High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Not like they’d find it hard to, they’re already heavily leaning that way.

I wouldn’t. So there’s that. :wink:

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Yup exactly. There we go we fixed that little complaint.

do you even play the game? what would be the point of khadgar breaking neutrality after the factions themselves agreed to neutrality

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Those are words alright, too bad you’ve made no argument to back them up, making them no less ridiculous than every other thing you’ve said. Hey, at least your consistent.

Zero reason? Right, not like they haven’t repeatedly said it’s their home, and have even sent troops to fight and defend it. It’s not like Auric himself said that all Blood Elves and High elves should rally together as children of Silvermoon. It’s not like they don’t have brothers, sisters, and loved ones among one another. They have every reason in the world to want to return home, to be near the Sunwell, instead of living at the mercy of the Alliance. A faction that still distrusts them after the second war thanks to the Night elves. But yes, zero reason.

I find it amusing that you said “Silvermoon” when Vereesa clearly specified that she wanted the Blood elves to return to the Alliance. Something that wouldn’t even be relevant if faction-barriers were relinquished. And I’m pretty sure Vereesa was already willing to join Sylvanas in Undercity, but yes it’s soo far fetched that other high elves might want to return home to be close to their loved ones as well.

That doesn’t even make sense as the Horde sees Blood elves among them, and yet when you reach Outland you’re fighting blood elves, and there’s even several raids and dungeons full of Blood elves. This sounds more like some thinly veiled attempt to hand-wave a prevelent feature we’ve seen utilized in the game for years. But keep trying.


Would be comical to watch though. The Helves would get butchered


I suppose you could write a new story arc that has Khadgar ousted as head of the Kirin Tor, the Council expelling all but Alliance-race members, expelling the Blood Elves and other Horde living there, ending Dalaran as a neutral Hub, denying Horde players access to it, and formally renouncing their neutrality. Sure, that could happen - I suppose.


This comment doesn’t even remotely make sense.


No need. The neutrality was in the past just like HM and NB and everything is frozen in its timeline so that means next expansion or whatever they could stop being neutral. Phasing and other tools do wonders.


And what do you think void elves are “supposed” to be? They’re the clear compromise on high elves, simple as that. Any role in the story the high elves could play could just as easily be filled by the void elves.


That would be one - albeit dramatic and guaranteed to cause a forum conflagration similar to Teldrassil - way to end the debate.

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Sorry, none of this gives any reason for High Elves joining the Horde, it just shows them caring about Silvermoon, which is understandable it was their home, definitely not a reason for them to leave their Alliance. BTW every time they’ve defended it, they’ve stated they do it for the memory of their homeland and not becoming buddy buddy with the Horde.

Two different Blood elf factions, especially at the time of TBC, but you’re the “Blood Elf expert”. :man_shrugging:

You have no idea how happy this would make me.

Never even remotely been a fan of Khadgar’s hold hands happy hour, if the world wasn’t ending every other expansion, Dalaran’s story would make more sense.


The neutrality was formally announced as Khadgar’s position in his speech at the end of Legion, and nothing’s changed during BfA. How far in the past do you think that is? It’s not. It’s the present.


So BfA and Legion are happening at the same time then?

He could have looked at Brennadam and decided to be done with neutrality if he wanted. He could wake up one day and juat decide for no reason.

Im not the one who opened this can of worms. See the quote.

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When Kael was still a High Elf he caught Arthas and Jaina K I S S I N G

He was pissed

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Are we having trouble reading honey? I already said that if faction barriers were removed High elves returning to Quel’thalas wouldn’t mean they’d be joining the Horde. By that logic the High elves residing in Quel’danas at the Sunwell with the Blood elves must be Horde then, right?

Clearly Vereesa does feel kinship with the Blood elves, or else she wouldn’t want them in the alliance with her, or care whether or not they found “redemption” if anything this simply strengthens my argument.

It doesn’t matter? There are “different” factions of High elves too. Some are neutral, dalaran citizens, some are Alliance, some are even pirates. The fact that you see a race on your faction, and then you’re fighting it is not uncommon in WoW by any means, and probably one of the weakest arguments I’ve heard thus far.


youre right he could wake up one day and decide anything. he could wake up tomorrow and fall in love with a murloc

brennadam happens before the fourth war ends with the 2 factions ‘breaking the cycle’

he or the council could have voted to break neutrality after teldrassil and assist the alliance in the battle of lordaeron. they didnt. and if jaina didnt show up the alliance would have been wiped out and the war would have ended that day :woman_technologist:

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I wish that had anything to do with what I said, but it doesnt. Sorry.

Oh look. No argument so bring out the petty insults.


Because no one can understand what you’re saying, because it is completely random and irrelevant to the conversation lol


I don’t know where you keep getting this idea sweetheart, at most they’ll let all races go in which ever city they want without being attacked. But i guess since they’re knocking walls down, they’ll add High Elves as playable and everyone will get to play them.

It does? Because specifics matter the story we’re playing through?

You’re not choosing to play “all” Blood Elves, you’re choosing to play the political faction of Blood Elves who followed Lor’themar and _not_Kael’thas.

See how that works? Politics?