High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And I suppose I imagined the part where a huge part of the schism was how they were disgusted by blood elves draining wildlife for arcane energy.

I can’t imagine why I’d have have thought they might take issue with a group of blood elves who’d done all that plus sell themselves to the void plus do horrific things to animals.

I love when people post Ion’s old comments before he spent all the Q&A’s telling players he wanted to hear their feedback and are considering what they want and that they’re waiting to do more Allied Races until then.

Haha. Glad the world stopped two years ago.


That’s ironic for someone in a community stuck in the early 2000’s.

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I’m not really interested in the whole lore part of the argument here. For this specific topic this is all about the abuse of English. This is a pet peeve of mine now this whole trying to redefine the meaning of the phrase to try and get what they want. I pretty much standing firm here because it feels like dishonest arguing that either pretends to quote something while making subtle changes that completely alter the meaning of the phrase or just rejecting reality and substituting their own.

Basically, argue all you want on how much weight that quote has, whether it’s been made obsolete. Knock yourself out. Just don’t be sneaky with the quote.

Nah man. We like the new High Elf stuff too. Suramar was sick.

Feeding Sunreavers to sharks was sick too.


lol I’d love to repeat the Purge of Dalaran scenario. Why can’t we repeat it :sob:

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This is the literal definition of spamming.


I feel like Suramar is helfs in a nutshell. Provide a military force roughly the size of a small dance troupe and get made fun of while blood elves and night elves do all the actual work.

I like dance crews a lot.

And the rest of the comment is fine. Sign me up. That’s the race I want to play.


Again, I just step in here when people try and lie about what it says, which really is the trolling part of it. That part I keep calling people out on is pretty clear, but people keep trying to pretend that it means something it doesn’t, and some have learned that that doesn’t work so they change the words and hope people don’t notice.

You didn’t imagine it, it just doesn’t apply to every High Elf.

As we’re all aware, most of the Silver Covenant are likely former Sunreavers or the children of former Sunreavers – and we’ve got no idea how many of either group ultimately returned to Quel’thalas with Kael’thas in the first place, though we do know that most of the High Elves in Dalaran went with Jaina to Theramore.

I’m not sure what else to tell you? The bulk of those who today call themselves High Elves weren’t present in Quel’thalas at all when Lor’themar exiled the naysayers, who would go on to domicile in Quel’Lithien and Quel’Danil. :man_shrugging:


Like I have said, at some point long ago these “tactics” stopped being anything remotely close to feedback and now its just a way to try and derail the thread and pick fights which is trolling.


I’m genuinely confused. You’re describing 90% of antis’ comments and yet I never see you calling them out. :thinking:


Like I said, he wasnt as firm as people claim he was because there is room for interpretation. Players need to stop trying to use these things to attack one another and stick to what the thread is here for: feedback and discussion on playable alliance high elves as an allied race. Blizz doesnt need players telling them where they stand, and frankly players dont need it either.


Ion is, quite simply, just the handiest target with a Blizzard Employee name tag.

Of course he doesn’t make these decisions in a vacuum, some of them are probably made above him and he’s executing them while some of them are consensus decisions.

Ion’s just the easiest place for people to aim their frustrations over everything from class balance, pvp population balance, realm balance, pathfinder, ARs…ad nauseum.

If it’s bad in the game, it’s his fault. It’s ridiculous, but if anyone in these forums thinks he gives a damn what’s being said about him here then they need a reality check.

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D-did anyone say he did?

For sure most of the recent posts is just trying to start a fight… like the Void Elf bit. The Ion postings. Just unrestrained antagonism.


How is discussing high elves in the high elf thread trying to start a fight?

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Is it impossible to write something to antagonize someone who wants something?

Not sure where your confusion is coming from.

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I’m not sure I said that at all.

Ironically it seems like all your posts are attempts to pick fights.

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