High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

But its been proven in lore that fel corruption doesnt come from just usage of fel energy. Its been shown it works like how it does in every other race in WoW, that it can work like radiation.

Usage =/= proximity.

By that logic, anyone who has ever gotten radiation poisoning was using nuclear energy for some means. Which doesnt make sense.


Did they or did they not use it in their cities?

“The city set up a nuclear power plant so that we would have electricity and I got radiation poisoning from it, but I didn’t use the nuclear power plant at all”


It’s funny how this back and forth about siphoning Fel Crystals started by a misreading of a post i made and we’re 70 comments away from it already. In the original post i didn’t say the Blood Elves siphoned them, i mentioned Fel Crystals and siphoning separately as i was thinking about the siphoning of living creatures, not Fel Crystals.

You people really go deep into things. There’s a expression people use in my country “To milk a rock”, i think it’s perfect for the case and some people here will get it.


That doesnt matter. You said usage, and it has shown to affect an area by its literal presence. The Farstriders were affected by the fel, and they dont serve in the city…so how does that work? They dont usually use magic nor are they relatively in the city.

Usually the nuclear plants are in the city, so the people who are around it…arent using it for their own benefits in terms of power.

Nice to see the thread with all the great pictures and written intro is back! It just makes me think the next expansion is closer than ever:

-Code name: Rise of the Fallen Prince

-Expansion will be presented at Blizzcon 2019, after revealing Warcraft III: Reforged launch date.

-It will feature the comeback of Arthas, following Reforged’s lore Retcons

-Arthas will not be happy with WoTLK events, but he won’t definitely be the villiain of this expansion, although we will believe so.

-New zones: Northeron and Quel’Thalas. Besides having only two zones at start, they will be massively big, with a really long storyline touching Lordaeron survivors and isolated High Elves

-Factions would be merged since 8.3 so this wouldn’t be an xpac feature

-New races: High Elves (Brand new model, not related to previous elves models, unique customizations etc) for the Alliance, and Ogres (All tribes united, both male and female with two-headed option) for the Horde. No Allied Races planned at launch.

-New class: Dragonsworn. Mail class with three specs: tank, heal, and a unique dps playstile (mixing dragon magic and melee attacks). Some gameplay aspects involve the use of one-handed weapons and offhand, Dragonflight oath that would work like Zandalari Loa election. All races are eligible to become Dragonsworn, including Allied Races. They start at level 1 and will take a relevant position in 9.2’s Dragon Isles lore.

-Level system revamped. All 120 characters will become level 50 and the new max level would be 60. This cap will not be increased in following expansions, introducing a substitute mechanic that’s still being discused.

-World revamp following level revamp. You will still be able to visit the old world through CoT. Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend, Pandaria, Kezan, Kul Tiras, Zandalar, Broken Isles and Outland are included in this update, leaving Draenor for a future update.

-Almost every quest will have choices, this is a change that has come to say long-term. The team is excited about creating branching stories, but there will still be a canon outcome of each one. Obviously major lore quests will remain linear for the sake of narrative.

-Housing will finally be a thing. It will be similar to Wildstar’s. There will be a Guild version, named Fortresses.

-Following Housing, there will be two new professions: Lumberjack and Woodworking, they will offer the vast majority of housing decorations, bows and crossbows, although other professions will be able to craft some decos.

-Artifact system will not be present in this expansion

-Island Expeditions and Warfronts will be still accesible via NPCs, both soloable.


Wait a second…

Also the rest of that sounds fake as hell.

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Can we not?

Ok… Sure. No blood elf utilized fel for any purpose. Didn’t happen. Clearly a conspiracy theory. I will leave you to your opinions.

…so wait if there was lore retcons and its from Reforged…how is he still the Lich King?

I never said that either. Warlocks exist. But nice try at a white/black outcome, because I know about the fel crystals being used but there is enough lore to state that many blood elves didnt directly use the fel.

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As you can see, there are some that are still trying to milk the rock.

That is certainly a lot of words.
Apparently with proper capitalization and paragraph breaks even.

Hey hey hey, I see you there Warlock.

Hey everyone, it’s good to see the thread is back up for now. Hopefully we get good news at blizzcon!


You have a line behind vulpera, mechagnomes, the Forsaken AR, and the Worgen AR first.

Forsaken and Worgen AR?

This would be soooo good. It sounds really fake though ;-;

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One for every core race, minus Pandaren. It seems like the path they have been going.

The retcon stuff sounds weird. Especially if Arthas somehow finds out about WotLK yet is still called the “Fallen Prince”.

I don’t think there should be any limit. I believe the amount of Allied Races are mostly without limit.

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