High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Comparing apples and oranges again I see?

Outright denial of something that is there is not a valid form of argument.


We endure it’s closure and remain. Despite what some would say, the HE community has come up with alot of good ways for them to be integrated into the Alliance in terms of quest lines, racial armors, ect.

This thread will be flagged and flagged again by those who don’t wish them playable and wish to shut down the discussion to change that. I don’t see this stopping any time soon, until they are added.


Ahh, it’s good to be back.


For however brief a time.

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Just dropping in to voice my support of Alliance High Elves, since the thread is back.


Returning to show my support for playable Alliance High Elves, in one way or another. :wink:

Patiently waiting for this Blizzcon and hoping that Blizzard don’t screw up like they did in the last ones.


Because apparently the Silver Covenant, a large militant force of High Elves that has fought in multiple conflicts on the side of the Alliance, doesn’t exist… oh wait, it does! But of course that doesn’t fit your false narrative of “only a few portal mages,” so I can see why you ignored the entire literal army of Alliance High Elves.

Additional fun fact, Alliance High Elves HAVE been taking part in the war in BfA. A decent number of High Elf shield mages take part in the Stromgarde warfront, and in the War Campaign for Patch 8.2.5, Vereesa Windrunner (the leader of the Silver Covenant) is an active participant, along with her scouts. High Elf ballista are also present during the siege, showing that the High Elves were also participating in the siege.


An ability called Meditation Technique that isnt a channeled ability doesnt sound thematically correct.

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Oh Gods we’re back to hitching the wagon on the Silver Covenant again.

Can people PLEASE look up the lore on stuff before they state their facts.

The Silver Covenant are not Alliance. They are sympathetic to the Alliance and exist as a Horde deterrent (IN DALARAN ONLY) but they do not BELONG to the Alliance.


They are very distinctly members of the Alliance. Vereesa is literally following Anduin’s orders in 8.2.5. High Elf Ballista are part of the army preparing to assault Orgrimmar. They ARE Alliance, plain and simple. The fact that you can’t see that shows just how deluded the Anti crowd is.


EVERYONE’S following Anduin’s “orders” in 8.2.5. How do you use that to retcon the entire foundation of what the Silver Covenant was formed and exists for?

Gods, man. People like this are the reason no one takes the Pro-Helfers seriously.

If the Silver Covenant are Alliance as you say and haven’t been doing diddly squat all expansion, why didn’t Anduin have THEM go help the Night Elves on Darkshore? He said he had no troops to spare … but the Silver Covenant and Vareesa were just chilling looking for something to do.

Oh right … cause the Silver Covenant is NEUTRAL and exists only to deter any Horde mischief in DALARAN.


The “entire foundation” was that they didn’t want the Horde in Dalaran… because they are Alliance! If they were as “neutral” as you claim, then they wouldn’t have such an issue with the Horde being in their city! Your self-delusion level is over 9000.


Whether they are officially apart of the alliance or not is a whole separate matter.

What gets them from point a (their current stance) to point b (sending out adventurers for the alliance) is how they should be discussed from a pro side. Also the dark irons were in this same kind of category, we worked with them from time to time from cata and onwards until blizz flipped the playable switch.


And debating with people like you who don’t know the lore and, worse, present falacies and conjecture as fact are exactly why no one takes the pro-Helf cause seriously and they’ll likely never get added.

So thanks for that.


“Don’t know the lore”


I know the lore better than you EVER will. I know the entire history of Azeroth from front to back. I practically have a freaking degree in Warcraft lore. You are the one who knows nothing about what you are talking about. You are delusional.




Ok dude. If you say so.

Keep making stuff up and passing it off as fact. Whatever makes you happy.


You are the one making crap up. Look up the “Alliance Vanguard.”


We don’t need to be hurling insults around… gets this thing flagged. :upside_down_face:


Alright, whatever. I’m just sick and tired of being insulted by people who don’t know what they are talking about.


wow they mimicked the sunreavers joining the horde expedition in the northrend campaign what 10 years ago now?. and how are the alliance vanguard and horde expedition currently? oh thats right they were dissolved and both the sunreavers and sc returned to dalaran with the conclusion of WotLK. and that is all they have ever been used for, counters to the sunreaver relationship with the horde. and now we have void elves who are actually aligned with the alliance and can openly attack the horde while the SC rot in dalaran off screen while vereesa appears in the only context she ever does; in the support of another major character which for the future will be in the context of a windrunner sister as allerias arm candy or maybe she will get to stand around in the background while khadgar gets all the speaking lines

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