High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You didn’t say it wasn’t large, you said that there was a group. I guess 3 counts as a group… maybe?

And the bar I’m refering to is that first it was the bar of named NPCs, then nameless NPCs are the new bar, then NPCs that appear only in a cinematic it’s the bar. How much is it going to keep on being raised?

How about the fact that if they weren’t they would have zero authority to say people can’t go where they please in Dalaran?

See above.

You can not like someone and be neutral. Big shocker.

The alliance also have to have some representation in Dalaran for game play purposes. This applies to horde as well, you know this.

I see you ignore the fact that other than the big times horde has gotten out of line they have largely done nothing with them.

Along with the other half of the horde that’s dealing with a tyrannical warchief. Nothing new here.

That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it.

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If characters appear at all, then they were present. Your “bar” argument doesn’t make sense. Are you saying that if they only show up in a cinematic, then they don’t exist? How are they in the cinematic then? The fact that there are a couple outside the city and a number inside the cinematic means that they were there. They were obviously the smallest of the 4 groups participating in the siege, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t present.


The Silver Covenant is a faction the Alliance can build reputation with. They have rejected the blood elves when they wanted to join the kirin tor again and like the Alliance, who they always choose to stand by and support, they will help with a common goal, but still always allied with the Alliance, not the Horde.

Let us not forget the multiple other groups of high elves in the world of Azeroth and on Outland that are hostile towards the Horde.


I wasn’t the one setting the bar, that’s been done by those on your side. The same ones that will use a single NPC as a proof of High elves shamans but when one blood elf NPC with blue eyes is shown suddenly a single example is not good enough.
The same that use the amount of NPCs in game, despite the fact that in many cases (Not in Suramar, or rather, I don’t know since I’ve never engaged in PvP there) are randomly generated as a sign of relevancy and importance.

To me what truly matters is if individual characters or members of the racer as a whole are doing actually doing something to move the story forward, no matter if it means contributing something small that is distinct (such as Void elves did during the Siege in Lordaeron)… but somehow one named NPC standing with two guards and telling you to remove prank signs means they were significant to the effort.

You say that like it should be an insult, when the entire premise of the thread you’re currently posting in aggressively, is to conceptualize ways in which High Elves might be changed going forward.

It’s the equivalent of walking into a convention about climate change, telling them they’re a**holes for talking about climate change, and then pretending you’re the one in the right. :man_shrugging:


Please don’t say “those on your side” as if we were some sort of hivemind. I have never claimed that one NPC with a vaguely shamanistic title means that High Elves should have playable shaman. Nor have I claimed that the Silver Covenant were a vital part of the siege of Suramar. All I said was they were present and took part.

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This may have alreadu been said, but there’s tons of posts.

If we can retroactively retcon Kul Tirans into being large, fat, and built like an ox (oddly enough, not all of them are) then we could retroactively retcon certain details of High Elves to make them more unique. Like add more muscle to them, different posture, maybe more of them have tattoos, something like that.

I mean, if you can have fat humans coming from a race which isn’t even an actual new race (they’re just humans, there are Kul Tirans who use the regular human model) then you could have High Elves, I think.


Why are you assuming my tone again?

Except that the paragraph you quoted doesn’t change them in any way, it only gives them a context for them to be playable. It doesn’t address the fact that they still look the same as blood elves and the fact that intrinsically, they are the same as blood elves.

I’m not going to quote the rest of the sentence because bypassing the filters it’s a no-no.

But that seems like a stretch of a comparison. I’m using canon, blizzard approved lore for arguments against what I think should not happen. You’re hoping blizz will grab someone’s fanfiction and make it canon (I mean, considering the quality of the current writing…).

That’s good to know, trust me.

But that’s the whole gist of what I was replying to, it was based on how relevant they were there.

But it is nice to see someone that sees that they were not exactly a driving force or anything close to it.

I want everyone to say how cute my Worgen is now before the antagonists get the thread locked again.



I’ve been on the fence about /racechanging my paladin, but if High Elves become playable (and have paladins as an option), I’d happily change this character to a high elf



I raced changed my Paladin to LF Draenei, didnt like it, went back human, but would definitely race change to high elf… unless of course I get my wishes and get the NE Paladin… then it’s so long High elves for Paladin. I’d race change a hunter to He in that case

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Yeah never been a fan of the races on the Alliance that can be paladins, as much as it makes sense.

Human. Meh
Short human. deep meh
Short fire human. Hot meh
Gem goat. Okay
Glowing gem goat. Yellow okay.

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I think Night Elf Paladins are much more likely than you might think. I’m surprised they weren’t an option this expansion, since Delas Moonfang became the first Night Elf member of the silver Hand and even got her ghost uncle to join too


The Horde has two allied races that uses the Night Elf skeleton. No doubt, they will likely use it again for another Horde Allied Race and another Alliance race’s skeleton as well. Not saying that I don’t support this, but every time they have used the Nelf skeleton, they would adjust it, make it look different enough.

Look above and you can see that we suggest using their skeleton for the High Elves as well, as well as give them the human skin tones, white to black. None of it would be hard for Blizzard to do. Warpaint/Tattoos would help differentiate them from their Blood Elven kin, who are more magic bound now than they are to the traditional rangers, which the High Elves still practice on a regular.


The shaman thing is actually pretty interesting to me, because it highlights something about the lore of Warcraft versus the gameplay. The classes that you choose in-game represent the classes you would commonly find among your people, but lore-wise, there are always oddballs who break the mold. In WoD there is an orc who is probably a Druid, and there is also a Pandaren Death Knight. The fact that one individual had the exact right situation arise to make it possible doesn’t mean there are suddenly dozens of people with the same situation, but it does make for some interesting characters who break the mold, so to speak.

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Even if potential playable high elves don’t use the blood elf rig, they could use the human rig. There are several concepts where they have the human skeleton but still very much retain elven features. It might even be kind of symbolic given how close to humanity they are now.


I wasn’t. :man_shrugging:

And in the paragraph that I wrote, directly following the quotation and directly discussing the quotation, I addressed all of that. Here, let me quote myself for you, since you clearly weren’t interested in actually discussing anything and are just here to instigate:

I added some emphasis, so your attention disorder doesn’t let you miss it this time. Please, try harder in the future. :man_shrugging:

It doesn’t really matter what you think of it, because like that climate change convention, that is what this thread is for.

If you don’t like what the thread is for, I’m sorry, go do something else?


Well, I guess the Horde isn’t allowed in Dalaran anymore just because the SC has this kind of authority. Guess what? They don’t have, Horde is still walking on Dalaran’s streets.

Are you talking about the Alliance exclusive place? Horde has exclusive place as well, the Sunreaver one. Again, provided by the Kirin Tor to mantain order or you believe it would be a good ideia to keep Horde and Alliance together?

I guess being neutral among two factions would imply not have any negative feelings against one.

And that’s exactly what the SC does, they represent the Alliance. Or are you saing the Sunreavers are neutral as well? Regardless if it’s for gameplay purposes, it happened.

Because they don’t have a major role? Just because they’re not participating on every conflict doesn’t mean they’re neutral.

Also keep ignoring the SC faction is under the Alliance Vanguard faction and it’s description clearly says they’ve joined the Alliance.

So, which horde warchief we were fighting back on WotLK?

So, I guess in your opinion the Sunreavers are “neutral” as well.


That is true. Very true! Like they do for the Night Elf skeletons, they could use the human skeleton and change the models accordingly. Another simple solution.