High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I am inclined to believe that, after the high elves at Allerian Stronghold inevitably heard of the joint operation of the Shattered Sun Offensive to recapture the Sunwell from Kael’thas’ loyalists and the demons of the Burning Legion, many of them would have been eager to see first-hand what had become of their brethren at home and would have been a lot less hostile towards the Sin’dorei of Silvermoon than they initially felt. That’s why Auric refers to high elves and blood elves collectively as the “children of Silvermoon”.

Auric even refers to himself and Lor’themar and Rommath as “us”, implying he counts himself as sharing an objective with them. Just before that line, as I mentioned earlier, he also refers to blood elves and high elves collectively as the “children of Silvermoon”. I doubt he’d use that kind of rhetoric if he was reluctant to work together with the blood elves.


whats your point? we know from interviews that void elves feeling like something completely new was intentional, that they wanted a void themed race. and void elves are the most popular race AR by far. they are a success

“The Void Elves were a case where we didn’t want the Allied Races to be something you were always familiar with before. We wanted to introduce new ideas, and new opportunities,” Danuser says. With Alleria Windrunner’s story being an internal success on Argus, the team saw it as the opportunity for a new twist on elves.


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The point is that their lore is very bad, and calling their popularity does not change how lacking void elf introduction was.

Popularity is not a sign of quality. Michael Bay’s Transformers movies were insanely lucrative, and yet the story started average and only got worse with each film.

As I wrote once:

Void elf popularity is a sign that the blood elf model is insanely popular and very wanted in Alliance. They are popular despite their terrible lore, not because of it.


The appeal of void elves is mostly aesthetic, which is funny because if it were all about looks for high elf fans they’d be fine. The issue is that the snippet of story that passes for void elf lore is hollow, and not what high elf fans are looking for.

For me, the model is secondary. I have zero interest in void elves because their story falls flat. They are less interesting to me than blood elves or high elves. I would rather play a high elf with a different model than elves that came out of nowhere and then were pretty much brushed aside anyway.

And as for the model, I’d personally enjoy it if high elves had their own model rather than having the belf model. Their own animations, stance, and dance would be nice as well.


Still leaning toward the Night Elf edit myself.



As a big Nozdormu fan, I approve!


But these seem like problems that will eventually fade away in time, especially considering that the next expansion is likely to revolve heavily around N’zoth and the void. Why is the more reasonable solution another playable race, and not just more story development for the void elves?

The void elves have wonderful potential, and I find their void thematic and models absolutely gorgeous. They are, after all the most popular allied race in the game, so I feel like it’d make more sense to build off them, than to ask for another elf variation that would likely end up taking more screen time from their story.

why do they have to take away from each other? Just because they are elves? They fill 2 different roles. The story about retaking quel’thelas and opposing the blood elves should remain the story of the high elves instead of shoehorning it into void elves and detracting from what void elves are supposed to be.

Void elves should be portrayed as those wishing to master the void. Experts in the field that become an elite counter force to the void. Wield the unwieldy magic in defense of the alliance and azeroth.


Every race is vying for screen time, and story development, just look at the Night elf crowd and how upset they were that the Darkshore story was so brief, and anti-climatic. If the argument here is that you wanted an “elf” race with a story, then why does it have to be another playable race? Why can’t it be the Void elves? Why not give them the chance to develop and have their own compelling story?

And “The Story about retaking Quel’thalas” was never a High elf story, or narrative at any point. If anything the conflict between the elves should be between void and blood elves.

There have been opportunities in bfa to include them in void related stories. Who do we consult when Ebonhorn is being corrupted? Umbric? Alleria? Generic velf npc#35784? No we ask Wrathion.

I have no reason to assume they will get more story, even if the next expac revolves around n’zoth because even opportunities in this expac were passed up in favor of other characters.

They come across as a last minute addition, as if they forgot the alliance needed another ar so they slapped paint on belves and called it a day. Why should I get invested in a story so lackluster? I mean it seems like they are afterthoughts to blizzard so how can anyone expect fans to think any more of them?


So you believe that it’s more likely that Blizzard will completely change their stance, and opinions on High elves than to add content about an already existing race in an upcoming expansion centering heavily on the void? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m sorry, but that’s not something I agree with. BFA’s main story has been the war between the Alliance and Horde, with a lot of foreshadowing of the faceless void lurking around the corner. Why not at least wait until what the story revolving N’zoth and the void has to offer in the expansion before claiming that there’s absolutely no chance that void elves will get any story progression.


this doesnt even make sense. blood elves are the high elves

‘high’ elves dont want to ‘retake quel’thalas’ from themselves, from their own kin who allow them to make pilgrimages to their homeland still and protect the sunwell that they are all connected to. with the faction war over playable alliance high elves make even less sense now


I didn’t claim there’s no chance they won’t. Just pointed out there have been opportunities in bfa that would have been perfect for void elves to play a part in, and yet they were passed over for other characters.

They would have to do some damn good storytelling to get me invested in void elves. They have no npcs that make me feel anything about them at all.

Maybe I would have liked them more had they been introduced in a similar way to the nightborne. I cried when some nightborne characters died. Umbric could bite it though, and I wouldn’t notice.

I’d rather play high elves, who have characters and stories I enjoy.


I don’t think anyone expects high elves next expansion. Not based on what it likely is.

I actually believe there won’t be any allied races next expansion. I think BFA will end with 2 undead allied races locked behind an expansion preorder.

If the rumors and leaks are true then adding new races in the middle of the next expansion wouldn’t work for the story. So instead I believe we won’t see any more after BFA until 10.0 which I think will be an old world revamp.

that would be the perfect time for allied races such as high elves, wildhammer, ogres, and forest trolls.

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I do not see any chance of high elves wanting to reclaim the blood elves kingdom. Especially now that the faction war is “ending” and probably won’t see another one for a few more expacs.

That being said I think their main roll to fill apart from the void elves would be more along the lines of another group, who has more of the same interests and goals with the other alliance races.


I didn’t get that part either, it’s almost like he quickly threw that in there hoping it would stick. Why would Vereesa come to Halduron’s aid to defend Silvermoon from the Amani if she felt they were her sworn enemies? Why would Auric Sunchaser reside there permenantly as a high elf representative, and refer to all high and blood elves as “Children of Silvermoon” if it were their goal to invade and take over Quel’thalas.

And now with the faction-conflict dwindling, it makes even less sense.

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Show me proof the faction war is over forever.

Blizzard has already planted the seeds for us to go back to fighting each other. There will never be peace nor a break down of the factions. Horde vs alliance is what warcraft is about. Sure there are other story elements that very much so are more important but take away the horde vs alliance for good and warcraft is no longer warcraft. Even the devs agree with this as seen in past interviews.