High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I don’t disagree that this is typical, I disagree that it is mandatory.

Dark Iron Dwarves were called this long before Ragnaros, were it mandatory that any changed group change their name, these would be known to us as something like “Furnace Dwarves”.

I thought that in that audio drama from Legion, they couldn’t (or didn’t, for some reason) make physical contact. I can’t remember the specifics, though.

The only canon thing we know is they live healthily into the 200’s. That’s ~3 times the lifespan you could expect from the average American, whose familial generations are typically in the 20-30 year range – if we cared to theorize, this might mean that a typical familiar generation for the Dwarves would be something like 60-90 years.

Which means that we’d be somewhere between ~1/6 and ~1/9th of the way through the generation which represents children born post-Ragnaros. In any case, there is only a singular example to go on at this point, and it’s Dagran Thaurissan II – who by all accounts was born post-Ragnaros and whom displays precisely none of the Dark Iron’s fiery traits.

As you’ve suggested, it’s certainly plausible that the Bronzebeard’s just have strong genetics – but as it’s been demonstrated a half-dozen times already, canonically, it’s more likely that in the absence of the catalyst (in this case, Ragnaros’ raw energy) successive generations simply aren’t affected by the maladies of their parents.

It could be, of course.

It still seems more prudent to tentatively accept the pattern as being intentional, with outliers being unintentional – because the alternative requires that one believe Blizzard has accidentally created a narrative wherein this pattern exists for such a prolific number of the races.

We just don’t know for Void Elves.

For DID’s, we’ve only got one example of someone born post-Ragnaros and that someone doesn’t present with any of the typical traits of a DID – though, in fairness, he’s only half-DID. We don’t know how that factors, but it’s entirely reasonable to expect him to have at least some of the DID’s traits – if they were heritable.

I’m not sure what you actually thought I’d bring up, but I don’t really think that we’ll be able to determine if Night Elves (or Nightborne) or High Elves (including BE’s and VE’s) fit the pattern I’ve described without Blizzard helping us out.

The only means we’ve got at our disposal to determine whether or not the pattern holds is looking at successive generations, who were raised absent of the catalytic magic, and none of Elfkind procreates enough for this to be something we can reasonably expect to see in-game – which means Blizzard is going to have to straight up tell us.

…but that would involve actually talking to the community.

At least we have Christie Golden. :joy::rofl:

Same. I’m not sure how I would’ve handled it, because the obvious choices for Legion were Nightborne and Vrykul – which would have to both go Alliance, in order to not shatter the dichotomy I described above.

They might’ve been able to pull off:

  • Nightborne (A)
  • Vrykul (A)
  • Void Elves (H)
  • Nathanos-style Forsaken (H)
  • HMT and LFD being unlockable customization options for Tauren and Draenei.

This would’ve also allowed the Void Elves to maintain their typical skin color, but to pick up on the WCII-era vibes without BE’s objecting to it – while also keeping the door open for playable High Elves in the future.

I’ve repeatedly intoned that I’d like to see High Elves be subjected to some heinous calamity, which alters their physiological appearance – so “game design” doesn’t factor, as it relates to any of my commentary specifically.

It’s stated in the presentation for “Storm Elves” that their skin color isn’t an issue, and you’ll never find a post in this thread from me asking for pink-fleshed options for Void Elves. You’re arguing with yourself, not anything I’ve requested. :man_shrugging:

im sorry are you implying there is a high elf army or state in the alliance? if there is please cite it

if a few individuals is enough to copy paste the uniqueness of a core horde race then playable horde humans should be a thing as well

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I like Christie Golden. I think the narrative woes come from higher up than that.

I also think you’d get more Horde players with this style of person. Sylvanas / Nathanos style undead.

I don’t feel like Undead have aged well since 2005.


i’d love a nathanos undead. :smiley:

Well. I hate Nathanos. But yeah.

We shall call them Fresh-saken.


he should have been perma dead after what happened with tyrande and malfurion. plot armor. smh.

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Drede man what happened with the mog? I haven’t been logging in cause the forum was dead but also because I don’t have the time. Except today. Wasting some time today.

It’s good seeing you.

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Yeah. Happens when your creator is the one that calls all the narrative shots.


what if ya want curly black hair and wrathion dark skin as a magestic elf? (i realize its not very good art work but i’m practically blind and have a lame hand. its the idea of it, that im trying to point out)
curly dark

They could definitely use a face lift… just don’t lift too hard…

Making an undead version of any race is plausible… looks at DKs… but would have to serve Sylvanas and have that extra layer of necromancy to suspend them from total undeath/decay.

Which if the valkyr raise a fresh human from now on they shouldn’t automatically become rotted flesh forsaken.

Except Worgen. But maybe!

Nathanos is the only reason I can tolerate the Horde, currently. To each his/her own. :stuck_out_tongue:


i like how grumpy he is but i wish he’d have told me to kill baine instead of going along with it every time. :frowning:

Some days I log onto a Horde toon and he talks at me and I’m forced to log off.

He literally keeps me from playing the game.


are there any valkyrs left that are interacting with azeroth?

then it will go to the faction of high elves that is playable and represent well over 90% of the high elf population. i dont think it should be reserved or suggested for a small faction of NPCs mostly aligned with dalaran who will almost certainly never be playable

Signe, Kyra and one other can resurrect Sylvanas still.

There are lesser Valkyr who can’t resurrect Sylvanas that are around.

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I find this accurately reflects my attitude towards the state of the game.

A patched together mess just trying to hold itself together and just functional enough to get stuff done.

Also I wanted to try out the no chest option.

I myself am busy with much IRL stuff and will only get busier in the next few months.

Plus most of the stuff being discussed is dealing with the made up and demonstrably false hogwash or stuff that’s not actually an issue. Not much to contribute there.

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