High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Would’ve been here faster but the thread had been locked again.

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It’s good to have our thread back!


I say we give Blood Elves blue eyes and more skin tones.


Now that the thread is on, the balance in the forums has been restored.


My job has been completed for the moment. The wilderness calls.

Proceeds to reverse hero land, have a Big Mac, release all the Pokemon…


But be prepared, you will have a lot of work to do when they make High Elves playable.


The elevator is working again, you could have taken that.


…buries the axe, repairs the wall, smooths over the door, and fixes the window.

Well, when that happens, I probably don’t need to keep track anymore… since so many people will be running arouond as them.

Where’s the fun in that?

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High Elf Hunter Pet Ideas

Hummingbird (no version in game yet)
Lynx (Something different from the belf lynxes, maybe magically infused depending on their story)
Maybe something akin to a dragonhawk that evolved somehow?
Unicorn (Would be cool to see some armored unicorns)

Can anyone think of other ideas that might fit? I know the dragonhawk and lynx may not be well received by some people but the same people also like to claim belves and helves are exactly the same sooo :wink:


Will you list the brave and loyal High Elf adventurers?

Well, you can do that for 5 minutes before losing count.


Yeah, plus I’d have to travel to other servers to see the other High Elf adventurers I can’t see on my server… it would be too much work. I’m better off with just the NPCs.

What is the purpose of the list exactly?

Well, it started initially when a certain someone claimed that there were fewer than a dozen High Elves in the game. I hastily made a list proving them wrong. They changed their statement saying there’s less than 50. Proved them wrong again. Less than 100? Proved them wrong again.

Basically I then started making a comprehensive list for my own amusement, and I’ve sorta become the “numbers guy” over time. In the end it doesn’t mean anything, but I do it anyway.

Que the “you have no life” quips.


You have no life ~_~

Good afternoon everyone. Hope y’all are having a mighty wonderful day :blush:


I think they could have done the first 4 ARs so much better. Something like this:

Nightborne - Horde
Could have been Alliance, but I rather like the idea of faction-swapping ARs.

Highmountain Tauren - Alliance
Sylvanas treated Mayla like some sort of serf, and if an implied insult was enough to get the Nightborne to go Horde, then a direct one like this was more than enough to get Highmountain Tauren to go Alliance.

Void Broken (Krokul) - Horde
This group detested Velen for leaving them behind on Argus, so them joining the Horde makes a lot more sense than Alliance.

Lightforged Elves - Alliance
The whole Alleria void thing was shoehorned so hard it hurts. Previously, the Army of the Light was not some force of militant draenei, but a group of elves, humans, and dwarves led by Alleria and Turalyon.

So had Alleria absorbed the largest fragment of Xe’ra and became lightforged, she could have then taken a bunch of the smaller fragments back to the Allerian Stronghold to recruit her kin, and show them how to use these fragments to lightforge themselves as well.

Gold eyes would have never gone to Blood Elves but to the Lightforged Elves, which is probably what they were originally created for anyways. At least until some last minute change by the devs (Argussian Reach is the Void Elf faction???).


Gold eyes went to the blood elves specifically because they are the playable race, and it was something that existed already.

I am glad we didn’t get lightforged elves. I don’t care for the yellow glow. I’d prefer the white glow Calia’s new model has. Or a lighter, softer yellow.


You got something against the color yellow!?

Hey, I said a lighter, softer yellow would be fine! I just don’t like the yellow belf or lightforged draenei eyes.