High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

well wildhammer do have the option of getting druid. They roughly have lore on the level of what harvest witches were for kul tiras and gilneas and those were turned into full druids

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Tattoos the originals don’t have, class options the originals don’t have… and ignore that those that share these points are all on the same side of their originals.

No, because when people asks for tattoos for blood elves, your side will come out of the woodwork to claim how that shouldn’t happen because that’s a “high elf thing”. When people asks for eye customization for blood elves, your side comes out to claim that is a “High elf thing”.

They should give you guys the race that is already playable… but the race that is already playable has to be limited on what they request because of a dwindling race of NPCs.


Alamara once said that Anti Helfs tend to like Void Elves because since they consider them inferior to the Blood Elves, they say it’s for other reasons, but in the core it was that. Their opposition to High Elves is a lot due to jealously over some of the concepts and ideas for High Elves, since they thought it was unacceptable for the Alliance to get a “superior” version of Thalassian Elves.

Back then i thought what she said was nonsense, but now, i see it.


The barriers you guys have set up for this argument is just insane…

Can’t have different models, because XYZ… oh but now we just want blood elf models…
Give it a rest it’s spam worthy if you have not got anything new to say


class options that blood elves wouldn’t have? mate high elves wouldn’t have access to death knight, demon hunter, and warlocks. Every other class they would have in common.


How will it impinge on the nelf theme? It won’t anymore than nightborne impinged on the belf addict theme.

No idea what you’re getting at with the rest of your response to me.


Basically they are just trying to skirt around saying “You can’t have high elves because I say so”


Rpg isnt canon bub.

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Atleast the Nightborne stick to the same faction with their themes

tandred wasn’t canon until he was. RPG can be used to expand on the lore. Blizzard has been doing this for years.


Or, you know, you could actually read what we’ve been saying instead of crafting assumptions (or rather, spouting someone else’s assumptions). Nowhere have I said that Void elves were inferior, in fact, I’ve consider a lot of things they have to be better, but sure, instead of addressing the point, deflect, and don’t forget to go call people out while ignoring the exact same thing happening on your side of the hedge.

Do I have to repeat how people can’t asks for options for an already playable race because High elves have an identity so fragile that eye color threatens it?

You are the ones that claim to stick to the lore and that claim to hate how they came out with the explanation for the change of Void elves out of nowhere… but somehow a similar type of explanation for a different model would be a-ok if it were for High elves?
I’m not saying it can’t or shouldn’t happen, but it would be nice for people to notice the hypocrisy.

Oh, but bumping saying “I support them!” or repeating the exact same fanfictions it’s not spam.


by definition it isn’t spam.

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Then neither it is to oppose them, you might want to inform that to the night elf.

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I am not their keeper. I have no requirement to do so.

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Thankfully, the dwarves already have their Allied Race.

But you apparently agree since you upvoted it.

Who was the one again that was claiming upvoting something equals endorsement :thinking:

And thinking about it, so do Blood elves.

The ship sailed twice; in 2006 and then in 2018.


and there you go assuming we can’t have them all but instead we must pick and choose.


not me /10char

You might want to take that to the council then. One step out of line and you’ll be shunned for damaging The Cause.


So then a more nature themed high elves being playable alliance side is fine then, since they will be on the same side as the night elves.
