High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’ve said multiple times in here that I think all the races that it would make sense for (basically excluding fantasy colored races and fuzzy races) should get access to the whole palette of skin tones and hair options.

I was quoting Ion’s line to show the actual words that he said.

I think it’s done anyways. I don’t think anybody is gonna say anything at this point in the conversation that’s going to change anyones mind. It’s been like two years.

The Developers talked about listening to feedback in the Q&A’s. So… We’ll see. But I think the ship has sailed, one way or another. Obviously, the request will never stop. But… No real reason to debate the point here.

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The earth is flat. Were the spawn of aliens. 9/11 was an inside job. Weve never been to the moon. ancient aliens meme here

Joking lol

If I know anything about WoW development, it’s that nothing planned for or against is set in stone and their ideas and reasoning can change at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason.

I consider that a plus because it means the Anti’s think it can happen, otherwise they would not be arguing against it for so long.


well hair style and skin color seems to be a way to differentiate one playable from another. so curly hair would make them look visually different sans full helmet. they’d need different idle stances too. perhaps slightly thicc-er. that and they could have smaller elf ears and smaller elf eyebrows. still be called a high elf but would show indications that their blood lines were indeed changing from intermingling with humans. eating human foods. living human cultural norms. adopting human fashions. ion did say they were being assimilated into other cultures. only culture they’re around alot are humans.

I agree. Everybody thinks it can happen. hence the big long arguments.

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bIue eyed blood elves i can see happening, because they already exist and golden eyes proved their eye color is mutable, but not playable alliance high elves. not when development has made clear faction distinction is important to them and not with void elves, a high elf variant, already existing on the alliance

if political opinion were enough to make core races neutral, the factions are pointless

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For me this is a player friendliness thing. I think if someone comes in and wants to flavor their character with aspects of their own appearance it’s not a bad thing to try to cater to that. (and I include pallid skin tones for undead too) It’s not to deny it if a high elf were to be added, but I feel like it’d be a disservice if those types of customizations were locked to certain race options. Blood elves should get them, and humans, gnomes, dwarves, undead and so on should all get them too. High elves as well if they are added.

This is just something I think would be a positive addition to the game period, and that it’d be a shame to lock those kinds of customization to a select few of the races that could benefit from them.

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well gotta agree there. customizations are good.


I am all down for customizations for all existing races, especially the core races. I’d say if the alliance does get the High elves, then the Blood Elves are welcome to even more customizations. Like most ARs the High elves would definitely have less options as opposed to the Blood elves… we won’t have green eyes, and I highly doubt golden eyes also possible for them to gain them. Blood elves at that point would possibly get blue eyes as well.

Classes available would be less than Blood elves, at the very least no access to Death knights and no access to demon hunters.

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I think significantly would be trolls and night elves heh, not nightborne and night elves.


It’s a semantic nitpick, to be sure, but there isn’t such a thing as a “neutral race”.

Even the Pandaren are, ultimately, not “neutral”.

fyor we both know pandaria is neutral and not aligned with the alliance or horde. they dont even have a standing army. the shado pan have taken it amongst themselves to defend pandaria to the best of their abilities

the high elf people are not a neutral race. neither are orcs, humans, dwarves or trolls

Right, but apparently only one of us knows that the continental Pandaren living on Pandaria proper aren’t playable at all – and that the playable faction(s) of Pandaren are the Tushi or the Huojin, permanent residents of the Wandering Isle which has been completely independent of Pandaria for something on the order of ~9,500+ years.

The playable Pandaren on the Alliance are Tushi. They’re not “neutral”.
The playable Pandaren on the Horde are Huojin. They’re not “neutral”.

There isn’t such a thing as a playable race which is “neutral”.



they are neutral upon making a faction choice, the wandering isle is a tiny fraction of the pandaren people

There shouldn’t have been enough of him left to bury. :slight_smile:

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That “tiny fraction” are the only Pandaren we can play as – not sure what to tell you, them’s the facts. :man_shrugging:


and to quote metzen, blood elves are our high elves. they are the playable high elf faction. the facts dont care about feelings

And yet that wasn’t actually a quote. :man_shrugging:

2 out of 10 for effort.