High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Coming to this thread which you posted before with a different character pretending to be a newcomer isn’t going to make a favor for you.


People will only play those “new and interesting things” in massive quantities if such a new and interesting thing is also pleasing to the eye and considered conventionally attractive.


Let’s see this person calls out Callistus for the same thing.


Also, interest is subjective, and just because it’s new, doesn’t mean it’s good.


Remember the “new and interesting” allied races we got? A blue blood elf reskin, mods of Draenei, Tauren with antlers, brown orcs, wine obsessed night elves, fat humans, upright trolls, amiright?

Whats wrong with another elf with tattoos?


Let’s do a bit of math shall we.

Players at 120 on the Alliance: 1,941,421

Helf Supporters: Let’s be generous and say 500



Helfers make up: 0.00025754331% of the 120 lvl Alliance Population. Kul Tirans are more played, and so are Velves.

Nah, they just need to be cool. People that shallow already have Blood Elves, Humans, Night Elves, Void Elves and Female Draenei to play. I don’t play the game to salivate over a digital posterior.

We’ve already got an elf allied race, and gnomes/Worgen need their own before those knife-eared lummoxes are even faintly considered?


I think you’re underselling them QUITE a bit.


No, I think Helfers fall prey to the belief that they’re more than a fringe group.


Yea, and of those options the ripped upright Trolls and the blue-skin Blood Elves are the only ones played to a substantial degree.

More to the point, allied races aren’t meant to be about adding things that are interesting, they are meant to add things that make sense being playable and fit the faction they are made to be playable in. High Elves fit both of those criteria and don’t necessarily need to be a new or interesting thing, that’s the kind of thinking that needs to be applied to core races instead.

What makes you think attractive races can’t be cool as well?


Even the most amazing things can look ridiculous and stupid depending on the wording you use, lets use the Nightborne for example, a race that had gorgeous city, an amazing story and they look incredible (the NPC ones, at least).

Wine Elves, purpler Night Elves, Night Elves with ears flipped upwards, Purple Crack Elves.

What’s the point of me saying this?

Well, people call High Elves stuff like: Blood Elves with Blue Eyes, Tolkien Elves, Human Bedwarmers, etc.

But none of this matter, haters gonna hate, for us they are interesting, compelling, and that’s all that matters, Blizzard looks for excitement and interest when they search for things to add to the game, not negativity.


They’ve been one of the most heavily requested races since vanilla. Blizzard has acknowledged this on several occasions. If this number has been a mere 500, then I don’t think they would have batted an eye.


Because being Blood Elves but “Holier than thou” isn’t interesting. They’re garbage-can elves.

They had an awful, fairy-fart city that I couldn’t stand. A cliche and awful, overly-dragged story about rebellion, and they look like melted ice-cream.

They are literally human bedwarmers. That is all Vereesa’s character is, she warmed Rhonin’s bed and gave us PCs the family bow. They’re even less interesting and developed than Belves.

They’re requested by a vocal minority that would be far more satisfied if they just played a Horde alt on occasion. I don’t know why Helves being on the Alliance is so important for them.

He’s comparing forum numbers with level 120 Alliance characters (characters, not players, basically he’s counting my 5 120’s as 5 different people), no point on taking his flawed mathematics seriously.


When you bring this up, you have already lost your credibility.

Also we don’t need floppy races like jinyu, ankoan or mech gnomes, rule of cool isn’t cool. They had a chance to do broken over Void elves, not a “pretty race” but sought after.


I mean. I could bump the number of helfers up to 5000, and it would only scratch 0.26

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You lose your credibility when the only reason you’ll roll a race is because it’s ‘pretty’. The majority of people throughout history were neither attractive nor cthulian in their apperance.

Not wanting Ankoan, Mechagnomes or other interesting races with their own developed lores, culture and aesthetics because you just want a barbie-doll with no lore that you can play dress-up with. Is a sort of mindset that I cannot, and will not fathom.

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I mean, you’d need 20,000+ people before you even scratch 1%, and we both know you aren’t anywhere that numerous.

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It’s not the only reason, it’s the only reason that you want to see from us though.


You didn’t answer my question. Also I don’t see how they’re any more or less interesting than other potential options available.

And nothing they can think of is more interesting or cooler than Worgen, who are literal werewolves with two forms, can become their own mount, and have a cool gothic horror vibe in their architecture… and yet they’re less played than even some of the more monstrous races in the Horde. (More people play Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, and Undead than they do Worgen, in fact.)

I would even bet you that based on that… I don’t see any other potential race idea fairing much better.


Um… I have horde alts. I have a few Blood Elves. One is 120. I don’t like playing him- especially with the last expansion drama.

I just prefer playing alliance because I like having dwarves, gnomes, humans, etc as my allies than orcs, trolls, forsaken, etc. I just don’t like playing horde.

Plus playing as a Blood Elf makes me feel like an arrogant butthole. Void elves are at least somewhat reserved.