High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Don’t worry, I understood what PAHE stood for, Alf.


No, the name change itself was merely a way to “honor” their fallen people. They did not begin practicing different traditions, or abandon anything that made them High elves with this change.

Cultures did eventually change, but that wasn’t the purpose of the name-change, it was the result of the different conditions they now faced as a race. In fact modern have high elves changed even more from their kin, than the modern Blood elf, shedding almost every ounce their culture, and traditions in favor of the alliance while the Blood elves never forgot who they were and mostly maintained their race’s culture and beliefs.

Alliance High elves are not the High elves Kael’thas was referring to, he was referring to the traditional High elves of their past, before the splintering. The fact that Alliance “high elves” simply kept their name doesn’t make them somehow “true” high elves, especially when they’re the ones that have changed the most since that time.


So there is no bad blood between Quel’dorei & Sin’dorei?

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Warcraft 3 description of the blood mage:

Many of the stoic high elves, reeling from the loss of their ancient homeland, Quel’Thalas, have given in to their hatred and despair and embraced the dark side of their magical natures. Calling themselves Blood Elves - these cold hearted refugees seek to expand their remaining magical powers at any cost - even if it means courting the infernal powers of the Burning Legion! Though still loyal to the Alliance, the Blood Elves’ passions will lead them not only to the highest pinnacles of power, but to the darkest depths of madness.

Notice that this is before mana tap and fel crystals… And even then their new attitude is compared with the stoic high elves.


The Highvale is NOT allied with the Windhammer??

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There ARE NOT High Elf Wayfarer’s is Stormwind and Telogrus?

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It’s fair to say that Blood Elves are High Elves in a way and they carry the legacy of Quel’thalas, just as how High Elves and Void Elves are, well, High Elves too, and they are also heirs to that legacy.

I just can’t stand people saying “It was just a name change” and “High Elves and Blood Elves are the same”, it’s a disrespect to their lore, and their progression as a people since the Scourge. The hardships they’ve gone through made them what they are today, and people are just denying all of that in a attempt to deny a playable option for Alliance players, it really feels it is out of spite “Hey i got your High Elves and you can’t have them, screw you!”.

A tad upsetting, but i got used to human stupidity and pettiness.


This isn’t even arguing your point though? I’m not arguing that cultures didn’t shift, but that the name-change itself was not a gesture of departure from who they were. At the point where Blood elves began courting infernal powers of the burning legion they had been named Blood elves for quite some time, it was a name Kael’thas had given them almost immediately after Quel’thalas was destroyed. He and many of the High elves he brought with him from Dalaran were loyal High elves that remained with the Alliance when the edicts went out for them to return.

A name-change is a strong departure. It’s a big deal, because names define things.

If you say “I’m no longer X”, then you are rejecting what means to be X.

Kael’thas made that speech to push his people in a new direction.

That IS the context.


My favorite part about the High elf argument is it can only end if High elves are made playable.

Or if high elves themselves are ended in some way.


Blood mages are a unique class that straddles the line between mage and warlock. The description you posted describes them, not blood elves as a whole.


A hell of a way for Blizzard to sabotage themselves.

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The quote is not talking only of blood mages, but of blood elves in general. Just read it.


If you think that will stop people asking, I’m afraid your optimism is showing.

No, it really is. They’ve confirmed in Chronicles and a couple of other sources that the only blood elves who consumed fel were the ones who went to Outland.


I’m gonna be honest, I love that these threads exist. I have no idea how people are so passionate about this topic but I’m impressed by the sheer zeal on display here.


Then explain the green eyes.

Neither Valeera nor Lor’themar went to Outland. Check their eyes in the cinematic.


These are the types of people who don’t really care about Lore/Story/Development and with throw it all out the window and dismiss everything for the sake of argument.

It’s kinda pointless to try and argue with them when they don’t even care about the characters we are discussion. Just make your point and move on. It’s their problem in the long run.


Little matters if they “consumed” it or not, the Silvermoon Blood Elves used Fel Crystals extensively, siphoning them or not.