High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That is like one part of their mission statement, their entire service accept one occasion has been in service or working with the Alliance, They did work with the horde for a bit but that was when tensions between horde and alliance was at a low i suspect this is why they worked with the horde during cata and the only reason due the alliance was also working with the Voljins horde the entire Silver Covenant Lore can be found here. whttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Silver_Covenant

Minus the little w


The DEVs have dangled the Silver Covenant in front of Alliance Players for far to long, Their Mounts, Their Talbard, The troops in our ranks, Allying them with Alliance its about time they quit teasing Alliance players & add the playable Silver Covenant to the Alliance.


the SC would not exist if the sunreavers never established a relationship with the horde. vereesa would have simply continued focusing on raising her children in dalaran in the sunreaver enclave with the rest of her people. she only formed the SC because she saw that relationship as a betrayal by her people

everything the sunreavers do in WotLK they mimic. fast forward to theramore and past the purge, is the only time we every see them openly fight as alliance and that is because jaina brought dalaran into the alliance. on isle of thunder its the sunreaver onslaught vs the kirin tor offensive, not the SC offensive. they are only ever used as props to counter the sunreavers. the one time they appear outside of the context of dalaran and the kirin tor is to help defend quel’thalas with the horde

they are a tiny militia of elves aligned with dalaran not the alliance

Last I checked, the Silver Covenant was there to oppose the Horde. That’s what gamepedia claims, so I don’t know where this whole “they’re neutral” and “they’re only there to keep Dalaran safe” bologna is coming from.


last i saw them they were helping my horde hunter :smirk:

no one denies they have alliance sympathies, but they are technically neutral as they are aligned with dalaran and everybody knows it

Last I checked, Jaina helped Baine escape jail. What’s your point?


At the same time having troops in the 7th legion A Elite Alliance Unit.


are they wearing SC uniforms?

They are Silver Covenant Quel’dorei no mater what uniform.


they had to put 7th legion uniforms to get on the airship. and only 2 showed up

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Ill put it simple they have more history with Alliance then horde, if you don’t accept that’s up to you, Their mission statement includes stopping horde aggression, If you want to pick one High elf helping your hunter quest on a horde side for entire lore story go for it. Their Lore is way more integrated with the Alliance story then horde. So believe what you want cant make it any clearer for you.

People can read it all here and make their own decision:



it wasnt one SC elf. vereesa and a few others show up with the farstriders and hal at 1 point as well

you call sitting in dalaran and raising children ‘history with the alliance’ ? is sitting in a hut just south of quel’thalas helping the alliance too

It’s coming from pure denial.


Hmm now i know you not reading the posts that was explained earlier ^ ^ ^


im just putting it into context

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No, it’s not.

Oh if you say so…

Let’s have a discussion about something we can’t know.

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Lets see how long before the anti-helfers who cant win in debate mass flag this post again. In the mean time. I have come to support HIgh Elves in the Alliance. Lets end this farce blizzard. You know they make sense lore wise and gameplay wise.


When an Alliance player reaches Prestige Rank 2, Vereesa can be found in Stormwind Keep alongside other notable leaders of the Alliance. During A Royal Audience, she is present at the ceremony hosted by King Anduin Wrynn that congratulates the character for their battles against the Horde, following their receiving of the Grand Marshal’s Medal of Valor from the King, as well as an artifact appearance.

I have long waited for an opportunity to deal with the Sunreavers. I asked my late husband to remove them from the city, but he believed too firmly in the neutrality of the Kirin Tor.

He was wise, but he was short-sighted. This has always been the destiny of the Kirin Tor: to serve the Alliance.

For the record, I counseled against trusting any Horde in this campaign. I have lost a husband and a King to the treachery of the Horde.

I see no reason to trust you now or ever.

Some Vereesa quotes. She is alliance.

And those who were aligned with the unseen path did still have their loyalties. The dark ranger who you recruit scouts from for your missions has lines about serving Sylvanas.


I haven’t read a word Fyre’s typed in months…

Sounds like things are the same though.