to guilt trip them.



I’m still trying to understand what narrative they want to stick with.

It always zigzags between “you want something that’s more boring than Blood Elves” or “you want something that’s better than Blood Elves”.

How can something be better if it is boring at the same time?


If you think about it, it’s pretty funny to see that coming from the same one that said: