High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

No. They were allowed to return to the rest of them.

Where’d you get that from.

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We should petition Blizzard to torture/massacre different races other than Night Elves and Draenei…

like… let the Dwarves and the Tauren take it for an expansion or something.

I mean, it’s been long enough since Warcraft 3. If they need an emotional cheapshot Blood Elves are doing ok right now.

Good news.

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I guess Baine’s struggling. haha.

Man in Warcraft 3 they were worried about going extinct. So I’m never sure they’re ready to get pushed around.

I didn’t feel like the High Mountain Tauren were really having too many issues in Legion, even with the quest line.

Yeah? Why didn’t we ever recover them? Or maybe it was just relief for the people who were afraid they were mass murderers?

Any way… way off topic. lol

I’d say the silver covenant could find a new home in ashenvale or darkshore if they make good with Tyrande, and help the defense of night elf lands. They have before in suramar… I’d say they could build an enclave with the highborne mages or something. That’s just my personal request.


Whoa there.
What game have you been playing? So far the main role of the Tauren since, forever has been to be innocent victims.

Camp T, the ones in Stonetalon, that camp in Stormheim with the goblins, Baine this expansion, WC3…

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From actually doing the quests with my Horde main. I don’t remember anything about lettimg them return, on the contrary.

I like Baine. Hope things go well for him. Just a good Tauren dude out there.

Feel like Stormwind needs a new park district. Especially with all those Night Elven refugees.

Iam done with Stormwind… plus congregating everyone there makes it a big target… which I don’t mind?

New zone and new night elf fort in ashenvale, if they did that it would be more believable that the night elves actually care for that zone.

Plus I don’t like being a pumpkin farmer…

Don’t mind me, iam just a simple night elf tendin’ to mah pumpkins.

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I’m having trouble with my tablet pasting for some reason but the quest text explicitly says they get captured, questioned, then released.

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Do you mind reminding me the name of the quest? Not sure if we’re talking about the same one

Traitors deserve to suffer.

No Small Mercy.

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I liked them better when they were all Eredar, not the retconned goody two hoofs we got.


You’re right, it does say they’d be released afterwards. I always assumed they were prisoners, as well as other posters commenting in Wowhead. Are we sure they were ever released though?

Given the fact that it’s Saurfang and we never see nor hear about a sudden cache of night elven slaves, it seems likely he kept his word.


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Crashes through the window, smashes through the door, bursts through the brick wall, rips the axe from the orc and beats him with the blunt end, knocks the bull in the china shop over, sails through the English straight on a banana, pulls the sword in the stone, slaps the Skull of Gul’dan from Illidan’s hands, wins a pie eating contest, shoots the son of a ****, gets in the robot, has a Newtype awakening, tells Lalah he still has a home to go to, has a sword duel, tells the man in black cape ITS NOT TRUE, jumps through the garbage chute, blows up the Orbital Battle Station, wins the gold trophy from Mirror Mode Star Cup, skips the end credits scene, says “hi” to Stan Lee, pulls the sword from the sorting hat, defeats the Shredder, beats King Dedede at the Gourmet Race, got in another robot- THEY DIDN’T RUN OUT OF BUDGET, thats a common misconception- the writer just got really artsy at the end, Jumps the canyon, slow walks away from the explosion, blows up the shark, collects a million studs, completes the Pokedex, eats a vegan meal, and does a Superhero landing.

…Did someone say “list?”

Burning Crusade/Outland

Terrokar Forest- Allerian Stronghold/Post
Taela Everstride, Ros’eleth, Captain Auric Sunchaser, Aeman Brightsong, Theine Brightsong, Innkeeper Biribi, Theloria Shadecloak, High Elf Ranger x6

Area 52- Ravandwyr
Shattrath- High Elf Refugee x2 (a third can appear on the Terrace of Light,) Selis Silksong (Event)


Man that was fast.