High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

He’s referring to people who want to play High Elves and saying that Blood Elves exist without the eye color but maybe there will be comsetics in the future.

He’s not saying, “Blood Elves will get blue eyes”

and that’s likely not going to happen in lore at this point. The intensity of the Sunwell is mostly Holy. Maybe their mages but their mages do real Blood Magic now as well.

But good luck. Hope you get what you want.

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Yeah. That’s when you say things like, “Probably Not”

Instead of “Don’t give up hope.”

Setting expectations is a thing and the answers have been very well crafted.


You’re welcome to your interpretation.

Alex afrasiabi comment + two Ion interviews talking about looking into Allied Race feedback however still sets them up for people to get upset if they don’t appear to be: “Listening to Allied Race feedback.”


That’s just a different way of saying the same thing? Both are inferring giving Blood elves blue eyes to look like high elves. And I really doubt that he actually means “contact” lenses in the literal sense like you do.

It’s a source of both Arcane and Holy, so anything is possible in the future, especially since they made the distinction between the elves who do and don’t have gold eyes.

Thanks, me too.

Nah. One way refers to giving contact lenses, maybe not even specifically to elven players but just in general.

“Maybe there will be contact lenses” doesn’t = “Anything is possible for Blood Elf eyes.”

But anything is possible.

It’s fine. You can keep your interpretation.

But it’s about contact lenses, not racial eye colors.

I linked you a video that’s more promising for Blood Elves actually getting blue eyes than that comment was.

From the race page… and is contradicted by the Cataclysm Blood Elf opening.

If it’s 90% Holy and 10% Arcane you’re gonna get Gold Eyes no matter what. Just not enough arcane juice there.

But that’s some lore dev Q&A questions for you.

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they dont need to add ‘contact lenses’

golden eyes proved their eye color is mutable and blue eyed blood elves already exist

the lore for adding them is the exact same for the elves who developed golden eyes because of their strong devotion to the light that sped up the dissipation of their light light fel taint. blue for arcane mages with that strong connection to speed up dissipation and green for those that arent holy or arcane users to speed up dissipation

or blue could simply come from the sunreavers jaina kicked out who spent most of their time in dalaran and have shown up on isle of thunder

the ‘contact lenses’ have arrived with eye color customization :smiley:

Okay? But that’s not stringing you along.

Everything we’ve seen specific to Alliance high elves suggests they considered it and decided it was not a good idea. I don’t think much has changed.

I love the cognitive dissonance and motivated reasoning in this thread by the way.

“They didn’t mean it when they said they were listening to feedback and not to give up hope!!! Or the “In the near term!” We don’t want it to mean that so don’t think it means that.”

“He said maybe they’ll add contact lenses so Blood Elves are going to be High Elves again Yay!!!”


Give it a break.

It upsets you so much people are taking developer comments at face value you’ve got to come here and try to fix it?


I was wondering when you’d how that out there.

That is exactly what you are doing.

Would it be better if we were stretching them to say something that they aren’t?


blue eyed blood elves i can see happening and probably will when every race gets access to eye color customization. playable alliance high elves because 3 are fighting in the faction war? yea… im not seeing it

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Yeah man.

Sorry for taking their comments at face value.

I’ll stop.

Just tell me what to think… what do you want to do about this thread by the way?

The comments where they said Alliance high elves were a definite possibility?

…or the one where he was “stringing you along” and told you if you wanted to play high elves, play Horde… but “player feedback” defiantly means future Alliance high elves.


I think you’re just taking his phrasing too literal. I don’t think he actually means “contact” lenses as that would be a very strange way to justify adding it as a customization option - like gold eyes I’m sure it would be to reflect some development in lore.

Yes and the race page can be updated at any time, so it’s really the more reliable and up to date source to go by. And since it reveals more about the Sunwell specifically it’s actually probably the most relevant.

There’s also no numbered precentages of how much is holy, or how much is arcane, simply that it is a “source” of both. Meaning it is generating both type of magic to be drawn upon.

And actually there was a tweet from one of the Devs that said that only elves truly devout, and pentinent to the light receive gold eyes. This is why only Lady liadrin, and her blood knights “canonically” have gold eyes while the rest of the Sin’dorei like Lor’themar and the Farstriders still have green eyes. The only reason we as the player can choose to have gold eyes is if we’ve somehow chosen to be “purified” by the light in some way.

In the end, they didn’t need to add “arcane” to the Well if the sole intention were to make it purely light based anyway. It was the spark of a Naaru that relit it after all. While there’s certainly no evidence that it’s actually happening, it’s certainly possible.

That’s what we’ve been acknowledging?

But my sense of identity isn’t being challenged because I like more than just Blood Elves in WoW…

So like… right now… when I hear them tell me not to give up hope and that they’re listening to Allied Race feedback and that there were no plans in the near term but things could change I assume they’re telling me the truth.

What I need is to be really emotionally invested in Blood Elves being the only High Elves in WoW so that my brain will emotionally come up with reasons why High Elves are impossible, everything they say about High Elves is a lie and all of their comments are negative.

But like… I like more than just Blood Elves. So my brain doesn’t work that way.

You gotta help me. Tell me what to think. Tell me what I heard was wrong.


Basically blizz devs can’t be trusted, unless they are supposedly saying no to high elves and then their word is as sacred as the word of god.


But likely, not about high elves. If they didn’t have good reasons to not do them, you’d have them already.

Who know, maybe a few cycles down the road Dalaran can join the Horde… for reasons, and the Silver Covenant can join the Alliance in protest. By then maybe nobody will care about either.

Motivated reasoning.

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If it is so mutable, then why didn’t they do it the same time they used golden eyes? Should have been no big deal since we got our thalassian models anyway right?

And I like that you retreated from just 3 or 4 high elves working with the alliance total in wow to new 3 or 4 working in bfa instead now… so which is it?


and dont forget when blood elves asked for golden eyes, the same people said green was permanent(lol). blood elves werent going to get 2 new options when the alliance elves only got 1. when every other race gets eye color customization and can select blue eyes, thats when blood elves will get them

there are 4 in bfa. 2 on an airship 1 portal keeper and 1 frostfenser who actually puts boots on the ground. there is 1 in the mage district in SW. i dont count the 2 portal keepers in SC uniforms because they are aligned with dalaran. so 5 right now atm and only 3 are willing to put their lives on the line, 2 from the safety of an airship

“He didn’t mean contact lenses literally!”

“While there is no evidence that it’s actually happening, it’s certainly possible!”

“They didn’t mean have hope or that they’re listening to feedback!”

Just funny.

Anyways. Live your life. I hope Blood Elves get blue eyes. I don’t think this high elf page is the place to campaign for that though.

And your staunch opposition to anything that’s been said about Alliance High Elves juxtaposed to your unfettered hope for Blood Elves becoming High Elves again is noted.


Yeah. Don’t believe a word they say.

Unless you like what they say, then it’s fine.

But don’t let anybody else think that way though.