High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I really find it hard to believe you don’t know this already.


Long time Warcraft and/or Alliance fans wanting to play the group that’s been part of the faction since the start.


The argument that they would cheapen the Blood Elf story and cheapen them as a whole, then they have already been cheapened the day they were added because the Chinese wanted a prettier race for the Horde. Not that I think the Blood Elves being with the Horde was bad. However, because the Alliance has High Elves doesn’t hurt the Blood Elf story at all. In fact, it only adds to it.

The Blood Elf story is a good one, as is the High Elf story. They are two different stories that have split off from each other when Blood Elves made the decision to live a life of mana-vamparism; when they began draining mana from living beings and tapping into darker magic.


No, it depends on why they’re changing their name. Are they renouncing something? Are they abandoning, or rejecting some culture with this name change? The answer is no, the name change itself was to Honor the fallen High elves, not as some rejection or departure from who they were. This is why context matters as your perspective relies solely on the fact that a name had been changed, and ignores the entire point of the gesture in the first place.

Kael’thas made that speech almost immediately after the tragedy, and Illidan had not even taught the Blood Elves how to “siphon” magic at that point. The evolution of Kael’thas and the Blood elves was the result of the new conditions, and treatments they faced, from being nearly executed by the alliance by Garithos, to being forced to side with Illidan and the burning legion.


That is a huge difference. It’s the difference between running your car on diesel and drinking it.


I know this very well.

But the point is that blood elves surrounded themselves in fel and got contaminated.

Just because they didn’t feed on it directly doesn’t mean they didn’t consume it.

If I recall correctly, there’s even passages of Valeera (in comics) and Liadrin (in Blood of the Highborne) getting green eyes due to crystals they used to cope with the addiction.


“We are no longer X” is renouncing, yes.

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Which is merely a name.

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And a renouncement to it and what it means.

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Honoring something is not renouncing it.


That’s exactly what it means.

Blood elves are confirmed to use green mana crystals. However it’s also a retcon to older lore where it was sort of implied though never outright stated that they consumed fel so it might not always make sense in relation to old lore.

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Iam out when they quit releasing Allied races.

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Funny way of honoring their ancestors, by forfeiting their race’s very name and defining themselves as something else.


High Elves had their reasons for living and remaining allies with the Alliance. If they still lived in Quel’thalas, then you’d have a point. But they don’t.

Oh, yeah, harmless green mana crystals that suspiciously turned their eyes green.


Is it though, when the renaming is meant to honor them and the fallen?

See, your only argument is the name-change itself, while ignoring its whole purpose.


Pretty sure it wasn’t Highborne culture and the meaning of “Children of Noble Birth” they were honoring.

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Why are we discussing when, chronologically, the BE’s and HE’s began to drift apart culturally and politically – what matters is that they did.

I’m even willing to concede to those arguing against implementation that it wasn’t even the Blood Elves who experienced any radical changes, but in truth it was the modern High Elves who’ve become something entirely different from what they were before. :man_shrugging:


Right, I get that, but you don’t see the same kind of super intense zeal for playable wildhammer dwarves or ogres. (I mean, they’re requested periodically, but there aren’t multiple 10,000+ post threads raging about them all the time the way there are for high elves.)

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Thank you. That’s a good point. The two are different groups now. No longer sharing the same allegiances and life styles.