High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

If the day ever comes that dwarves join the Horde, I wouldn’t blame you. Until then.

tbf, as a faction representing well over 90% of the living high elf population is playable and a high elf variant already exists, you never know. they could make dalaran a playable faction or simply reunite the high elf people

You bring up “game design” a lot, despite like 75% of the people here who are in favor of playable High Elves not actively campaigning for a copy/paste of Blood Elves – so “game design” isn’t really a factor. :man_shrugging:

And that’s an agreeable premise, but it’s hardly established as a rule – and to continuously state that if the HE’s were visibly altered “they wouldn’t be High Elves anymore” is, ultimately, just you doing a little of that appealing to your own authority on the matter which you accused Callistus of doing just a while ago.

It’s possible.

It doesn’t really matter if the Light is cripplingly painful, or if it’s simply functionally impossible to wield the Light when you’re thoroughly suffused by the Void, because in either case the result is being unable to draw from the Sunwell.

What was it that happened to Alleria when she touched Turalyon, again? I’ve forgotten at this point.

They are horrendously inaccurate, unfortunately.

The Dark Iron Dwarves lived in Ironforge until ~260 years ago, at which point the Bronzebeard Clan drove both the Wildhammer and Dark Iron out of the city – and some time later, undefined by the Warcraft Chronicle, the Dark Iron’s summoned Ragnaros and took on all of their fiery traits.

They were enthralled by Ragnaros from the moment of his re-birth into Azeroth, until we the PC’s sent him packing in Vanilla. There hasn’t even been one generation of DID’s born post-Ragnaros.

It’s surely possible, but hardly more likely than the pattern which holds true for like five or six playable races who’ve been in functionally identical scenarios. :man_shrugging:

Not sure what this means.

To be fair, I’m not saying that any of these changes are temporary – the people who’ve been changed are, as far as we can tell, always going to reflect their particular adjustment(s).

What I’m positing is that it’s quite likely that, in the absence of the particular magical catalyst that caused their physiological changes in the first place, the subsequent generation(s) of any group will likely not present with any of the physiological changes that affected their predecessors.

Right. They definitely need to hit the drawing board for this particular issue.

No, not really.

The reason I suggest it is because the Warcraft Chronicle pretty clearly delineates two perpetual conflicts happening on Azeroth stretching across like the last 12,000 years:

  • A conflict between Seed Races and non-Seed Races.
  • A conflict between Elfkind and Trollkind.

There has been plenty of nuance, in this regard, but after reading the Warcraft Chronicle I felt for sure that Blizzard would utilize this newly formalized dichotomy justly:

  • The Alliance would be the faction for Elfkind, and Seed Races.
  • The Horde would be the faction for Trollkind, and non-Seed Races.

You’d have Blood Elves as a sort of outlier, being the most divergent of Elfkind – and to mirror this you’d ultimately see Dark Trolls joining the Alliance, similarly being the most divergent of Trollkind. Nightborne threw a huge wrench into this conception, which is sad, because it was a conception borne out of something Blizzard had just published as official canon. :man_shrugging:

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Will you make an exception and let high elven dudes have some glorious beards?

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someone i used to be friends with told me that DID were gonna be horde. i was SOOOOOO disappointed they were alliance. :frowning:

It’s just a disparity in the writing.

Yeah. Thalryssa says they’ve changed. Yeah, the WoW race page says they’re a separate race.

Problem is, you’ve gotta play the questline where they’re just the Highborne with wine.

And I told her that.

Also she was totally suffering withdrawal at that point. Can’t believe you’re gonna trust some tripping junkie over me.


Sorry, but I quite literally said this same thing to him. He has some serious habit of ignoring lore with his trusty “Doesn’t matter” line.

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Girl you wish.

That’s just what you tell yourself so you can lie to yourself about Blood Elves.

Rocking in the corner hugging yourself talking about how it’s just two shieldmages.

goes home

Dude if you need someone to help you level just ask. As much as we disagree on things, I don’t hold anything against you.

Yes, because the situations are different. If the situations had been the same, and I held them to different standards feel free to call me out on it. We can’t treat them the same because those circumstances and results are different. We should go case by case if only to ensure we have a clear understanding.

A lot of it partially has to do with how botched they were on the PC variants. The differences between them and night elves are significantly better seen in the NPC models. They’re still considered a different race though. I mean, by your logic, high elves and night elves are the same.
One just ate a lot of grapes and worked out.

If the new lore contradicts the old lore, then the old lore no longer matters. You know this, which is why I called you facetious.

So why are you so stuck if you acknowledge this point?

Because you refuse to acknowledge new lore contradicts the old lore. That is literally the only reason you refuse to be convinced, and its silly.

No you don’t. The nightborne people WERE night elves. They ARE the same people but after the war of the ancients and the isolation they placed themselves, they were changed by the nightwell which was powered by leylines and aman’thul’s eye. No contradiction of ruining.

hmm…makes me more inclined to agree with Fyor actually.

Blood elves= contaminated by fel. No mutations.
Nightborne= transformed over 10k years into a new race.

Not the same dude.

it isn’t contradicted, you’re just being obtuse.
Fel energy wasn’t being directly taken in by the majority of the blood elves, nor were they taken in such high amounts to be changed like fel blood elves were changed.

Doesn’t contradict in the least. None of it contradicts, you’re just thinking it contradicts because you refuse to move from the way you believe it should work.

Not really, no.

You’re not really making any sense. Furthermore, you knew my intent o the comment regarding the titan artifact and well of arcane power. Again, facetious.

I will considering you’re just confusing yourself and teying to substitute reality with your own.

  1. Gaffe means a statement which embarasses the speak.
  2. It doesn’t.


I’ve not said such a thing O_o.

Save it for the Half Elves.

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I mean you’re the one feverishly hovering over those two high elves for hope for playable High elves when Ion quite literally said no, and no plans for it in the future, with the literal absence of any High elf anywhere in Bfa. I’d say I’m pretty happy playing my High elf while you can continue pining for a race you’ll never get on you 115 alt.

But its okay, I’m sure you join Arathi just to stare at those two elves praying for what may be some day.

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It is an important consideration Fyorsing. Mind you, I did not bring it up in terms of what you guys want, simply in the context of discussing the dwarves. I get most don’t mind a change. My arguments on that are different.

Hardly. I am going purely off of what I have observed in game and in lore. Each time we see a significant change in a group, they change the name of their race accordingly.

not sure what you are referring you’ll need to clarify here.

Fak, I figured as much since when I was thinking about it I went “Didn’t we get rid of ragnaros in vanilla?”
I am not sure if we haven’t gone beyond one generation though, since as far as I know, dwarves tend to breed faster than other races.

Could be a matter of inconsistency as well.

Changes resulting from an outside influence like Ragnaros or Void princes, may be permanent compared to changes brought by forces such as fel energy.
I know you’re going to bring up the well of eternity, but that is the blood of Azeroth which is a nascent titan. It holds up to the pattern.

We’re expecting tolkien levels of writing frm Blizzard so we may be left wanting.

TO be honest, I think nightborne and void elves should not have been made playable and they could have gone with other races. Don’t get me wrong, I do plan to unlock a void elf ; I don’t remember how; but there were so much better options they could have used.

except that playable alliance high elves are an exact copy pasta of blood elves, a light skinned and majestic elf with a magic addiction. and ‘game design’ is a factor. they want the faction identities to be distinct.

asking for different skin tones or ‘storm elves’ or void elves with light skin prove its all about the aesthetic. as playable alliance high elves would be identical to blood elves. and besides the notion that alliance high elves can be differentiated from blood elves has already been refuted by development

are night elves magic addicted elves who suffer withdrawal like the NB? are NB druidic elves who worship elune? do NB live in a tree or a grand elven city? why do NB only have dark ash skin tones with white or black hair? if they are just night elves they should have access to all night elf skin tones and hair colors and druid class

2 elves on a ship who dont even have to put boots on the ground. there are FAR more humans helping the horde in BFA. horde humans have more of chance then alliance high elves

What foyrsing desires and a few others is a new race of high elves essentially.

are kt and sw humans the same race?

you keep saying this.

but you’ll follow up with them being on the same faction to try to wiggle out of it.

but hint: they’re exactly the same race but look totally different. thx.

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Blizzard stated they are the same race, and that the models they are using for KT will be used for ALL humans from here on out. It will not be KT specific. I believe it was stated in a Q and A

Where was that ever said?

because thats all that matters, no infringement of the human race or the alliance identity is incurred because it stays on the same faction. dont forget what it took for the high/blood elf model to cross the faction boundary, it had to sprout tentacles and blue skin. NB got a unique model as well with lore supporting it. a political opinion isnt gonna give you a different appearance

what’s your birthday? month/day is fine. i have a sneaking suspicion about sometihng and i’d like you to confirm/deny.

I am old and cranky