High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Basic decency.


I wouldn’t close those other threads just yet, this megathread usually gets locked pretty quickly.


Wait this was closed? No wonder I didnt see it.

Who are the poor unfortunate sad souls reporting it hahaha


High elf battle mage! Archers! “By your command”!


That is a topic of considerable debate.

-blue, red and green tattoos
-ranger-mage aesthetics
-if we can’t have a different model, at least a different idle/ posture.


I wish for Blizzard to kill or velf the silver covenant and finally end this “debate”. I think I speak for the majority of the Alliance when I say: “No more elves.”


It started as a wishlist but ended bigger than i predicted.

For classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, Monk, Mage, Priest.

I defend Paladins because High Elf Paladins exist and are cannon in lore and Shamans because i think it would be a interesting addition to them, giving them a unique concept and flavor that you don’t see in the other Elf types in Wow. They would not be the traditional tribal Shamans, just like many Shaman Races like Kul’Tirans aren’t Shamans in lore, but in gameplay Blizzard put them there. Alamara presented the concept of Storm Elves, that many High Elves discovered and studied those powers in the Isle of Thunder, or they just seek out Shamanism with the Wildhammer as form of power to help them deal with the withdraw from the Sunwell. Druids sound cool, but let’s keep that to the Night Elves.

For visuals: If Ma’ghar Orcs can have the looks of every Orc clan from Draenor, High Elves can have the looks from their various places of origin.

I am probably the only one who want Arcane tattoos/markings, still support ranger tattoos, distinct hair styles, some more Rangerish (i made this word) and some more Dalarani, they should have different types of customization options to reflect their origins since High Elves live and come from different places
Some Void Elf hair styles but without tentacles are welcome for me. The hair can come in varied normal colors plus light blue, white and silver.

Silver earrings with blue and violet gems for the females and beards for males.

Shorter ear and eyebrow options for Half Elves.

More muscular skin options like some of the Demon Hunter ones.

A slight modification on the Thalassian Model or a different idle and run animations if Blizzard deem necessary to differentiate them from Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Different personalities and attitudes reflecting their different cultural backgrounds within the Alliance, represented in their voice lines and emotes.

Unicorn Racial Mount. HD version of the Silver Covenant Tabard as the tabard they get in the introductory quests. Lynx Hunter pet. Heritage armor colored with Silver and Celestial blue, with 2 versions, full body caster robe, and regular chest and pants version (just like how the Blood Elf heritage have 2 versions of the same set).


Ok, 73 DK alt.


Would you prefer this one?

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Or how about this one?

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Maybe even a big-man?

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An army of alts doesn’t make you speak for the entire playerbase.


Yes, but it makes calling me a horde shill rather ineffective.

Regardless, the Alliance needs new and interesting things to gather more players. Helves are neither new or interesting, they’re Blood Elves.


Currently they compete too much with all of the more generic fantasy worlds out there.


No, I just like to post on some alts I have. Farm up those forum privs. I could never have such desperation as the people still trying to justify Helves on this thread.


I don’t recall calling you a horde shill. This is the “High Elf Allied Race Megathread.” There are gonna be a lot of supporters here.


That’s just, well, your opinion.

I don’t think the 300+ people who liked this thread and others that gave the support in other social media places did so because they think High Elves aren’t interesting.


Sadly, and Blizzard being a business won’t outright say no, despite having already done everything but say no.


Can you predict the future?

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