High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

more of my goofy artwork. its an overpaint of soridormi. the robe is not wow like, though. but after i made it, i didnt want to change it lol i apologize that it has the belf signature idle stance.


They aren’t though.

I think it’s just because I’ve read so much lore man. Like I said, WoW’s got it’s set of internal rules. They exist in the storytelling, but Chronicles lays them down as well.

Eh. I like you actually. You’re pretty clever.

Yeah but the NPC’s don’t look different either though. They uniformly have a darker skin shade but like, the vast majority of difference is just in the clothing.

They were like, “What if we threw them in some structured neon Egyptian styles?”

To be fair to the NIghtborne. Their one unique cultural change is probably their outfits. Since you can hang out with old school Azshara and see the Highborne aren’t dressed like that back in the day. (caverns of time dungeons.)

I don’t really think so. I think it just has to do with the structured clothing.

Yeah, if they did the model better they wouldn’t be a carbon copy. But looking at Night Elves and Nightborne side by side, they’re just different people of the same race.

When your only differences are skin tones (but only sometimes) and eye color it’s a pretty huge leap to say, “These two things are massively biologically different.”

I don’t think Nightborne are as different from NIght Elves as Fel Blood Elves are from Blood Elves
 and like
 Demon Hunters
 Demon Hunters could pretty easily be considered a different race.

I think if you show Tyrande and Thalryssa to someone who doesn’t play WoW they’re just gonna think they’re sisters.

Not by my logic. by WoW lore. In Chronicles a Kaldorei turns into a Queldorei during a boat ride. Not like, his kids. Him. Same way with the Nightborne. Thalryssa was a Kaldorei. In her lifetime. She’s just got some nightwell magic in her, and over time the Arcan’dore will change her too.

Yeah. But like I said, following that guideline, then High Elves and Blood Elves are a different race
 and the Golden eyed Elves are different from them.

I mean it’s all academic. I don’t particularly care. It’s not like the cosmology debate is going to make High Elves playable. It’s not like High Elves won’t be playable anyways.

Haha. I’m not. I’m just stuck arguing consistent logic against everybody else.

You want to say Nightborne are a different race from Night Elves? Fine.
But then for WoW’s internal logic to remain consistent, High Elves and Blood Elves aren’t the same race. One has been magically changed from the other.

Which is why, when I brought it up earlier, I said I’d rather avoid it. But
 the logic hasn’t changed so we just argue about it here cyclically to infinity.

That’s not true.

I’m not convinced because there are two contradictory statements

But then there is the internal logic that WoW rests on. So it just becomes an academic debate at that point.

WoW encyclopedia High Elves and Blood Elves are biologically the same despite Blood Elves being changed by fel magic.
WoW Race page NIghtborne and NIght Elves are a different race because they were changed by arcane magic.

It doesn’t work
 and it’ll always repeat here because someone will say that the Horde doesn’t have Night Elves. But the horde has copy and pasted Night Elves.

Yeah you do. haha.

Nightborne can’t be a different race from the Night Elves but High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race despite being changed by magic.

Nightborne and NIght Elves can be the same race and High Elves and Blood Elves can be the same race.
NIghtborne and NIght Elves can be different races but High Elves and Blood Elves are also different races.

Basically, they’re either all Dark Trolls at different places of a magical spectrum
They’re all unique, individual races each time they change.

Are Fel Blood Elves a different race from Blood Elves? are Wretched and Withered different races from Blood Elves and Nightborne?

The 10k thing is pointless.

Time doesn’t matter for a transformation of an elf. Just intensity of magic. See Void Elves. See Fal’dorei, See Demon Hunters. See Fel’Blood Elves. See Satyrs.

and Elune has turned a Satyr back into a Kaldorei.

Nah. I’m not being obtuse.

WoW’s got internal, consistent logic.

It’s broken by the two conflicting statements. People use that in arguments here.

The only way to settle it is for a developer to comment and settle it.



I’m not.

You talked to Ion about a comment he made that changed the way he had to approach every Q&A since the moment he made it?

It does.

Ion. We had a big argument about it when you were posting on your Blood Elf.

what is your belfs name?

ion pretty much refuted your claim when he went on to say ‘giving that race to the alliance would blur faction identities’ and he clearly meant that while blood elves dont refer to themselves as high elves anymore, the race is high elf :woman_artist:

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Oh. You mean where Ion said “Blood elves kind of are High Elves” Not like.

I’ve got a couple alts, but I’ve never posted on them, the only other character I’ve posted on is a Dwarf alt I made one post on to show that you don’t need a higher trust level to put a youtube video in a post.

how do velves not though? they are legit blue belves and look EXACTLY the same in armor. if you have a hat on they look EXACTLY the same.


okay. :slight_smile: i was curious because i miss a lot skipping hundreds of posts at a time so i wasn’t sure if you were someone else i’ve been arguing with. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah. With his list of exceptions and differences after that.

But we’re not gonna agree on that. So. You know.

All we can do is keep asking for what we want, and discussing ideas.


I agree. Hopefully good news from Blizzcon. They said they’re listening to allied race feedback.


I think we will get them. I don’t know if any other race has had this much support.

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“So, Blood Elves kind of are High Elves with different eye colors and backstory in terms of their relationship to magic in the Sunwell. But if you want to be a fair-skinned, light, blonde-haired, tall, majestic, elf
that is a Blood Elf.”

Not particularly a strong showing for how they’re very different. But you do have a tendency to change the words in that quote to better suit your argument.

I don’t.

It’s like sometimes I write sentences on the internet.

I don’t know what you’ve got against me. But let it go.

It would most definitely Blur faction identity if we literally got a group of Blood elves that defect from the Horde. But since we already have the theme and flavor of High elves within the alliance, and explained correctly it will not “blur faction identity”

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it’s funny to me beyond measure that they’re okay with alliance BELVES but not alliance helves. lololol. omg what if they were light skinned and blonde??? can you imagine???


Yeah. At the end of the day it’s always about color palettes. Can’t share those fleshtones so people can play the race that’s been in their faction since vanilla.


If they were to do a fair skin redo on the Velves, it would most certainly make them even more like Blood elves. Besides the glowing green eyes.

i know. lolololol.


 they are Blood Elves.

Unlike High Elves, Void Elves did all that Blood Elf stuff.

Some of them may have been Blood Mages. Etc. They were down with the mana draining.

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