High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It’s always been an element, just as the Horde’s propensity towards militarism has been.

Hell, one of the very first quests new orcs and trolls used to get was acquiring a set of orders from some Alliance friendly Kul Tirans in Durotar that basically said they were planning to wipe the orcs out.

lol i was questing thru hillsbarad and found the horde were growing humans like potatoes.

I mean in a game of orcs vs humans… it’s not really out of the question that they wanna wipe each other out? Kinda the premise of the game.

I wouldn’t call it racist, because it’s purely fiction.

undercity looks like the lab of a mad scientist. expect to see frankenstein walk by

You kill the guy doing that.

I’ve never thought of genocide as a core goal of the orcs or humans, tbh.

If it was no one would be complaining about tree burn 2018.

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and all the humans too. that was a gross quest chain. hehe

Fun fact, if you click them instead of using the quest item on them you dig them out of the ground and get the same credit.


Don’t really think that argument holds much weight with the context of the first and second war…

I mean when you quest through Stormsong Valley the Horde attack a village and impale non-combatants against walls.


oh that’s good to know. now this, this is a good quest

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For full context the nation of Kul Tiras has been committing atrocities in Durotar for 15 years now.

It doesn’t excuse it, but what happens there is n9t unprevoked,

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This one just stings because the night elves have been bloodied up plenty of times by the horde as it is… then they said we wouldn’t know who burns it and then turns out they were lying :lying_face: because everyone knew it was Sylvanas. That one is a bit deeper than just genocide.

But it’s obviously not just Alliance wanting to wipe the other side out… and when you refer to the Kultirans in durotar that was their post alliance days.

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Yeah. I’ve got a ton of Night Elves, but Night Elves in the story exist to be beautiful so people can mourn their destruction.

But it’s an easy cheap thrill to write. You can burn down human villages without evoking much sympathy from the player, but murder a few irreplaceable 10,000 year old statuesque elves and it’s easy to mourn about it.

Which is why every expansion throws in some more NIght Elf villages to get burned down.

Or their pre Alliance days?

Either way i strongly disagree with the concept that either side is actively seeking to genocide the other.

For instance during tree burn Horde players saved significant numbers of nelf civilians, which would be an odd thing to do if ethnic cleansing was the objective.

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Actionable in what sense? If you’re suggesting that responding to requests for playable High Elves by paraphrasing the same response Ion used was ever - in and of itself - something that could result in disciplinary action on the forums then citations are in order…because absent proof of that I’m just going to say it’s not true.

If you’re saying “Many of us flagged people for using that line and the flaggings did what flaggings do” then sure - otherwise, I don’t buy it.


Old forums.

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I was in these discussions in the old forums.

I feel like there’s also an element of logic to it as well. They share a land border with the Horde’s military and industrial capital as well as the pretty wide majority of its populace. Night elves getting gooned every time war breaks out tracks.


Yeah. But BFA - Burn the Tree - Then the whole Darkshore thing.
Legion - Val’sharah

Cataclysm was when the war broke out, right? Feel like that’s when they updated the zones. Not to mention Deathwing torches the tree.

Warcraft 3 they sacrifice their immortality by blowing up a tree. Plus Cenarius.

The Emerald Dream is perpetually on fire. Mount Hyjal is literally on fire.

I’ll snoop around for the blue post when I’ve got some time.

Also. Anybody see the bluepost where they’re talking about why Kul’tirans don’t have Paladins and what races in wow stands for? was hunting for it yesterday but couldn’t find it. Used to have a notepad with that stuff. But been busy.

I mean… we both mentioned the tree burning, which was intentional. Forsaken don’t seem to mind wiping out humans for testing and creating new forsaken so?