High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It’s Soft and Fyre lol it comes with the territory.

But i mean that’s what you do when you’re trying to get a thread closed, predictable as always.


You stated that zones dont have to stay a certain way just because of old expansions. You mentioned this in line with high elves returning to quelthalas.

I pointed out that if thats the case then dalaran doesnt have to stay neutral. Old content they stay neutral, but in the future they are alliance. Since thats been such a sticking point with trolls for awhile now. Its very clear.


Look, I’m not trying to upset people here, but isn’t it basically confirmed that this won’t happen?

Where I’m getting this idea? Maybe because it’s been the major narrative during this campaign finale, and since my suggestions, from the very start, has been “IF” and not “when” I really don’t see why you think you’re correcting me on anything. I made it very clear in my original comment that it depends on which direction they take the faction change in, if races are neutral, and thus so are their capitals, there’s no reason why High elves would be against returning to Quel’thalas as it would not mean they need to join the Horde.

Yes, and so you don’t have ownership of ALL high elves, especially when some are “neutral” or don’t have any allegiances at all. See how that works?


Sure, it could. It never will, but it could.


Agreed. There was one last chance in history for Dalaran to join the Alliance, and unless Khadgar gets kicked out…

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No, I said you don’t have to change old zones to reflect NEW lore developments. If for some reason the High elves decided to return to Quel’thalas you don’t need to go back and uproot ALL the high elves in every old expansion zone to reflect something happening in the current expansion. That’s the ENTIRE point of time-locked zones.

Heck, as a Zandalari troll you can take part in the Battle of Daz’alar before they officially join the Horde.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

@BlizzardCS: The schedule maintenance for the High Elf thread will happen in about four hours.


Hey my help post actually did something.

Glad to see the mods are actively working to sort out the flags (false or otherwise) and keep this thread alive.

Good stuff.

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Yes, but that argument can be used for many things… Hence my point. You say that they can rejoin the Blood Elves, and I am saying that all High Elves can unite and turn away from the Horde for good because Dalaran in the future doesn’t have to be a sanctuary.


This thread gets closed way more often than is reasonable. Anyways, not staying long, just here to voice my support for playable Alliance High Elves.


:heart::heart:100% support for Playable Alliance Quel’dorei :heart::heart:


Man that first post… a tear came to my eyes. That’s some dedication.


Sadly, it’s also the main reason that this thread keeps being flagged to death. =/

The first thread without Art never had the same problem.


It’s almost like a panic because they know it makes it all the more likely. If they weren’t genuinely worried they wouldn’t even bother to comment, much less flag. The more they argue, the more obvious their worrying.


I love the art. I’d love to see even more as well. Some people are insulting towards it, makes me wonder what they are so insecure about.


Yeah the art is pretty neat. I still can’t get over the human-Elf model designs either; they do look pretty neat. I could see a design like that being a concept for the High Elves in development. Give them a totally unique Elven model!

They could even use Alexstrazsa/Nozdormu as baseline models for the concepts or something …whatever would work ,really.


That might be the issue. In my opinion, the models by Talendrion look better than the belf model. Some antis are pretty caught up in wanting to be the only majestic elves with human skintones, so high elves becoming playable and looking more majestic, well they can’t handle that.