High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Good job. yes. That’s exactly what motivated reasoning is.

I mean… I was hoping just to keep it to motivated reasoning.

But this is the argument from ignorance fallacy here.

No reason to discuss it since it’s pointless. We’re not Blizzard developers and we don’t know.

Maybe a blue will pop in and tell us. Until then… shrugs

This was the whole parallel I was drawing originally, that these types of comments are made as throw-away phrases, and don’t neccessarily “prove” that any of it is going to happen. But it is nice to hear it being said out loud by a lead developer, however flippantly.

I wasn’t campaigning for anything, I was just saying that the type of phrasing they used was similar. Referring to it as something “possible” in the future, “who knows” which always feels nice.


Are you under the impression that people here don’t know things are a possibility and not a foregone conclusion?

What’s with the thought police around here?


No matter eye color Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are two different recognized factions at this point in the game. Only difference Horde can play their version, Alliance isn’t allowed to.


It does rather seem that way, people wanting Blood elves to be less Blood elf and more high elf? I guess we all want the same thing in different ways? I’d say keep blood elves as they are.


A lot of the people who are staunchly opposed to playable High Elves view the Blood Elves as the High Elves.

They don’t really recognize the traumatized change that the Blood Elves underwent and essentially don’t acknowledge Blood Knights origins, Blood Mages, or anything else of the sort.

Most succinctly put by one poster, “They want us to be the bad elves!”

Basically while Quel’dorei are unplayable, they can just ignore what Sin’dorei are and their history. Not that the Sin’dorei weren’t redeemed anyways.

But they imagine a playable Quel’dorei will contrast with them. Make them the, “Bad Elves.”

Typically they want the Quel’dorei to rejoin the Blood Elves, and or, die.

Cognitive dissonance.

Pretty bizarre too, since, BC happened. They’re just some Elves that did some bad stuff now.

I always think it’s really sad because they don’t appreciate Blood Elves.


they were always going to get their natural colors back, it was just a question of when. only your side fanfictions its permanent

and i am absolutely with you on keeping blood elves as they are. the true high elves and only playable narrative for their people, just as metzen intended when he broke up the generic lotr fantasy tropes of wc2

It was just a comment that I didn’t take those phrases seriously.

You’re the only one seeming to take some serious offense to it.

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I’m not taking offense to anything.

I’ve posted thousands of comments in these threads and there are several posters with an axe to grind against me personally.

Current Mood: Mirthful.

Remember, the internet has no tone. You’re reading my words in the voice in your head. Not mine.

Though, my flippant and sarcastic writing tends to make people read it that way. shrugs


It’s right there in the name, Sin’dorei.

If you think Blizz is above such a silly pun, think again!


Yeah. pretty heavy handed there. Haha. definitely intentional.

I mean, you can tell in the Warcraft 3 voice files too.


Which was a cool take on them tbh. Doesn’t make them satisfy that High Elf itch though.


I think the Sin’dorei Story is some of the best Lore if not the best available in the WOW, but I hate when people try to ignore it or cheapen it to stop Alliance from getting the other half of the story through the Silver Covenant and playable Alliance Quel’dorei, Thats where my problem starts.


Yeah. But they rolled a lot of it back. Like, the adventurer Elf doesn’t particularly know what the Fel Crystals are or why their eyes are green. Despite the fact that they drain mana.

But I think its curious that they introduced them as super edgy, but redeemed then in the same expansion?

But they’ve never followed up the redemption though.

They were supposed to in WoD which is why Liadrin is camped out in Talador, but it got cut.


the SC are aligned with dalaran not the alliance

THeir mission is also to stop horde aggression, and they have fought along side and trained Alliance troops not horde troops.


I mean, I’ve said it before, but I don’t think most of them even know.

The Blood Elf Paladin starter quests should make it PRETTY obvious. But you know, they basically make Kael’s group of Blood Elves in Outland the other.

It’s not like Kael’s group of Elves are out and out evil either, in Warcraft III, if anything they’re fairly abused.

Metzen wrote in an interview, that I haven’t been able to track back down but that we quoted back in the day about the light redeeming the blood elves and that being the long game.

And so you see that with the golden eyes, where the fel infused Blood Elves are being redeemed. The light wielders, obviously faster than the others…

But the blue eyes for Blood Elves quest is basically an effort to erase Blood Elves.

Like they really were High Elves the whole time and the scourge never happened to Quel’thalas.

Which sucks, Blood Elves have an interesting arc, but it is what it is.


their ‘mission’ is to create a safe space in dalaran, something they seem to have lost to the worgen in the present. so far they have been used as nothing but story tools to show the divide of the high elf people in dalaran and counter the sunreavers. in legion they follow khadgar and the kirin tor in freeing suramar and help the hunter campaign which can be horde or alliance. thats about it

All of their members are tagged as alliance.