High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Okay, I give it an hour this time.


Oh? Hello again. The High Elf characters during the quests about the heart of azeroth were pointed out to me awhile ago. Been wanting to mention it for the last couple of days. It’s interesting, but since the dragons are kind of their own weird group it doesn’t mean much to me.


Let’s stop talking about if/when it gets closed and just continue the conversation. We know the antis and the pros are open to conversation and are not flagging the threads. It’s just really awful people who want to see the world burn.

At any rate, I’m excited about the idea of playable high elves. Instead of the limitations, we should think about the opportunity to enrich the storyline with their inclusion. It could create more depth for the blood elf story by introducing people who are culturally similar but have chosen different allegiances.

Also, the idea of meditating vs siphoning magic. Control vs giving in.


You’re okay.

Oh man, I was so close to liking you! :persevere:




Place ya bets place ya bets! House payin big time, ya cant lose. Place ya bets! I give it 3 hours.

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I have pointed this out before, and I am pretty sure others have as well. Kind of in a weird spot right now because the war is over, but they could actually make High Elves playable and then build on multiple stories.

What if High Elves separate themselves from the Sunwell? Someone has mentioned a few that don’t apparently use magic, so what if we finally had an elf that didn’t need magic at all? That would be something new. Or maybe they find something different.
What if they build on things like Blood Elves vs High Elves? Assuming that the Horde and Alliance haven’t found everlasting peace. Blood Elves very much don’t want to be associated with High Elves and vice versa, as NPCs have mentioned in the game… So why not go with it when they become playable and ta-da! Blizz has some unfinished story to play with.

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This is reductive, but the High Elves could serve as a foil to the Nightborne.

The Nightborne are introduced as a people with a Darnassian aesthetic, but a Blood Elf morality system and culture.

By contrast, the High Elves have a Thalassian aesthetic but with a morality system and culture that might more align with the Night Elves. They’re characterised as seeing giving into magic addiction as bad, and they’re trying to stave it off through meditation.

Once again, there’s nuance to be pointed out in this but it could make for an interesting compare and contrast


This was locked again over the course of the last day?


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Not all of them, but they could yes (technically anything is possible at this point). Which probably would make more than just you and I happy, but I won’t try to speak for them. Some fans might not like it as much.


I’m hoping all of those High Elf ballistas at the newest War Campaign event mean something.


I mean. They didn’t even show up outside of Vereesa.

It’s just some blue ballistas. Probably just remembered they had them, and put them in.


I feel like the poor void elves are being categorically ignored when it comes to those ballistae.

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Where’s the purple-nurple velf-cannons?

Void elf ballistae wouldn’t be purple would they?

Everything Velf related is purple.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

While I do support the High Elves being added as a Allied race to the Alliance. I wonder what racial abilities & passives they could be given to differ them from their Sin’dorei & Ren’dorei cousins?

Using the listed classes above, some ideas that come to mind (and hoping I’m not too far out of the lore loop as I’m coming off a 4 year long break) are…

Meditation Technique

  • Ability type: Channeled
  • Cooldown: 5 minutes
  • Mana Effects: Generates (X) amount of Mana over (Y) amount of Seconds for (Z) seconds.
  • Energy & Focus Effects: Generates (X) amount of Energy/Focus every (Y) Seconds for (Z) seconds.
  • Rage Effects: Generates (X) amount of Rage over (Y) amount of Seconds for (Z) seconds.

Coven Proficiency

  • Ability type: Passive
  • Effects: All Weapon & Magic Damage increased by 1%


  • Ability type: Passive
  • Effects: Dismounted outdoor Movement Speed increased by 10%

Strategic Execution
Special note: Credit to Rahkilar & Licynia that inspired this general idea

Summary from Rahkilar
Summary from Licynia
  • Ability type: Activation
  • Cooldown: 3 Minutes
  • Effects: Choose a plan of Attack or Defense that lasts for 1 minute. (Break their Defense) Critical Strike rating increased by X%. (Quick Strikes) Haste increased by X. (Wear them down) All attacks decrease target movement speed by 1% for a max of 10%. (Multiple Threats) Dodge increased by X for every enemy within 8 yards.

Probably could have gone a little further with that last one. But, it’s getting late and I didn’t want to go too nuts in the end. Want to maintain a little concept of balance, though I doubt I achieved it in this late hour.

I will either edit this post more, or make a new post after some rest. MAYBE the thread won’t be locked when I wake up.


They might have some abilities that might be very different. Maybe a hearthstone that has a very short cooldown, or even a racial that is the opposite of arcane torrent (i.e.: instead of silencing enemies it instantly resets cooldowns on party members) or a meditating stance that recharges mana/focus/rage/runic power. I don’t know what’d this do for balance, I’m just throwing ideas out there.