High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Ok, so I showed me mine. Now you show me yours.

Show a quote from any official source that claims there is a faction of High Elves that refused to embrace draining magic from living beings, and who continue to specifically call themselves High Elves.

In the Shadow of the Sun, Lor’themar’s official faction leader short story. He talks to Lord Ren’thar Hawkspear, leader of a group of High Elves. Hawkspear specifically talks about being exiled from Quel’Thalas because they refused to drain magic from living beings “like vampires”.


Link please.


I wasn’t talking about the Silver Covenant or that in my reply.

It’s just that you come of as hypocritical by criticizing bad behavior from High Elf supporters (which is fine, trolling, namecalling and insulting should not be tolerated from any side) while at the same time condoning bad behavior from the anti side just because you aggre with it.


Most of the remaining “high” elves had chosen to remain with the Alliance following the Second War, and did not return to their kingdom following the Third.[7] When Grand Magister Rommath returned to Quel’Thalas to teach them Kael’s magic siphoning ways, some elves were disgusted by the practice — likening it to vampiric behavior — and opposed its use. Unable to lead a divided nation, Regent Lord Lor’themar exiled the dissenters from the kingdom, the exiles finding residence in Quel’Lithien.[


“Five years we rot here, thrown out of our homes at your behest because we refuse to suck magic from living things like vampires.”

Hawkspear, talking to Lor’themar


On the contrary, I went to your short story and the only mentions of High Elves in the entire document (I used a find, clearly) mentions that everyone involved, “Blood Elf” and “High Elf” alike are “High Elves.”

Please quote the exact page number and passage you’re looking at that specifically mentions your assertion from before, because that story underlines my point.

I JUST DID! Look at the post right above yours.
Page 4/6.
“Five years we rot here, thrown out of our homes at your behest because we refuse to suck magic from living things like vampires.”
That is Hawkspear talking to Lor’themar, very angrily.
Edit: Also, “only mentions of High Elves”? There is literally an entire faction of High Elves in the story, very distinct and separate from the Blood Elves, largely because those High Elves hate the Blood Elves for exiling them. Actually read the story please.


the only ones that remained with the alliance following the third war are the 2 NPCs you see in stormwind and the 4 in BFA. 5 if you count valeera. the rest of the population is where its always been quel’thalas and a small population in dalaran. how many times do you have to be reminded that dalaran is a city co founded by the high/blood elves and humans and is open about its neutrality. it has not rejoined the alliance in modern times and answers to the council of six. its where the high elven prince spent his time. pretty much every magister has spent time in dalaran including rommath. the sc are a splinter faction of them in dalaran, they are the new faction and primarily a hutner organization they did not establish the high/blood elf presence or help teach humans magic in dalaran. get real, all the alliance have are a few decorative NPCs to reflect the lore a few exist and never left to add some flavor to the world putting anything more into that is your fanfictions


So, you’re missing the point.

The ONLY TIMES the story mentions the words “High Elf” or “High Elves” encompasses ALL of the characters involved, “Blood Elf” and “High Elf” alike.

Please note exactly where in the story they distinguish themselves as the “real” High Elves, or anywhere that an official person has ever made a distinction between those who chose not to suck magic from living things and those who did as High Elves separately from Blood Elves.

That story does no such thing (in fact, it does the opposite, labeling both “factions” High Elves).

Actually that was a copy paste from wowpedia.

Not my words and not fan fiction.

Most fan fiction here is the flat earther-type theory that there are only 2 or 4… when this game is literally a microcosm of what Azeroth really would be.


Wowpedia is not an official source.

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Yes, but you forget an important fact. At the time Kael’Thas + the survivors thought the sunwell was doomed and that was it. As far as they knew at the time it was ruined beyond repair and had to be destroyed to prevent a bad situation from getting worse.

No one on Azeroth had ever seen a Naaru. No one knew that a Naaru would be able to do something about fixing it.

Let me be crystal clear here, so you can understand today, tomorrow, and the day after - I don’t condone any bad behavior and never have. Many people, not just myself, typically see more of the bad behavior coming from the pro high elf side. Usually from the various individuals here and there that treat anything that contradicts what goes on in the narrative they have as a troll attempt or an insult, personal or otherwise.

Simply stating a fact is not a troll attempt or an insult.

Anyway, when people act like children in their posts, doesn’t matter which side does it, it leads to flags. When enough flags accumulate the thread goes into time out because people can’t behave. To say that this is not a contributor for why the thread is frequently closed is lunacy to me.

Not entirely true…

Typically a choice piece of information will have a footnote linking to an official source from blizzard.

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You don’t see it as trolling or bad behavior because you agree with it. It’s very easy to consider anything that you agree with as a fact when you don’t put bias aside.

I learned this over time.


In which case that footnote will be an official source.

Wowpedia, on the other hand, is not. Particularly if you’re not explicitly citing the official source from which they’re gleaning said information.

Links are in the post

See above


Let me clarify - I agree with you that wowpedia/wowwiki is not an official blizzard source.

That said, it can have some information in it that comes from an official blizzard source. Mileage varies.

I don’t see a rational argument with sufficient material to be trolling, whether you like it or not. If one side backs up their argument with official blizzard material and other side says “I refuse to accept that” then you better believe I am going to agree with the side that provided material and think the other side is being silly and petulant.

It’s very easy to ignore any facts that you don’t agree with when you don’t put bias aside.

See? I can do it too.


I hate that Blizzard has allowed and almost endorsed the kind of contention that this topic brings to the table. There should have been a follow up to some of the rather distasteful remarks about high elves from the devs in recent years… not to sugar coat them or make people feel good either… just clear the air on a rather vague subject.


Ultimate Visual Guide is not an official source.

If you believe that it is, in fact, an official source, please indicate the background evidence declaring it such.