High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yikes, if they didn’t like tapping animals for mana, how should they feel about voiding animals in Zuldazar?

I don’t know if “Sold themselves to the Void” is what happened.

They didn’t want their weird cube to turn them into tentacle monsters.


The Void Undead T-rex is the best ride at the amusement park.

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those NPCs dont exist anymore in the mage district either. its just the portal keepers now

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They were doing it to living ravanasuars too. Even the eggs.

Which happened after they started heavily delving into what sort of energies?

If only someone had warned them…

Those poor little baby dinosaurs… They were actually channeling the void DIRECTLY into the eggs to turn them into mindless void servants. I honestly can’t imagine how any High elf would be okay with that.

I’ve personally got money on high elves being absorbed into the void elves and any survivors returning to Quel’thalas.

It seems like the high elves have quite a bit more in common with Blood Elves than the Alliance’s favourite new elven sub-race.


I’ve said this countless times as well, and even suggested it as a compromise so both sides can have High elves, unfortunately this seems to go against the grain for many helfers.

And now you understand why Void Elves are Blood Elves and how stupid it is to tell us to play Void Elves instead of asking for High Elves.


Theres alot of word gymnastics here. Frist void elves are no longer high/blood elves and thats the whole point and what allowed the model to cross the faction boundary

Second high elves are already playable, clinging to an adjective doesnt make the request look more legit but actually disingenous. Alliance high elves are what is not playable

And those void elves, as broflake has pointed out, are blood elves who spent their entire time studying the void. They also claim to dislike the horde. They seem to be more ‘alliance high elf’ then blood elf :woman_shrugging:

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Keep those gymnastics going :muscle:t3:


Except my gymnastics are backed by lore and development

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You said the same thing I said - Void Elves are Blood Elves, not High Elves.

All you do is nitpick words and expressions to try to somehow discredit our arguments, but, in all honesty Fyre, it is no good to you - absolutely everybody knows that when speaking about “High Elves” we’re talking about Alliance High Elves, there is no need to specify the faction because the very game plainly differs them this way. Don’t blame us for naming Alliance High Elves “High Elves” - that’s Blizzard’s fault, if anything.


If anything it proves that high elves are even more similar to blood elves than we thought.

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The game, lore, and development also refer to blood elves as high elves, because thats their race. So when you claim high elves arent playable its blatantly false, alliance high elves are whats not playable :rainbow:


Fixed that for you.


Might want to tread carefully there, I’m not positive, but I’ve seen Kirela bring it up before that that’s actually against the rules to change the words within a quote block like that.

I highly, highly doubt that.

She also thinks Alliance high elves are a good idea, are you going to listen to someone who believes that?