High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I mean…it means the same thing so what did you fix?
Its a name change.

Free shirt vendor in Shattrath is a high elf.

(Another high elf added to BfA. :stuck_out_tongue:)

That’s all.


That means they are an alliance high elf not a neutral high elf or blue eyed blood elf. because blue eyed blood elves exist and you cant tell what adjective they identify as without them telling you and shat is a sanctuary city

I personally would absolutely love it if they used a model like the fan-made one up in the OP, with the Human model and Elven features and all. It’d certainly one way to bring in a new playable AR, by working with members of the player-base who’ve shown such passion and interest!

And since they were talking about the WC 2 nostalgia months back, it could be a neat send off for BfA to have High Elves and Ogres actually becoming playable. (Yes, I’m going to mention Ogres now and then because I want them too…)

It’s too bad the discussion is still so back and forth at the moment but, at least it’s still on-going! That’s a good thing, I think!


Thousands and thousands of posts for something that in all likelihood will never happen while Ion Hazzikostas is in office.

Whenever he gets fired honorably fired laid off discharged fired then they’ll be hope for you all.

While we’re at it, why not unlock the holiday transmogs too?

I’m still waiting on whether we get some new transmogs to purchase with the trial token things or not when the next Trial of Style swings around. The current selection doesn’t really interest me!


Just because something may not happen, doesn’t mean that discussion surrounding it isn’t okay. I love the fan art often posted here.


Not once did I ever say or imply that, little Degnome Hunter.


This NPC in particular is a High Elf, not a blue-eyed Blood Elf. If she were a blue-eyed Blood Elf, she’d have the Blood Elf speech emotes (she doesn’t).

Also, she’s friendly to Alliance players. Neutral to Horde players (duh, event NPCs can’t be unfriendly to the other faction).


yes they can, if they cared to make a distinction they would simply put a horde NPC there as well. there are high elf refugees in shat flagged friendly to horde after all

Someone summon Bladinas, his list need a little update.


Why do people have this weird thing where they think Ion is the sole decision maker or contributor to what Blizzard does?

It’s not like in the 11 years before he got promoted they were literally just about to come out with high elves.


its scapegoating. if they blame it all on ion, despite decisions being team based, there is still ‘hope’

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At this point because the Allied Race system is new. It is the only avenue for playable high elves, other wise they are not a core race.

Groups that are allied to the factions that players gain access to now instead of npcs. Plus it never hurts to show our interest in them.

Well his tone when he discusses the topic is very off putting, almost insulting. I just want to know who is thinking it’s a good idea to sprinkle in the high elves in random places all the time?? Nothing to keep the dream alive like tossing them in the mix all the time when other core races can fit the bill.

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And this post has what to do with Ion?

You mentioned the previous 11 years… and I was making the remark that the AR system gives rise to our requests… I don’t care for the way Ion says things, but I can’t do anything about it. I just know the forums in general don’t care for his reactions to wow questions. But until he leaves then what can we do?

Basically, yeah and no.

I don’t like the guy one bit at that.

Zugsworth is primarily to blame for the head decision to restrict transmogs and all things “fun”.

The head makes the final decision. The executives follow orders and delegate the work to cubicle folk.

Ion is essentially the WoW team’s mouthpiece and whip cracker. I don’t know if you’ve ever work in any kind of software development role, but his job is basically putting a big rubber stamp on everyone’s work to say he approves, yelling at them to work harder and to work out the overall direction of the game’s development. For instance he might say “I want class differences to be emphasised this xpac with simpler rotations”, but he wouldn’t say “warlocks are stupid make them use pink fire now”.

His job is not to decide which races get added. Ion quitting will not make any difference at all to whether or not high elves get added.

His job and how well or poorly he does it affects us all more than any other person in the WoW Dev team.

Never said he was the sole reason we don’t have them. His attitude doesn’t help, but he has never said if he personally agrees or disagrees…

So you think we are all here purely bashing on Ion I’ve got news for you, we are not… so it’s best to drop That facet of this subject.

No harm in letting the devs know “hey we want playable high elves for alliance”

Which I am absolutely sure they are well aware… but the subject won’t go away unfortunately.