High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That’s how the void elves turned blue. I told them not to steal the gum.

I seriously doubt they would, given the blood elves’ attitude towards Alleria and Vereesa and A&V’s attitude towards the Horde. Plus, there’s never been anything to indicate any reason why they would want to leave the Alliance. If anything, we’re more in danger of losing the night elves; which I really hope won’t happen either.


I doubt the night elves would leave the alliance. Some might be mad at Anduin, but not enough to join the people that burned down our home…unless they are undead night elves apparently.


I really really love the concept where the High Elves use the Human model rather than the Blood Elf one. It would be amazing and fitting lorewise. I would also accept fair skinned and light haired Void Elves.


I really really doubt they will be uprooting player characters from their factions.

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Lor’themar was very accepting and polite toward Alleria though, even when Rommmath tried to restrict her from seeing the Sunwell he interceded on her behalf and allowed her in. It was only when her presence threatened the sanctity of the Sunwell did he exile her.

Also Lor’themar has some sort of personal grudge against Vareesa, considering Halduron and his forces had no problem joining together and working as a team to fight off the amani with her and her High elves.

Plus with the Sunwell restored, and being shared among the Blood and High elves there’s more cause for them to reunify then there ever was. Even Auric Sunchaser, the commander of the Allerian High elves says that both groups should come together behind the new sunwell, referring to them collectively as the “children of silvermoon” Another Allerian High elf Ros’elth even refers to Blood elves as Quel’dorei, and also spoke of wanting to reunify the two groups and restore the glory of their race.

Also not all high elves are aligned with the Alliance, many are simply neutral and remained in Dalaran.

That isn’t what he says. Haha. He says that they should “Avenge” Silvermoon and the destruction of the Sunwell.

Keep in mind this happens in Wrath where you’re murdering Arthas.


Also, I’m not going to paint people who don’t want High Elves with too broad a brush…

But it seems like all the, “They’re upholding the legacy of the Quel’dorei” people are ignoring that Blood Elves exist and it segues into hoping the High Elves return…

Because then they can be the High Elves. But they’re not. They’re Blood Elves. They’ve got a different history after Arthas wrecks Silvermoon.

Seriously. Just let Blood Elves be Blood Elves. bad enough that right now they’re just a huge retcon with no story progression.


He says he sees a Blood Elf getting the sword as a “sign” that “they” should rally behind and avenge the destruction of Silvermoon and the Sunwell, both Blood Elven states. And this is right after referring to both Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei collectively as children of Silvermoon. He was certainly making his desire for reunification between the two groups clear.

Ros’eleth, another member of the High elves under him says something very similar about Blood elves, referring to them as High elves as well, and also wishing to reuinite the two groups and restore their former glory as a race. This seems to be a pattern with this particular group of high elves.

Auric sunchase does actually say he wants the high elves and blood elves to reunite. I would need to find the text though, since I have yet to find the stupid battered hilt to proc the quest chain >=(

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reuniting the high elf people is the only way i ever see the SC elves ever becoming playable, it doesnt matter if they are horde aligned they would still be your elves ‘lorewise.’ or if dalaran becomes a playable faction those are the only ways it happens

its clear blizzards intention was always that blood elves would be the high elves of wow. so adding playable alliance high elves would detract from the blood elves and blizzards unique twist on fantasy high elven tropes, they are the group that blizzard intends to hold the torch for the high elf story for the foreseeable future

its clear that from the very beginning of the introduction of the high elf rebranding as blood elves that blizzard looked at them as “the high elves of wow”. this is why alliance aligned high elves would blur faction lines, because high elven lore is blood elven lore now and blizzard intends to keep it that way… hence why void elves were made an AR as opposed to playable alliance high elves

we can go all the way back to the godfather of warcraft lore, chris metzen, that blood elves are the high elves, but a few continue to distort logic and reasoning with mindless hope and wishful thinking

even if vereesa is caught and killed in a battle between her sisters. there will be a few that say ‘the bronze dragons could open a rift to old azeroth and recruit past high elves as an AR!’ sometimes its better to lose with grace

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Being Blood Elves doesn’t mean they can’t accept high elves back into their culture, as I pointed out before it happened when they witnessed what the Alliance were doing to the Blood Elves, and with the Sunwell restored and the Blood Elves on the road to redemption, for the most part, I can easily see an arc where a group of them decide to return home to their friends and family before the splintering.

This is an idea Blizzard has been toying with narratively for some time now, with Lor’themar reaching out to the High elves of Quel’lithien, and opening the gates to the Sunwell to the High elves. I think a story revolving the High elves return back to Silvermoon would be interesting, and fulfilling story.

In the end it’s a matter of opinion on where we want to see the Blood and High elves stories lead.

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it doesnt even have to be the SC elves, the hut elves could simply return to quel’thalas. they already accepted the rebranding once before getting exiled and headed south and reverted back to ‘high elf’ to show political dissent

One thing that interests me is how high elves will respond to void elves.

As much as they dislike blood elves void elves must be infinitely worse.

They hang out in the Mage District.

And they study them in the Rift.

And there is a High Elf teaching a Void Elf in the Mage tower.


im pretty sure its only a matter of time before a group, probably the riftrunners, tries to void the few SC elves still alive. this could be the lynch pin to drive them back to quel’thalas

That could work.

I mean more than a few unblinking npcs standing next to each other.

It seems weird to me that a group who were so aghast at the prospect of killing animals and trees for arcane energy would take no issue with a group who did those same things and then sold themselves to the void.

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If thier issue with Blood Elves was that they were too edgy, Void Elves are the ultimate edge elves.

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That’s what I mean, if the high elves aren’t just massive hypocrites they should find the void elves utterly offensive. Worse than they ever found the blood elves.