High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The High Elves aren’t responsible for what the Void Elves do.

What are they going to do? Complain to Anduin?

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blizz needs to make it so you can no longer make an elven dh. from this day forward, all dh have to be gnomes or goblins… gnomest will love you for it too.

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Sorry no. That can’t work as Tauren need to be DHs, they already have the hooves.

The Blood Totem Tribe aren’t Demon Hunters?

We seem to be making a habit of this.

okay, will add ya. gnomes, goblins and tauren.
man that would look epically scary. big tauren with massive wings coming at ya.

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i agree that velfs are an impossibly bad decision. not only were they the exact opposite of why helfers wanted high elves, they toss the lore on the ground and use it as a trampoline.


I didn’t say that either.

The High Elves aren’t responsible for what the Void Elves do.

The Blood Elves are using Blood Magic right now.

The Horde has some crazy insane Undead in it right now.

Your argument is that the Void Elves have done things the High Elves don’t approve of, so they should jump in with the Blood Elves…

They could also just keep being autonomous High Elves. Seems to make the most sense, since nobody is doing things they personally approve of.

It’s like they have their own ideals and culture or something.


It’s about impossible to say no races would be taking issue with that they do, I mean even the Dark Irons dwarves have a bad edgy side… they had a bunch of goblins murdered by using a being summoned from the fire lands… I mean it was fun while it lasted… but kind of goes against the Alliance themes.

what were you saying? i got the impression you were making the point that it doesnt make sense to be okay with velfs being even worse than belfs. of course it doesnt make sense. velfs make no sense.

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Does it though? Racism and arrogance were the Alliance’s ugly side once upon a time when the Alliance weren’t always the good guys and the Horde weren’t always the bad guys.

It’s part of the reason I actually like void elves even if their introduction was atrocious. They are a fantastic vehicle for the Alliance to take a few swipes to the old noodle with the villain bat.

When did Garithos become the entire Alliance?


Which faction a high elf character would be on is probably not going to be an issue next expansion where they’re likely (hopefully) getting rid of factions or potentially just having open recruitment for any race to be either faction, based on educated speculation (and rational decisions about what they should probably do after this expansion’s completely snafu plot)

The desire to play a high elf character is probably a specific extension of a desire to be able to play a character rather than an observer who participates in, but does not really affect, any of what happens in azeroth story-wise where the players really are just observers. This game is, in a lot of ways, an RPG in name only to be honest.

So while there could be another angle to it for other players, I’d say for a large number of people, what we’re after is the ability to play a character who’s biographical information pertains to either being a veteran of the second war or otherwise part of the alliance that didn’t drink the kael’thas kool-aid and join up with the horde (and then to have that biographical information reflected in the experience of playing the game in an interactive roleplaying way). And those elves are a group that never really left the alliance, unlike the void elves who have left and come back. This is probably a relevant difference as well.

If you think Garithos is the only example of the Alliance being racist you really need to do a bit more reading, my man.


To be blunt, they will never come out and give a hard no. That would be stupid to take the carrot off the stick.

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Mists of pandaria did a good job showing both faction’s colonialist/imperialist tendencies in conjunction with each faction having good and bad actors where the “good” actors were largely excusing or ignoring the racist or criminal behaviors of the bad actors when it furthered the faction’s overall goals, and MoP largely did this by having the players fight the more repugnant members of each faction opposing faction respectively within the main quest lines. BfA has reversed this by simply making us do quests for and align directly with the more repugnant faction members, such as sylvanas, and that’s been a questionable decision at best.


Orc Internment camps weren’t thrilling, but I’m not sure if they had any idea what to do with Orcs back then. What else have you got?

I’m not saying the Alliance is perfect. But I don’t think, “The Alliance is racist” is a workable story plot for an MMO.

Besides that, the Alliance image needs some rehab anyways because of the disparity between how Horde players like their faction and hate on the Alliance Faction and the Alliance Faction now has less players than Horde but also seems to have a more negative opinion.

Seriously doubt it’s time to throw a wrench into that.

It’s against their themes as Anduin is a precious flower child… but I think people get the pre wow factions confused?

Pre wow… alliance had racists but largely the good guys because the horde was undeniably evil until wc3. Not really seeing a racist theme in wow For the alliance.

Garrosh was indeed a racist… he hated anything not orc.


I do miss the Scarlet Crusade though. They were a fun antagonist to beat up.

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