High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

They added golden eyed blood elf faces to the game.

“Maybe we’ll add contact lenses” isn’t the same as, “Maybe we’ll add blue eyed faces to the character generator.”

Unless, you think he means, “We’ll add specifically blue contact lenses.”

Maybe we’ll add contact lenses could mean red blood elf eyes, or purple blood elf eyes, etc. etc.

So here’s the thing about that; they’ve been saying “We’re listening”, “Anything could happen”, “Don’t give up hope”, and similar comments that are not definitive “No” answers. They will never have a good reason for strongly, definitively, unambiguously saying no.

Why would they? People have been asking for playable High Elves for years and years, and will continue to - I expect - for years and years to come possibly until the last server goes dark. Non-committal comments and responses to questions on the subject haven’t caused demonstrable sub losses so why would they ever see a need to answer any differently?

this is already happening. but they didnt get light skin and they never will unless they swallow a naaru like alleria

“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not … recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

why do you think there are high elves in the rift?

Yeah, but how long can you do that after the intensity increase of the demand since Ion’s comments?

Saying you’re listening has a shelf life after that.

and saying you’re listening and eventually saying no will seem like bad faith.


i hope they listen. theres one other option (well technically two other options), and that rides on the success or failure of classic. lets say classic is crazy popular and the calls goes out for extended vanilla content, separate from a tbc expac. such a scenario could unfold two different ways:

  1. extends only the end of classic and is therefore just like a patch that adds more dungeons/raids to endgame with no level increase. in this scenario, even the patched game would have to be separate from the traditional version. so you’d have just normal classic and a separate server that offers normal classic with added endgame content. this doesnt provide a high elf solution unless part of the patch includes two additional playable races, high elves for alliance and ogres for horde. we’ll call this classic+1. these would be the old school high elves though, who are a goofy modified nelf, not a thalassian model, as vanilla didnt have thalassian models yet.

  1. this version is also a classic+ but its a more retail friendly version. it uses updated models. it has a few retail perks like guild banks and barbershops. and it uses the thalassian models for playable alliance high elves, which you could play from level 1. as well as retail ogres for horde from level 1. it would also have to be separate from standard classic, thus i’ll call this classic+2. this one has the potential to be a wow 2, as it could go in new directions after the vanilla portion is matured. in other words, it could still go to outlands, it could still introduce blood elves and draenei, but the belf models would be different enough to not confuse them with the helf models. or it could go somewhere else in the lore or a set of entirely new content. sky’s the limit in this version.

Eye color’s not quite the same, maybe there’ll be contact lenses in the future.

That entire sentence is him talking to the Alliance players, telling them that if what they want is to play a “fair skinned, light-haired, blue eyed elf” they should go to the Horde, and while the eyes don’t match there might be lenses in the future. He’s finishing the same thought, in the same sentence. You’re just trying to be stubborn at this point.

Eye color conversation.

It’s not happening until we see it happening.

Danuser deliberately imposes conditions to his own explanation. “Would”, “if”, “could”. He can’t even confirm if there’s a way to create more void elves (“Would see if they could undergo a similar process”). Second, he talks about elves with “similar interest”, which means some very specific blood and high elves, not the whole high elf population.

If what I think will happen ends up truly happening, it’ll be told in a very clear way, in-game or at least in a book, short story, cinematic or comic. Until then, nothing is happening.


Developers of any company does this. They only say no when it is straight up absurd and on the wall of crazy.


He’s aware of it, he just doesn’t separate them from high elves like you do. Blood elves DID have blue eyes.

Keep in mind that his statement about the horde waiting for us etc, completely misunderstands what we’re asking for. He reduced it to looks and doesn’t take into account why we like and want high elves.


Serious answer? Years, years and years. What’s going to make them do otherwise? If you and thousands of others are not actively threatening to unsub, demonstrating a downside for stringing you along, why would they?

And this part I just flat out disagree with. Saying they’re listening and ultimately deciding not to implement what you want isn’t bad faith at all. “Yes, we’ve read the forums - there sure are some really passionate and dedicated people on this playable High Elf subject” in no way means “So we’ll put them in” and deciding not to is most assuredly not dealing in bad faith.

Bad faith is saying you’ll do something and then not doing it. Bad faith is not saying you’ll think about doing something and then not doing it.

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I’m not trying to be stubborn.

Contact Lenses don’t = Blue eyed Blood Elves.

They = Blood Elves with Contact Lenses.

You can hold your opinion if you want, no skin off of my back. But being a green or gold eyed Blood Elf wearing blue contact lenses makes you a green or a gold eyed blood elf wearing blue contact lenses.

And just how, seeing them in-game, would you ever know?

Exactly, Pretre - and hi by the way - there’s no upside to it. :slight_smile:

Because reputation matters. They’ve already got a negative rep for poor communication. So, stringing people along for years will just increase that.

Maybe eventually they’ll have another out. Maybe they’ll make an expansion so banging and get so many new players that don’t know anything about WoW’s history it won’t even matter anymore.

Wouldn’t hold my breath though.

People come to play a Warcraft fantasy and parts of that are missing.

Nah. Telling people maybe for long enough and then finally saying no seems manipulative. People won’t be thrilled about it, and once again, goes back to the rep thing.


Okay, but he was responding about a question regarding eye color, height and minor adjustments to all the races, and even mentions that different eye colors are things they certainly want to do. In the Q&A I linked he’s referring to Blood elves specifically, suggesting that they may get blue eyes to satisfy that desire with some contact lenses if people want to look like High elves.

The fact that he didn’t bring up elves specifically in a question geared toward all the races isn’t really evidence of anything.

Doesn’t matter to me man. They can add contact lenses.

People can RP Blood Elves as High Elves all they want. They already do.

Until it’s a face option in the barbers shop though it’s just an item.

Is it gonna be exclusive to Blood Elves?

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Come on Callistus…what they’ve been saying has been far more “Not likely, but don’t give up hope” than “Maybe”.


I don’t think they’ve done that. Aside from an interview where Ion throws out the hypothetical of playable ‘high elves’ (a stance he considered then made a 108 on), everything I’ve seen suggests they aren’t stringing you along at all. They have no intention of doing it.