High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I removed my post, misread it haha

Dunno why I was thinking blue eyes tho. Still same rules apply

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Saying that the Silver Covenant is neutral is the same as saying the Sunreavers is a neutral faction, which is false.

Sure, inside Dalaran they both have to keep control of their actions due to Dalaran’s neutrality but the SC is there representing the Alliance and Sunreavers the Horde, they both keep an eye on each other but they can’t really engage on anything because, as long as they stay in Dalaran, they have to respect its neutrality.

Outside of Dalaran, however, they both show their true colors and are heavily hostile to the opposite faction. An example of this is shown just outside Dalaran on Crystalsong Forest, there are two towers with flying points, one populated by SC high elves and the other by Sunreavers blood elves and they both attack they enemy faction on sight.

You talk as the Silver Covenant is part of the Kirin Tor but in fact, it isn’t. It is an independant military force created by citizens of Dalaran to oppose the Horde, which is also well represented inside Dalaran.

This is why Dalaran’s neutrality works, they have two forces representing each side and a middle ground force (Kirin Tor) keeping the order.


Literally everything in Warcraft lore is one WoW writer’s whim away from being contradicted or retconned, and it has been getting worse as of late.


I mean, you’re not wrong, but just because you and I don’t like it doesn’t invalidate what it’s currently considered canon.

Which again, many like to do for The Cause.

I realize this post is like 150+ posts back, at this point, but this notion is reminiscent of Alamara’s conception of “Silver Elves” from many months back – here’s her description of them:

During the Insurrection of Suramar, the Silver Covenant fought side by side with the night elves. While they distrusted each other initially, their mutual hatred for the blood elves and their allegiance to the Alliance made they see they are not so different anymore.

As the hight elves are seeking a new land to settle in, the night elves, interested in helping them overcome their addiction, offer them a moon well. Feeding from it, the high elves become somewhat closer to their kaldorei kin. Their skins get paler, their hair colors lighter, their eyes glow brighter. They vary from a some traditional skin and hair colors to a many new ones not available to blood elves. They also start tatooing their faces like night elves. Plus, this proposition could open them to the druid class.

Now, with Teldrassil burned, the high elves decide to help their new allies with their rangers and magical powers.

Their crest is now a silver fenix over a blue background.

I’d adjust their physiology in completely different ways, steering away from “Blood Elves with cool tones”, since Void Elves fulfill that role quite well. That said, the basic premise, from Night Elves and High Elves finding common ground to the High Elves utilizing a Moonwell, is fairly agreeable.


Ah so we’re basing things on a single cinematic (the one of Suramar) and ignore the fact that the only High elf that could be seen on the field was Vereesa “I’m not very talkative, no” Windrunner and creating headcanon from that?


are we free? can we finally not have to make additional threads to discuss the topic we want to that is officially allowed to be discussed by the owners of this public forum?

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It’s just an idea for a possible future. You don’t need to attack her for it.

Also, Vereesa is not the only high elf visible. The Silver Covenant were definitely not the largest force there, but they were definitely present during the siege on Suramar. You can find several of them with the armies outside the city, under the Silver Covenant banner.


Largely because it is?

They are a small sub group with kirin tor affiliation but with more militant expertise. They oppose the horde being there because the horde were former enemies of Dalaran. They see them as distrustful and monitor them closely, but they are still expected to play nice inside the city and at least somewhat, I’d argue, nice outside.

It is why you see them being alliance friendly but not really warring with the horde outright unless there is a pressing need.

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Attack? What?

In the field, she is. I didn’t see any other kind of Kirin Tor NPC besides humans and gnomes… me, a gnome hater, noticed gnomes. Didn’t see a single high elf Kirin tor soldier in the field.

Now in the cinematic, sure, they are there, but in game, nope, nowhere to be found.

I thought nameless NPCs presence mattered but now it matters when it happens only in cinematics too?

That bar… it’s aboout to reach space, heh.

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I would suggest practicing what you preach with all of the stretching of things you are stating to back up your claims. Its become a habit of people wanting to twist lore to suit their agenda. You point fingers at people who debunk your head cannon claiming they are the ones making things up which doesnt help your cause and is why many turned against this request other than the obvious sorry but theyre already on the horde. And when I say you that covers many here not just you personally just to be clear.

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It’s not headcanon, if it’s discussion of the future.

I know you’re feeling bitter right now, the only important or useful Forsaken character just likened the rest of you to cannon fodder – but leave that at the door, friend. :man_shrugging:


Since the megathread is finally back up I am going to write out what exactly I want to see with alliance high elves.

I would like to see all the various groups of high elves in the alliance finally organized under a single banner. Have them finally unite and form a new government for themselves. The silver covenant would work as the standing military but we should also see other positions such as an actual ruler/governing council established. There should be a designated “High magister” and maybe also someone to be their official liason to the light related organizations of the alliance such as the silver hand and other orders.

We know currently the silver covenant is based in dalaran. While me wanting dalaran to end its’ neutrality permanently so it can finally be firmly alliance and the horde can get the nightspire as their equivalent to dalaran is a separate topic this issue still needs to be addressed somehow. My suggestion is to have them move out of dalaran entirely. Vereesa established the group there because at the time her husband Rhonin was the leader of the kirin tor. Rhonin is dead now and dalaran even if it does return to the alliance still holds back the silver covenant.

As to where the silver covenant should move to I would say they should be the center of a new elven district of stormwind. Combined with the ren’dorei and the refugee night elves they could form a new district that combines all of their architecture. At the center would be the new headquarters of the silver covenant. The full works with a meeting hall, war room, barracks, armory, ect.

Where this new district would be placed is the currently unused space behind the mage quarter. All that is currently is flat land with some trees there. They could remove some of the buildings in the district near the demon hunter area and make a new gate as the entrance to the district. Another entrance could be a small path going down the cliff looping around to the new park.

Customization wise I would like to see them combined with ranger aesthetics as well as half elven customization options such as larger beards and faces that give them shorter ears. For “ranger aesthetics” that would be various tattoos, war paint, and other things such as feathered jewelry. For their actual model they could use the current thalassian model shared by void elves and blood elves but I believe a better idea to help distinguish them would to be to use the night elf model as a base like how they did in vanilla/classic. Take the night elf model and shrink it down. Make the muscles thinner but still bigger than those of the blood and void elves to represent their more rough lifestyle. The ears would be changed to point upward in the distinct highborne way.

Making those changes would both make them distinct while clearly not breaking lore and keeping them visually close to other thalassian elves.


You’re right, then fanfiction would be more accurate.

Oh, now you’re being dismissive in a passive aggressive way. Nice.

But I was “attacking”, hehe.


In game, go right outside Suramar. You see the amassed Blood Elven and Night Elven armies. There is also a group of Silver Covenant elves standing out there as well. What bar are you referring to?

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Can you point out any evidence?

There is no evidence I could find that the SC is part of Kirin Tor, all we can say is that it’s made of Dalaran citizens. Even in the game they’re a faction under the Alliance Vanguard faction on reputation tab. You’re free to correct me though if you have evidence.

Because they don’t like the Horde? Thus making them not neutral? Also you can’t deny that they represent the Alliance in Dalaran.

I see you ignored my example outside of Dalaran.

Like, almost everytime they have a major role they’re literally on Alliance side and against the Horde.

I’m not saying this is enough for high elves be playable on Alliance or whatever, its up to Blizzard to decide this, but it’s clear that the SC is not neutral regardless of what side you’re on.


What are you talking about? I have stretched nothing. I haven’t made any “head canons”. So far I have pointed out several quotes and characters in the game and said “this thing exists”. I have not really made many claims beyond that. I have backed EVERY claim I made with evidence, don’t claim that I haven’t, because it is all right there. You may not like my evidence, you may not think my evidence is enough for you, but the evidence is there.

I have also definitely never used any kind of logical fallacies in any of my points, especially not strawmen.


I did.

The “group”, as in Vereesa and 2 NPCs?
I also went inside Suramar… one gnome, lots of humans, not one high elf in the field.


Oh dear, my hideous UI is there, oops.

I did specifically say that it wasn’t a large presence. I just wanted to point out that they ARE there, even if there aren’t a lot of them.


“You just want to play as fair-skinned blue eyed elves on the Alliance.”

I hate this as an argument, because it isn’t one. It’s just something that people use to make us out to be vain and superficial, only caring about the aesthetic of a race. Choosing to word it in such a way also connects it to Hitler’s concept of a master race. Something like this only divides the pro and anti high elf communities and has them at each other’s throats.

Look to our suggestions. We go through all the human tones. Also, in the Sylvanas Warbringer video, we see her with non-glowing brown eyes. We could include non-glowing different colored eyes to the High Elves as well. It isn’t hard to make adjustments to the High Elves and make them work and make sense. It has always made more sense for the High Elves to be a playable allied race than any of the other races we have today.