High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Be nice if more races had the choice to pick out of a few.

Night elves have something to go on with the night warrior.


Indeed, we don’t know yet.

I would argue no. They were called upon to help with the scourge, which they did, and surprisingly by the horde to help with the amani, which they also did.

I also give a pass for dealing with the two horde civil wars. A tyrannical out of control warchief is a danger not just to other members of the horde, but to other groups as well. Garrosh and Sylvanas had to go because they were a danger to everyone.

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Its why I took the Zandalari system, made some of the choices less filler, and gave an alternative option to set the passive at level 1 and then to change it at level cap.


Would it be alright if I got a bit of clarification? When you say “I would argue no,” do you mean “no, it wouldn’t really matter” or “no, the Kirin Tor wouldn’t allow it”?

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No. Quite frankly, I have to assume you’re actually chuckling to yourself as you’re typing these comments since they are obviously tongue in cheek. I have to assume that because otherwise you really are serious, in which case:

It is patently absurd to assert that formal academic rigor is the only reasonable expectation for a discussion on the internet concerning playable pixels in a video game.


On the contrary, any assertion that formal rigor is NOT the reasonable expectation with conflicting secondary sources is absurd on its face.


So then it’s clear that the pursuit of truth is not your goal.

So trolling and stirring up controversy is your only purpose, and you can safely be ignored.

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Oh come on, there were a couple Ballista and two NPC’s who were there who happen to be sisters of Sylvannas. One stood there doing what she does best (nothing) and the other ‘Oh lets not kill my sister cause y’know…N’zoth is loose. I felt a tingle when it happened.’ Yeah that was ground breaking and reason for hype. You’re seriously reaching here.

I mean I get it, you want hope for it but come on, the mental gymnastics of how two sisters and a couple blue Balistas become ‘There were high elves there! You just missed them!’ is getting a little overdone.


There’s only so much “truth” in this topic. It’s fictional history, not something where academic rigor applies since it’s not immutable. All we can do it’s counter with every canon source available since people here tends to rely on retconned lore because in most cases, that favors them.

People here has estated that the existance of a single NPC with one dubious (at best) title is enough of a proof to have High elves shamans if they became playable…


So wait, if thats the case…Lanesh is proof of blue-eyed blood elves.


Nah, that concept only applies when it supports The Cause.


Wait…who is the supposed high elf shaman?

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I will clarify.

I say it is a safe argument to make that no, the kirin tor would not mind if they help the alliance or adventurers out. The kirin tor likely doesn’t care who they help as long as the cause is beneficial and not rocking the boat. I am sure they would give an okay for war if the adversary is a great threat to many and can be justified other than a simple “We don’t like them” pretext.

For example

  • The scourge - A threat to all life on the planet.

  • Garrosh - A danger to any non horde and certainly anyone not an orc. Much like the old horde he wanted the planet practically to himself.

  • The burning legion - Wanted to destroy everything, kill untold numbers, and enslave what survives…maybe. An enemy to everything that exists on Azeroth.

  • Sylvanas - Didn’t care about anyone about anyone but herself. Didn’t care who she killed, who the horde killed in her name, how they died, or how many of them died. Clearly an out of control dictator like Garrosh was with grave implications if not removed.

I’m sure outside of these confines the kirin tor probably told them “Stay out of trouble.”

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I honestly don’t remember, I think it was some NPC in the middle of nowhere that showed no sign of being a shaman besides his title that was earth related and I remember Lyd arguing about it in the previous megathread.

But I like how you’re used to the double standards too, heh.

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I mean, there is a named BLOOD ELF shaman that was a quest mob in Thousand Needles during the Cata revamp.

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Again, Vareesa showed up with her sister (not an army, I looked all over that battlefield and all I found were Velves in Alliance troops). There was no ‘entire literal army of Alliance High Elves’ except in the mental gymnastics and fan fiction of those trying to say ‘Oh they were off scouting with Vareesa and Alleria.’ In other words NO they weren’t there, you are just head cannoning it in to make a stupid balista represent the great presence of Helves. Its wasn’t there.

As has been said by many people, High Elven lore IS Blood Elven lore up to the split, from there you have a few scattered groups, some who nommed on the wrong artifact and went Wretched (which is from nomming too much mana not being cut off from it, that was the Withered Nightborne), some that were in Outland, and Vareesa’s happy band of murder hobos who hate Blood Elves. THAT is the great and rich lore of the Helves because other than that, their lore is Blood Elf lore because they are the same race, from the same place.

I get you want your pretty elves in your own way but stop reaching, its only showing how little of the lore you know (or how much you choose to ignore)


I never said a literal army of High Elves showed up in patch 8.2.5. I only referred to the Silver Covenant itself as a literal army of High Elves (because they are High Elves and they are an army), and said that High Elf ballista were used in patch 8.2.5. Those were two separate points. Don’t put words in my mouth.

You’re only hurting your own point when you put up strawmen. Do yourself a favor and stop using logical fallacies.


I sat here for a second wondering who you’re talking about and then I remembered… the guy during the Magatha questchain, right?

One NPC is good enough. Blood elves shamans please.

Oh wait, it doesn’t support The Cause, right.


Yep, Elementalist Starion.

Elementalist, as a title, is also not a work around either. Its a title that has long been used by Shaman NPCS and even shaman mobs in WoW.