High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Right, but it feels like when people say its coming to Alliance its saying only Alliance players want High Elves when lots of people on both sides want them.


I’ll let them do it for me.


oh absolutely. i dont for one second think its about the lore of raising children in dalaran or sitting in a hut. the blood elves ARE the high elves of wow and we all have the option of playing one no one is stopping them but themselves


Back in WoD days, they talked about getting new races in there. It seems like ARs were getting planned a while back. Ion said people requested High Elves back then and mentioned them as a popular request. Times change. Dev’s decisions change. Thats why this thread is here. To show Blizzard how much support High Elves have.


They can even play one on the Alliance!

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Sure. Pretty much 3/4 of the people who play Sin’dorei actually want Quel’dorei.

People will willfully ignore why we want them and try to diminish their lore, often while also diminishing blood elf lore as well.

Nothing we say will sway them, and most aren’t here for genuine discussion.


Whoa now. You got some figures for that 3/4 number? I want High Elves just as much as the next guy but that number seems high.


I don’t want to play a Sin’dorei, I want to play a Quel’dorei.


Thats not an argument you’re going to win against Fyrebusche. Ive tried
multiple times. Im done showing the evidence to them. You can try but I doubt itll have any effect lol.


they sure did. ion mentioned them with the subrace comment back in wod, so development thought about it and gave you void elves because high elves are already playable

they get so excited when a new expansion launches and 1-3 are added as flavor, which actually suggests they are just that; a tiny nearly dead few individuals clinging to an adjective and not an ‘integral part of the story and identity of the alliance’ but flavor prop NPCs

and i want to play a fogsail pirate horde human :+1:

there are far more humans helping the horde in BFA

*Is taunted by a video a year and a quarter old, ignoring everything that’s happened since then and the fact that the statements are far from definitive.

For a moment he wonders why Tarrok wasn’t there to set the record straight on someone using the video to mean something it didn’t say
 But then succumbs to the Hopelessness*

You’re right!

How could I have ever believed Alex Afrasiabi!?!?

And Ion
 stringing me along with his Q&A’s! Telling me he was listening to our Feedback on what we wanted to play

I’m so easily deceived!

Why, oh why hadn’t I listened to the Developer Roleplay from the people who don’t want the Alliance to have playable High Elves for all of this year?!?

Dramatically throws himself to the ground, placing his forearm over his eyes


That doesn’t mean high elves. His previous comments should have made that clear.

Your motivated reasoning is doing it to you.


im sorry did the reasons for denying playable alliance high elves go away? not sure why youd assume they would now accept feedback on the one race they flat out addressed and said

Giving that race directly to the Alliance would have blurred a lot of the lines between the two factions


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You really don’t know the the Difference between Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei do you?


They gave us Void Elves as a bad cop out. High Elves are not playable. I cant log into the game and make one.

I can make: Humans, Draenei, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, Worgen, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran, Pandaren, Forsaken, Blood Elves, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Goblins, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orcs, and Zandalari Trolls. Im actually on the character creation page right now. I dont see High Elves anywhere on here.


the difference is a political opinion

read blood elves racial description at the character creator screen or read about blood elves on the official site in the game info tab

So you admit there is a difference? Politically?


im sorry if political opinion was enough to make a core race neutral whats the point of the factions