High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And yet they ended as wretched out of desperation.

In the other hand, as stated in the UVG, the main issue between them is their allegiances and there’s no mention about their choices on how to cope with the addiction both deal with other than with the exiles.

If it’s in an official Blizzard source, is not the RPG guide, and was not retconed by the 3 Chronicles book, it’s canon and not a secondary source. I know there’s a quote stating this and I’m looking for it right now.

EDIT: The guy that worked along with Blizzard in Chronicles confirmed this on twitter… but can’t post links.


I don’t understand what you are trying to argue. I’m well aware that the Quel’Lithien elves became Wretched. That doesn’t change the fact that In the Shadow of the Sun specifically states that they refused to drain magic from living beings. Literally the only point that I am making right now is that one of the major differences between high elves and blood elves is how they chose to deal with their addiction. This is evidenced not just by the Quel’Lithien elves, but also by the quote I posted earlier. Just because the Ultimate Visual Guide doesn’t specifically mention it doesn’t make it any less true.


Except by your very admission there aren’t.

There are a few (one, to be precise) individual(s) that assert they are not Blood Elves. One person with an axe to grind does not a faction make.


The Silver Covenant specifically formed to keep the Blood Elves out of the Kirin Tor. If they considered themselves Blood Elves, that would have been pretty backward, wouldn’t it?

And what do you mean “by your very admission”? I never “admitted” to their being no differences between the groups. I have specifically stated multiple times that there are differences, and given multiple sources as examples.


What authoritative source has said that only primary sources are admissible? I ask that rhetorically because neither you or anyone else here gets to frame the debate.


Nice list :wink:

I remember the other mega thread someone suggested a humorous one.

“Take the high road” something like 20 percent faster travel on roads :rofl: not a terrible idea tho


Please cite where this was the explicitly stated purpose for forming the Silver Covenant.

Also provide evidence that members of the Silver Covenant are not Silvermoon City citizens.


Dalaran is a neutral city state that is managed and run by the kirin tor, a neutral group of elite magi. I don’t know about you, but If I ran a neutral city state I wouldn’t want or let an organization form within the confines of my territory that had the singular purpose of waging war on one of the two factions

That invites one thing from the side they are opposed to into my territory - Invasion.

I’m pretty sure Vareesa somewhere behind the scenes had to get permission to form the silver covenant in Dalaran. I’m sure she told them “We are opposed to the horde having magi membership in Dalaran and the Kirin tor. We will be friendly towards members of the alliance but not friendly towards the horde and will be watching them.” BUT, I am also sure she also had to give a promise or at least an assurance that the silver covenant would not act with undue hostility towards the horde, whether in Dalaran or elsewhere.

Dalaran’s neutrality has to stand, and that can’t happen if you got a group based in your city that is causing problems.


That’s standard academic research convention. If you want to challenge that, then by all means make the assertion that secondary sources are equally as valid as primary sources, and make the case for why. The burden is on you because you’re presenting the counterargument to established norms, not on those presenting established norms, to argue for your expectations.

You’re using one small group and projecting that in the entirety of the High elves, though.

If the guide doesn’t mention it, despite the fact that it does mention that those that ended up under Hawkspear did, should tell you something.


Tides of War. It was the main goal of Vereesa pre-WotLK and was reflected in In the Shadow of the Sun.


I always love seeing the images that others have posted. There’s a lot of :heart: for high elves on Alliance.


“Also provide evidence that members of the Silver Covenant are not Silvermoon City citizens.”

Wait, what? When has it ever been stated that they WERE Silvermoon City citizens? They are Dalaran citizens, sure, but it has NEVER been stated that they are currently citizens of Silvermoon. If you are going to make a claim like that, the burden of evidence lies on you, dude.


Seriously? This isn’t Debate Club or an academic research project, this is the Warcraft General Discussion forum. If the distinction escapes you then that’s your problem.


The faction war is largely over… kinda remains to be seen, and if neutrality of the SC is demanded by the Kirin tor, does it really matter for the SC to allow its members to go off and adventure/ assist the alliance, provided they don’t get tangled up in any physical or proxy conflicts with the horde again?


And let’s not forget we’re trying to piece together scraps of lore and trying to make it look like a somewhat presentable blanket…


This discussion is placing at its core a very specific point of contention, therefore all of the norms and expectations of that kind of debate apply.

Unless you’re actually asserting that people should disregard all norms of debate when debating online? Is there actual value in believing that we should actively shun norms when debating online?

So you claim that a lesser level of accuracy and rigor applies? Because that explains a lot about the anti movement.

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Is this really something you want to say from a side that heavily relies on outdated, already retconed sources?


I remember that as well.

My goal was mostly give the High Elves one very strong passive, two situational ones, and two flavor ones.