High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Which just shows Kael’s hypocrisy. Look where it led him.

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The only reason I brought it up is because she used a quote, left it’s context out, and attempted to suggest that it meant something entirely different. Did cultures change? Definitely! Was that the purpose of the name change? No.

The High elves did change, we’ve agreed on this in the past, which is why the “idea” of Alliance high elves has never been the main problem for me, but rather certain physical similarities I don’t wish to be shared with the Blood elves.


No, the fel crystals they used to power their arcane structures made their eyes green.

Here have a direct dev quote.

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To me, both groups changed and neither are true high elves, but one group changed their name to reflect it, the other didn’t and it stuck with them. Which is why I don’t mind them also changing their name if they become playable.


Actually… It’s more like drinking diesel vs bathing in its radiation. That’s where the green eyes came from. They still utilized it (used it) though.


Tbh just based on sheer amount of ink spilled on the forums, it seems like adding high elves to alliance and vulpera to horde would be a no-brainer marketing win for Blizzard.

That’s assuming the pro-high elf/pro-vulpera folks aren’t actually just, like, 1 dude on 500 different characters… But I assume Blizz has a way to check on that!


I mean in his defense he did try to fight for the alliance, and do well by his word, but was faced with bigotry, and nearly had the remains of his race executed. He went down a dangerous path, but that was a result of the experiences he and the blood elves endured, not the purpose of why he changed their name in the first place.

The fact that he denied the edicts to return home, and remained loyal to the alliance suggests that he would have much rather fought with them and defeated the scourge than to have been forced to side with illidan to escape certain extinction.

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You’re literally saying the same thing as me.

Yes, and the person you tried to correct said they used fel. They used it. They even mentioned the mana thing before to separate the two.

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Agreed, on all counts.

If they all become Void Elves, or something else entirely, presumably this would happen – if only for our sanity, because clarifying which period of High Elves we’re talking about all the time is nauseating.

A good point that was made was that the High Elves in Outland would develop green eyes. Say like Arator in Hellfire. So, for the High Elf Allied Race, they could give them non-glowing green eyes. Suggests that these High Elves are likely the ones that came from Outland.

Glad to see our thread back!

While I don’t have much time right now I’ll be checking it to make use of my likes. :blue_heart:

Cheers to every High Elf fan! I love you all guys!


I’m not doing this anymore.

Blood elves didn’t consume fel, that’s canon.

I’m going to work. Good day.

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TC Guzzle, be safe see yahs on the flip side!

Thats a straight lie. We’ve been over this. Stop trying to get out of the corner, you tried to claim that blood elves were still using the fel…which is something you have tried multiple times.

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I think Warlock blood elves may have consumed fel, but no other Blood elf would have participated. In fact it was said that the act of siphoning Fel was done in secrecy, away from the eyes of Blood elf society at large.

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They absorbed it into their bodies by heavy exposition, rather than consciously draining it. It still got into their bodies anyway, and that’s the point.

They weren’t draining it directly, but they were fine with all the fel crystals around back then. And those who spoke against it were exiled.


I like all these goal posts we have moved. So nice


Here you go, Bourbon.

“They started using fel”


“siphoning life from creatures”

So yes I guess it IS a lie because the one note came AFTER the other. You got me.

Oh and here is the other one


Let us say the majority of the Blood Elves didn’t consume fel magic. Okay, sure. They didn’t. But mana-vamparism, the draining of magic from living creatures, was still something they did and still do. The High Elves didn’t agree with this.

Not saying that the Blood Elves chose to do this because it was what they wanted. They were addicted to magic and felt that they needed to do it. For some, they had to, or else they would die. But most of them didn’t. They could’ve decided to do what the High Elves have done, but decided against it.