High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

They want quel’thelas back in the alliance. I am not saying they will ever succeed or even get to a point where they actually invade quel’thelas. That is just one of their main goals that will likely never be realized.


I’m of the mind that the only reason they haven’t been utilized to their full potential this expansion is because they have something far bigger planned for them in the expansion. And while there’s no way of confirming this, I can’t fathom that they’d have them standing around doing nothing in an expansion centered directly on the war against the void.

Honestly the expansion has a lot of potential for void elf lore, and character development, as their presence directly relates to the trials we’ll be facing while against N’zoth. With the faction-war coming to an end, it’s likely players both Alliance and horde will be interacting with them, being offered guidance and foresight into what it’s store.

I agree that right now they have very little going for them in terms of story, and lore, but that can always change.

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No, Vereesa said she wants the BLOOD ELVES in the Alliance, not Quel’thalas itself. Not once has any High elf ever said they wanted to reclaim Quel’thalas from the blood elves. I really don’t know where you’re getting that from.


I’d rather see the various high elf groups come together as one and make a new home for themselves.


Like I said, it would have to be one heck of a story for me to be interested in void elves.

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we dont know what their ‘goals’ are because they have never had a story of their own before. because they arent relevant. because they have no role to play. theyve always been used as props to further other more important characters stories or just added as flavor NPCs like the occasional portal keeper. what we do know is vereesa thinks they should be serving the alliance and thats it. which is odd because she herself has never taken that step to fully commit to the alliance

maybe hes citing the paper rpg again? which is as good as citing bad fanfiction. not sure

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I’d much rather see them rejoin the Blood elves and reside in Quel’thalas/Silvermoon. but still identify as High elves. Much like how there are Highborne living among the Night elves, but still retain their identity as Highborne.

And if faction barriers are being eased, it would be the perfect opportunity to make them playable without having to worry about maintaining faction-barriers.

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its only a matter of time imo. valeera, alleria and her void elves, are going to be the ones taking up all the spotlight now just like in BFA. when vereesa appears again it will almost certainly be as alleria arm candy again with the sole context of being a windrunner sister. its either reunification or rot off screen in dalaran

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High elves could join forces with night elves instead. I’d welcome them!


I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one.


Hey this got opened back up pretty quick. Blizz must actually have someone working the forums this week.


Even if that’s not how it plays out, that’s fine. I just want playable high elves. I do think they should come together and make a home for themselves. Even if faction barriers come down, that doesn’t mean horde and alliance will suddenly be bffs, so the high elves wouldn’t necessarily move in with the blood elves.


The game is deeply rooted in the Horde Vs. Alliance conflict, including gameplay wise, so i seriously doubt seeing Blizzard uproot the entire Alliance High elf presence in all the expansions to entertain the idea of “high elves joining the Horde”, that’s the biggest head cannon I’ve seen yet, and I’ve seen Fyre claim SC is neutral 7 times.

But story wise, we are most likely “over” with the “over-arcing” war aspect of the game, and things like BGs will be considered what the Pandas consider them, “friendly sport”.


They don’t need to uproot anything, as zones in different expansions are all time-locked to whichever period they occurred in anyway. If faction barriers are indeed being changed High elves returning home to Quel’thalas doesn’t mean they’re joining the Horde, it simply means they’re returning to their homes in Silvermoon. Vereesa has said several times that she sees Quel’thalas as her home, and I’m confident that she’s not the only High elf that feels that way either.

Though to be honest, considering you were the one to call Lanesh’s eyes “miscolored” despite a dev tweeting, and acknowledging him, and his eye color, makes it hard for me to really take anything you say seriously.

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You can already roll high elves. Just play a Blood Elf DK

You’re so bad at hiding your true intent, its actually concerning. You bias is so clear and you masquerade it under “story” innocence, its adorable.

High Elves have 0 reason to return to Silvermoon and “rejoin” the Blood Elves, as that in every sense would be considered joining the Horde, Blood Elves are a Horde Race, Silvermoon is a Horde city.

It’s been noted that Vereesa and Alleria have actively sought to return Silvermoon to the Alliance. That doesn’t even look like the seeds to High Elves considering joining the Horde.

I seriously feel like i don’t need to explain why the “Time-lock” excuse for High Elves presence in the Alliance doesn’t work, as Horde players would “see” High elves on the Horde then suddenly they’re fighting and killing them as they level, but sure Song.


and yet every time they appear it is in the context of representing the kirin tor assisting the alliance against existential threats and then returning to the neutrality of dalaran or assisting their kin, the blood elves, in 2 different expansions

the reason is the war is over. its on the backburner now. #ForAzeroth


And you believe the story will automatically shift into peace times for everyone on each side?

Tyrande and Genn would like a word with you.


What? Are you proposing that the next storyline should be the High Elves - outnumbered 9:1 - going to war with the Blood Elves and attempting to take Quel’thelas from them? Or somehow convincing Anduin that his newfound armistice (I’m not going to call it peace) should be tossed aside so they can start a war that would drag the Alliance back into direct confrontation with the Horde?

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“They don’t need to uproot anything, as zones in different expansions are all time-locked to whichever period they occurred in anyway.”

Then I guess dalaran doesnt have to stay “neutral” and can just outright join the alliance.